The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 394 Cause and Effect (1)

Mr. Baqi sighed, everyone has their own marriage, he said: "Okay, I will save her. Her poison is not difficult to cure, it is just a kind of poison made from poisonous flowers in Dongyi Kingdom. This flower has a psychedelic effect. If there is a knot or demon in the heart, as long as there is something wrong in the daily life, you must endure the torture in your heart every day, and you will see the scene you fear most in your life every day. This poison has no effect on the human body. It is harmful, but it will torture people's hearts, and finally cause people to die of heart failure, and they are tortured to death by their own demons."

Xiao Shao was taken aback for a moment, then frowned: "It really is Dongyi Kingdom!"

"Her demons are too strong." Mr. Baqi said meaningfully: "In fact, she is the most vulnerable now, and the answer you want to know can be obtained from her at this moment. If you want to know secret……"

"No need, Master." Xiao Shao interrupted him: "Even if I want to know her secret, she must tell me in person. I won't, and I don't care about such things."

"She won't want to tell you," Mr. Baqi asked, "If she refuses to tell you this secret for the rest of her life, what should you do?"

"I will accompany her to keep this secret for the rest of my life." Xiao Shao replied.

Mr. Baqi was stunned, and suddenly said seriously: "Ah Shao, I just thought that you were not the number one killer in the world, but now I think that you have no less demons than her. Her demons are secrets, but Your demon is her."

Once a heartless person has love, he will be more persistent than anyone else in the world. Xiao Shao is like this now, which makes Mr. Baqi more and more feel that the world is impermanent, otherwise why the things that happened many years ago are happening again now. He thought he had seen through the secrets, but his fate was always unpredictable, otherwise why would he not go down to Canaan Mountain for the rest of his life, and he would be punished if he leaked too many secrets. Even though all kinds of things in the world can be predicted, the only thing that cannot be predicted is love.

"If she is my heart demon, I would rather spend my whole life unbreakable." Xiao Shao said.


Jiang Ruan felt that her head was hurting, and her whole body seemed to be light and without a trace of strength. She struggled to open her eyes, but did not see the bright sky, and a damp and sweet smell filled the tip of her nose, which seemed strange and familiar. She reluctantly recalled it, but was surprised to find that it smelled like blood.

She moved her body and slowly got up from the ground.

It was a dark and damp place, and there were some black worms crawling on the ground. The worms were rotten and disgusting. It seemed that something flashed through her mind, and she couldn't catch it too quickly. She touched a hard object beside her, and there seemed to be some viscous liquid, and she tried hard to raise her head. Suddenly she heard a "squeak", and someone seemed to be talking outside, and a ray of strong sunlight shone in, shaking her so much that she could hardly open her eyes.

A woman's voice sounded: "Hurry up, the empress wants to see it with her own eyes, don't move faster, I don't have to let the empress wait for you little hooves."

Immediately afterwards, a few maids walked in, but they didn't know whether they were afraid or disgusted, and they lit the oil lamp in their hands and walked in strangely, until they walked to Jiang Ruan's side. However, they seemed to turn a blind eye to Jiang Ruan and didn't even look at her, instead they bent down to pick up something from the ground. Jiang Ruan frowned slowly, looking at them warily. Those people didn't seem to notice her at all, as if she didn't exist. Jiang Ruan stood up tentatively, but no one stopped her. After thinking about it, she lowered her head and followed the maids out.

As soon as she stepped out of the room, there was dazzling sunlight outside. It seemed that she hadn't seen such sunlight for a long time. Turning around, her gaze was directly on the object in the hand of the palace maid, she was startled, she took two steps back unconsciously, and almost fell down.

The maid was holding a wooden basin in her hand, and a monster-like thing was lying on its back in the basin. Limbs and limbs could not be seen as a whole, only a basin full of blood could be seen, probably not a person anymore. If it was placed in front of others, they would not be able to see what it was, but in Jiang Ruan's eyes, it was like a storm in her heart. That thing was nothing but her from the previous life! She was made into a human pig and beaten to death in the tub!

In the wooden basin right now, that "Jiang Ruan" was already dead, just a cold corpse with no dignity at all. Jiang Ruan stood aside, gritted his teeth and watched the maid pick up the corpse. A leading maid walked in front, and that person was Die Die.

Hadn't Butterfly been expelled from Jiang's mansion by Jiang Susu long ago, and sold to a brothel, how could she become the current grand lady again. Jiang Ruan looked at it, and a thought flashed in her mind. She was killed by a stick in her previous life, and she was reborn when she was in Zhuangzi. What happened after that is unknown. Now the corpse is still there, and the old person seems to be the same as before. Could it be that God opened his eyes and let her see the final outcome of the previous life?

Butterfly led the maid, holding a wooden basin in her hand, until she walked into a garden. Jiang Ruan could see clearly that the garden was the garden behind Kunning Palace. Kun Ning Palace, Jiang Ruan's heart trembled, could it be... Sure enough, when Fang walked to the entrance of the garden, he heard a familiar voice saying: "This palace doesn't care about anything, as long as they can't be reincarnated, what if they can't be reincarnated forever? "

"I'm poor, but according to my mother's order, I will do my best."

Jiang Ruan sneered, now that no one can see her, she walked in, and sure enough, the woman sitting on the high seat was wearing a queen's court dress, carrying wealth and glory, with a smile like a flower on her face, a face that was as beautiful as a fairy, and brought A bit reserved and noble, the nine-tailed phoenix hairpin on her head is spreading its wings goldenly in the sun, ready to fly, every move shows the dignity of the mother's world, it is Jiang Susu.

At this moment, Jiang Susu was reclining on the soft chair. In the huge garden, she was the only one sitting, and the maids and eunuchs stood in a row, with a slight look of fear on their faces. And the man in the blue robe standing in front of Jiang Susu, dressed as a Taoist priest, who is not Taoist Priest Void?

It turns out that Taoist Master Xukong has always had some contact with Jiang Susu in the last life, and not just contributed to the fact that she had Kefu Kemu on Zhuangzi. It seems that Jiang Susu promised him a lot of benefits, otherwise a wild wanderer How could a Taoist priest enter the palace, but he didn't know what he was going to do now?

"Your Majesty, the servant has brought the things." Butterfly stepped forward and said cautiously.

Jiang Ruan stood aside, watching with cold eyes, only to see Jiang Susu smiled softly when she heard the words, her smile was extremely beautiful, it seemed to be joy from the heart, she seemed very happy, her beautiful smile could be heard in the whole garden Voice. She was inherently beautiful, and her smile was extremely touching, but at this moment, the expressions of everyone in the courtyard were not fascinated by it, but showed a trace of fear. Just because the monster in the wooden basin looks too scary, ordinary people will feel scared if they look at it more, but Jiang Susu is very satisfied staring at the things in the wooden basin, as if it couldn't be more interesting.

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