The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 447 Breaking Through (1)

Jiang Ruan talked with Queen Mother Yide for a while before getting up to leave. Aunt Yang sent Jiang Ruan to the gate of the palace, and seeing no one around, she lowered her voice and said, "The empress dowager has been in a bad mood these days."

"Are you still worried about the prince's affairs?" Jiang Ruan glanced at the palace gate, and said: "Aunt Yang, please comfort the queen mother, the prince's affairs will always come to light. As for the prince, he will be blessed by the royal dragon spirit."

Aunt Yang shook her head, she seemed to be very embarrassed and thought about it, and finally she couldn't help but gritted her teeth, as if she had made an extremely important decision, and said in a low voice: "The princess can't stop, the empress dowager has been in trouble for a few days. It is very unusual. After learning about the accident of His Highness the Crown Prince a few days ago, he actually took out the court clothes and the sword that were worn by the Eight Kings when they rebelled. Last night, I looked at the map of Dongyi Kingdom for a long time. The slaves suspected that this matter was related to Dongyi It is related to the country of Yi. If the princess is willing to make it easier, please tell the matter to Prince Xiao. Prince Xiao may be able to help."

Jiang Ruan stared at her: "Is it related to Xiao Shao?"

Aunt Yang said a little nervously: "My servant has served the Empress Dowager for many years. The Empress Dowager is tough and neat, and some decisions will not be told to the servant. The servant always feels that the Queen Mother is really strange these days. The servant has been serving the Empress Dowager all her life. To make a living, I ask the princess for help, and the servants will repay the princess as cattle and horses in the future."

Aunt Yang is the aunt next to the Empress Dowager in the palace, and she has a bit of face since she was born. Even in front of her princess, she wouldn't be so begging. Although she didn't say it very clearly, it can be seen that this matter is of great importance. Maybe Xiao Shao can help, maybe Aunt Yang also knows about Xiao Shao's life experience?

Jiang Ruan helped her up and said: "Since I am the princess, I will not just ignore the empress dowager. Don't worry, I will tell Xiao Shao about this. It's just Aunt Yang, if there is anything wrong with the empress dowager, please let me know immediately. with me."

Aunt Yang looked at Jiang Ruan gratefully, and said, "My servant thanked the princess."

Jiang Ruan frowned, shook her head and left.

After bidding farewell to Aunt Yang, Jiang Ruan came to the royal Buddhist hall. Now that the prince is seriously injured, no matter whether he is acting or not, he always has to show some respect. It is also natural to come to the Buddha Hall to offer incense and pray for the prince. Jiang Ruanfang walked to the side of the Buddhist hall, and saw a familiar figure coming out, she pondered for a moment, hid aside, and only entered the Buddhist hall after seeing Jiang Dan walking away.

Master Huijue was sitting in the center of the Buddha Hall, holding a string of rosary beads, and meditating silently with his eyes closed. His movements were solemn and his body was peaceful. If one didn't really know his details, one would think that he was indeed a poor child. The eminent monk came here to save all living beings in the light of the wind and the moon.

Jiang Ruan stood still in front of him, smiled slightly and said, "Master, long time no see."

Master Huijue opened his eyes suddenly, he hadn't seen Jiang Ruan for a long time. Now that his position as a national teacher is stable, his son's condition has gradually stabilized from the medicinal materials that he spent a lot of money on. The power that I never thought about before is now firmly in my hands, and Master Huijue will feel that it is just a dream.

In front of Jiang Ruan, Master Huijue would never put on airs as a national teacher, so he bowed respectfully and said: "Princess."

Jiang Ruan is now the princess of Jinying, even more precious than the former princess. Master Huijue can see clearly that Jiang Ruan cannot be underestimated from being a daughter-in-law who was embarrassed everywhere in the Shangshu Mansion to the current position of glory. Besides, her miraculous prophetic abilities are enough to make him daunting.

"I'm just here to pray for His Royal Highness, and I'm just talking about Buddhism with the master. You don't have to be nervous." Jiang Ruan sat down at a small table on one side, turned to the guest, and poured himself a cup of tea. Smiling, he looked at Huijue who was sitting down, and said, "There are a lot of people praying for blessings recently. I just watched Jiang Zhaoyi pass by."

I know that Jiang Dan and Jiang Ruan are sisters from the Shangshufu, although I don't know what kind of grievances there are. But what Jiang Ruan said meant to inquire about Jiang Dan. Master Huijue thought about it for a while before saying, "Jiang Zhaoyi is indeed coming here very frequently, almost every day recently. His Highness the Fifth Highness has also come here frequently recently, occasionally If they meet, the two will discuss some scriptures together in the meditation room, both of them are people who love Buddhism."

Although Huijue didn't say it explicitly, the meaning of what he said was probably the same. Xu felt that it was really absurd, and a trace of embarrassment flashed in Huijue's eyes.

Jiang Ruan smiled slightly, the royal family was full of scandals, the concubine and the prince had a lot of adultery since ancient times, but Jiang Dan and Ye Hua were too bold, they were really in the Zen room. I can really figure it out, indeed, the meditation room is a pure place of Buddhism, and ordinary people will not go to the meditation room when they offer incense and pray for blessings. Huijue is a monk, and she doesn't want to go to dirty places. It's a pity that Huijue is not a master of the six senses, he is a liar who came out of the market, and no one's deception can be fooled by his eyes.

"The important place of Buddhism is really indecent." Jiang Ruan said in a low voice, and when she raised her head again, she showed a very bright smile: "Master, I want to ask you to do me a favor."


Master Wang of Dali Temple tried the case overnight, and the emperor was so angry that he laid down millions of corpses, and this time the life of the prince was at stake, if the person behind it could not be caught, his head would be lost. However, the hard work paid off, and finally, someone revealed that when Mr. Wang was investigating the evidence, he found some clues in the arrow that injured the prince.

The arrows are made of high-quality black iron, and the arrows are covered with dense hooks. Compared with ordinary bows and arrows, such arrows are more powerful. And such arrows, in the whole world, are the arrows commonly used by the guards in Prince Jinying's mansion in the capital. As soon as this statement came out, the palace seemed to explode. It was only heard that the emperor rushed to Dali Temple to try the case in person. King Jinying and his wife might be doomed this time.

The rumors circulating in the palace not only include King Jinying and his wife, but also Ye Pei, the thirteenth prince who has become very popular recently. It only said that the reason why King Jinying and his wife murdered the prince was because they colluded with the thirteenth prince and wanted to take the opportunity to help the thirteenth prince to the throne. Although it is reasonable to speak, after all, the situation between North Korea and China is tense. It is possible to act so boldly and wildly, but King Jinying has always been a master who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, and the master of Hong'an County has never been so arrogant. The matter seemed confusing again. But no matter what everyone thinks, the evidence on the arrow is a certainty. As long as it is related to this matter, King Jinying and his wife will never think about retreating. As for the thirteenth prince, once he was suspected, he might lose the emperor's favor from now on.

In the Palace of Compassion, the Empress Dowager Yide tightly tightened the Buddhist beads in her hand, and slowly frowned: "Arrow from Prince Jinying's Mansion?"

"Exactly." Aunt Yang carefully beat the Queen Mother's leg: "I heard that His Majesty was very angry. He took people to Dali Temple an hour ago and has not returned yet. Now the palace is buzzing with excitement."

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