The blood flower that bloomed in that heavy snow, even after many years, when people in Beijing talk about it, they can't help but sigh. The bright and flowery face of the woman in red in the snow, and the resolute and determined backs of the two men were deeply engraved on almost everyone present. The elegance revealed unintentionally is already enough for people to talk about for a lifetime, and it will never fade no matter what time it is.

That night, when Xiao Shao and Jiang Xinzhi went back, their faces were only a little pale, but nothing else could be seen. Both of them have worked hard for so many years, and they also have the foundation of martial arts. Although they are half-body, how can they be sure after investigation. It's just a gimmick, so you can accept it when you see it. Jiang Ruan has never been in a loss-making business, and she had put some pre-made blood bags in her sleeves long ago. Even if Xiao Shao and Jiang Xinzhi don't come in the end, she still has a way to escape unscathed.

Later, she asked Tianzhu Jinsan to stuff the blood pack into it while helping Xiao Shao and Jiang Xinzhi, and in the end she shed blood from "half body". Jiang Quanqi's people turned their backs on their backs, but there was nothing they could do. They could only watch helplessly as they threw down the words "No more ties to each other" and drove away in the carriage.

Jiang Xinzhi is not going back to Shangshu's mansion now, and the mansion newly bestowed by the emperor has not been built yet, so he simply went to the general's mansion. Now he and Zhao Guang have a good relationship, and every time they talk about the art of war, they always seem to be friends who have forgotten their age. Jiang Ruan told him a few words, after Jiang Xinzhi left, only Jiang Ruan and Xiao Shao were left in the carriage. Xiao Shao didn't speak, his expression was calm and he didn't know what he was thinking, which made Jiang Ruan feel a little bit wronged.

After finally returning to the palace, as soon as Xiao Shao entered the gate, Steward Lin greeted him. Just as he was about to speak, Xiao Shao said: "The princess was injured by a knife, let Xia Wu prescribe some medicine."

Butler Lin was stunned, and immediately wrinkled his face: "Injured again? Oh, my princess, why are you injured every day? If the master and wife in the sky read this, they will blame our Jinying Palace for not taking good care of you. Jin Tianzhu, you don’t want to stay in Jinyiwei, do you? You can’t do well in protecting the princess, but you can still take on the mission in the future? Jinyiwei’s reputation will be ruined by you two girls sooner or later!”

Jinsan and Tianzhu looked away silently. Jiang Ruan was not in the mood to argue with Steward Lin here, so she just lowered her head and followed Xiao Shao back to the house. Jin Er jumped down from the tree and said: "Wangfei has provoked the master? Look at the face of the master, it is a bit dangerous."

Jinsi had just finished eating a fruit, wiped his mouth casually, immediately took out a silver bowl from his bosom when he heard Jiner's words, and said: "Let's bet, let's bet, buy big and buy small. Bet on who Please take the initiative to admit your mistakes."

"I'll buy the master." Tianzhu is usually a very serious person, and basically would not participate in such a gamble, but today he took out a silver dollar from his sleeve for the first time: "A person like Wang Hao who can calm down, The master loves her so much, naturally he can't bear to be angry with her all the time. As long as the princess frowns, the master will lose all anger." As she said this solemnly, Jin Er burst out laughing and said : "Tianzhu, when you serve as a maid for the princess, you can see the shadow of the princess in your eyes now. I didn't see you worshiping the master so much before."

Tianzhu rolled his eyes at him and said, "Princess Wang is someone worthy of my admiration."

"All right, all right, as you please." Jin Er waved his hand and said, "I'll buy the princess and take the initiative to reconcile." He took out a banknote and threw it into the bowl while saying, "The master is a man anyway, no matter how much he hurts Wife, a man always has self-esteem. How can he take the initiative to coax a woman, he will spoil her. After all, he is our master. When have you ever seen a master admit his mistake to others? "

Jinsan thought for a while, took out a few pearls and threw them into the bowl, and said, "I'll buy the master, the princess is not an ordinary woman, I always feel that the master is determined by the princess. Look at what I do, I And a woman, too, my feminine instincts tell me."

Jin Yi on the other side silently picked up the knife and was about to leave, but was grabbed by Jin Si: "Hey, tell me, which one do you buy, Jin Yi?"

Jin took a look at the bowl, silently took out a gold ingot from his sleeve, and said only three words: "Your Majesty." He turned around and walked away with the knife in his hand.

"It's really loyal." Jin Er gave a thumbs up, and was slapped aside by Lin Butler. When he saw the gold, silver and jewels in the bowl, he burst into a rage: "I told you that gambling in the palace is not allowed to be so bad." I want the master to detain your menstrual blood! Hurry up and cook the medicine!"

No matter how Jin Yiwei hangs out in private, Jiang Ruan and Xiao Shao don't know it. After Xiao Shao entered the room, he stopped talking, just sat at the table and looked for a book to read, no matter how Jiang Ruan thought about it, he felt that he was displeased. It's just that Xiao Shao's happiness and anger are always displayed on his face. Although he can't see it, he can still feel the chill emanating from his body.

She thought about it, and it was her own fault in the end, and anyone would be unhappy if her wife hid it like this. She has always been very frank about these matters, and wanted to admit her mistakes when she knew she was wrong, but Xiao Shao never talked to her, and Jiang Ruan was in trouble. I just feel that Xiao Shao is very much like Ye Pei who had a temper with her in the previous life. But as long as Ye Pei loses his temper, just make some sweet pastries with him and praise him for being cute. Now go tell Xiao Shao that you are my little boy? Jiang Ruan fought a cold war.

After a long while, she finally stood up and walked to Xiao Shao's side. Xiao Shao didn't lift his head, and his eyes only fell on the pages in front of him. Jiang Ruan moved a chair from one side and sat beside him, and said softly: "Xiao Shao, how did you know that I went to Shangshufu?"

"Jin Er checked." Xiao Shao replied, still not turning his gaze to Jiang Ruan.

Jiang Ruan nodded: "I was wrong about what happened today. I shouldn't have kept it from you." She admitted her mistake very quickly without any hesitation. She has always spoken directly in front of familiar people, and will not hide anything.

Xiao Shao turned his head sideways: "You are not wrong."

"Are you angry?" Jiang Ruan asked.


This is obviously angry. Xiao Shao was so awkward, Jiang Ruan moved the chair closer to the table, put one hand on the table, rested his chin on the other hand, and almost half-lyed on the table, staring at Xiao Shao without blinking. The man's expression was plain, unaffected by external objects, and he was an extraordinary person with a handsome profile.

Jiang Ruan observed with appreciative eyes, beauty, especially the beauty of people who don't hate people will never make people unhappy. The person who was pretending to be indifferent couldn't stand the too direct gaze, endured it for a while, finally put down the book and raised his head, meeting Jiang Ruan's eyes for the first time after returning to the room.

"I shouldn't have kept it from you." Without waiting for Xiao Shao to speak, Jiang Ruan took the initiative to say: "I still only care about myself when I do things today, and I didn't take your feelings into account. I'm sorry." She sighed: "It's just Xiao Shao, I If I tell you this matter, you will definitely not agree. I thought it was a done deal, and it would not be too late to tell you. It was my idea... I am used to handling these things alone, forgetting that you are me My husband, I never thought that you would worry about me."

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