I don't know how long it took, until Jiang Ruan felt that the room seemed to be getting colder, and woke up in a daze. When Fang woke up, she saw that all the maids in the room had retreated at some point. She was still a little confused, and subconsciously looked behind the noisy screen. The color of the huge glazed screen is natural, and the picture of mandarin ducks playing in the water is carved in detail. The steaming heat diffuses up. Jiang Ruan looked at it and suddenly felt something was wrong. Only then did he realize that the pattern on the screen did not know when Already quietly changed, from the rich and festive mandarin ducks playing in the water to men and women, the more the heat rises, the more intense they appear, the ecstasy of the movements and postures, you can understand it after thinking about it. Jiang Ruan is not an ignorant little girl. When her previous life entered the palace, the foster mother would also distribute pamphlets to them. It's just that the screen is so magnificent that no one would have noticed the strangeness in it, otherwise, with Xiao Shao's serious temperament, he would never have let such a thing be placed here.

Jiang Ruan didn't know that this screen was an imported product that Jin Yiweimen raised money to get from the West. This piece of colored glaze is natural, full of color, and specially carved by skilled craftsmen. Once the heat rises, it will appear Come out in a special form. Big families can use this to add some fun. For example, if Fang Yunyu cleans himself after the rain, wouldn't he be more interested in seeing the patterns on the screen. This screen also passed the hands of Butler Lin, and everyone was very satisfied, expressing Jin Yiwei's high expectations for his master. It's just that these two masters don't know it.

Jiang Ruan stared at the screen in a daze, but she didn't notice that the person behind the screen had got up at some point, and appeared in front of her eyes with a crash.

Jiang Ruan was taken aback, Xiao Shao rarely saw her staring at something in a daze, he couldn't help but follow her gaze, his expression froze when he saw it. Jiang Ruan came to his senses, his face turned red for no reason. Originally, it was nothing, she was always easy to hold back her emotions, but because of Xiao Shao's presence, she felt uncomfortable all over, and seemed to have a trace of embarrassment and chagrin. His eyes drifted around for a few times, and finally he couldn't help but look at Xiao Shao's expression.

Xiao Shao seemed much calmer than her, but casually put his outer clothes on the screen, covering up the charming scene above. He had bathed before, and he was only wearing a snow-white coat at the moment. His long black jade-like hair was slightly wet, hanging down from his shoulders, and his handsome and extraordinary face was softened under the lamp. Calm and indifferent, but still slightly red behind the ears.

He walked towards Jiang Ruan, Jiang Ruan couldn't help feeling nervous, although he secretly warned himself that nothing would happen, but he subconsciously grabbed the mattress under his hands. Xiao Shao noticed her movements, paused, and stopped a few steps away from her speechlessly, and said, "I'm sleeping on the couch."

There is a soft couch in front of the window, Xiao Shao is about to come forward to get the quilt as he said that. Jiang Ruan glanced at it. The bed was next to the window. It might be startled by the wind at night. After thinking about it, she simply said: "Why are you sleeping in the bed? You still have to pretend to be around. You can sleep here." She moved in a little bit to make room.

Xiao Shao was startled, a trace of strangeness flashed in his eyes, he looked at Jiang Ruan without speaking. Jiang Ruan was secretly annoyed, why did this sound like an invitation. She coughed lightly, probably trying to hide her embarrassing expression just now, she took off her outer clothes generously, and glanced at Xiao Shao again: "After a long day, don't you feel tired? If you are tired, go to bed quickly. I have to go to the palace tomorrow, so I'll go to bed first." She spoke quickly and neatly, and she looked very calm and composed on the surface, but Xiao Shao couldn't help curling her lips. He always has a cold face on weekdays, and people around him always feel that he has a bit of evil spirit, but when he smiles, it is like the first spring sunshine, gorgeous and self-sufficient, almost making people look dazed. Jiang Ruan stared at him: "What are you laughing at?"

"Relax and sleep." He said meaningfully: "I'm very sleepy and don't want to do anything."

Jiang Ruan's face felt very hot again, but the culprit was Shi Shiran who got on the bed, the acacia quilt was right in front of him, it was large and gorgeous, and it was sprinkled with fine incense, nothing compared to the fresh smell of the young man in front of him Come to the bone. Xiao Shao gave her half of the quilt and turned her back, but couldn't hide the joyful eyes in her eyes.

How Jiang Ruan finally fell asleep that night has been lost. Since Zhao Mei passed away, she almost never had the experience of sharing a bed with anyone. Lying on a wide bed with someone sleeping next to her should have been a very alarming thing, but she held the dagger that Xiao Shao gave her in her hand, and in the end she still didn't put it under the pillow, but received it. in the casket. Sharing the same bed with someone is not a warm thing for her. For example, in the previous life, Zhao Mei and Jiang Quan were in the same bed but different dreams. And she also hoped that Ye Li would become the person next to her, and then it was this person next to her in her dream who lied to her for the whole life.

She was very nervous at first, but Xiao Shao closed his eyes very quickly, he slept peacefully and quietly, even Jiang Ruan couldn't help being surprised. As the leader of Jin Yiwei, she did not believe that Xiao Shao was such an unsuspecting person. But this person slept so peacefully, as if the place next to her was the safest place. Watching and watching, Jiang Ruan himself gradually calmed down, those complicated emotions gradually returned to peace, and there was a kind of peace of mind that he had never had before.

Red candles shed hot tears quietly, and time gurgled by. At this moment, the new house does not have the affection of charming flames. It has nothing to do with the wind and moon, but it has a kind of soft warmth. It seems that those deep-seated hatred and indifference that do not belong to the world are also tainted with a trace of fireworks in this festive red.

At dawn, Jiang Ruan opened his eyes when the first faint rays of sunlight shone in. She was surprised that she slept so soundly all night, she turned her head subconsciously, and the first thing that caught her eyes was the man's extremely handsome face.

Xu Shifang was still in a relaxed mood when he woke up, Jiang Ruan himself didn't know why he didn't look away, but turned over, propped his chin with one hand and carefully looked at the young man in front of him. Xiao Shao slept peacefully, less indifferent than when she woke up, with a kind of warmth and softness. Her gaze slid down, following Xiao Shao's closed eyes, across the straight nose, thin lips, and delicate chin, and landed on the white jade-like collarbone.

This man is really born with a good skin, the sun lightly slanted over, giving his face a gentle light golden layer, as handsome as a god. The snow-white tunic had been parted at some point, revealing the jade-like porcelain-white skin, which was faintly hidden under the clothes, and one couldn't help but want to reach out and touch it. Jiang Ruan looked a little dazed, her mind was muddled, and she reached out her hand to touch it. The place touched by her hand was especially silky, and her body temperature was slightly cool, like a fine silk, it was really comfortable and tight.

"Do you think it's okay?" A low and hoarse voice suddenly sounded in his ear, which made Jiang Ruan startled, and retracted his hand like lightning. Xiao Shao woke up at some point. He glanced at her with a half-smile, sat up on his own, and then gathered his collar.

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