The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 458 New Year's Eve (1)

"Forget it." Another person who held him back to teach him a lesson said: "Anyway, I won't live long, so I won't be annoying. Come on, don't worry about that, let's have another drink." Then he drank again. When the wine came, it seemed that the voice had been forgotten.

In the last room in the depths of the gloomy dungeon, there was a crooked figure crouching on the ground. His whole body exuded a stench. His hair was long and messy. It seemed that there were many lice mixed in. He stretched out his hand to scratch After scratching, he probably had some kind of skin disease, and the ragged clothes were caught in seams. No one would have thought that this person who was like a beggar, even dirtier than a beggar, was Jiang Quan, the former minister of the Ministry of War.

Jiang Quan raised his head with difficulty, and he heard a lot of outside news from the daily chatter of the jailers. Hearing that Jiang Dan died and Ye Hua also collapsed, he even cried out in his heart. Jiang Dan was a little concubine, she thought she had reached the sky in one step after entering the palace and became a concubine, and she didn't care about her father, so it would be best to die like this. As for Ye Hua's death, and the crown prince is seriously ill in bed, this country should fall into Ye Li's hands. Jiang Quan originally hoped that Ye Li could find a way to rescue him from their old relationship, but he had never heard of it for such a long time. He was lucky enough to ask the jailer, and the jailer looked at him mockingly, and Jiang Quan gradually understood in his heart. Now that the Shangshu Mansion has collapsed, he is useless, he is a sly dog, and to Ye Li, he is just a useless discarded child with no value left at all, so naturally he discarded it without hesitation.

Jiang Quan suddenly remembered the dream he had just now.

In that dream, he was the high-ranking Minister of the Ministry of War, still a minister of the court, and a scholar of the Qing Dynasty in the hearts of the people. In that dream, Ye Li became the emperor, Jiang Susu became the queen, and Jiang Chao had a bright future. He worshiped first-rank officials, and promoted officials to nobles. Xia Yan became the first-rank wife, and the Shangshu Mansion was prosperous and flourishing day by day.

In that dream, the second aunt was still there, Jiang Li and Jiang Dan were also there, and the only ones who were not there were Jiang Ruan and Jiang Xinzhi. In that dream, Jiang Xinzhi died early, and Jiang Ruan was sent to the palace by him to be an abandoned son who had been arranged at the beginning, and finally became a stepping stone for the entire Shangshu Mansion. Shang Shufu stepping on Jiang Ruan's flesh and blood step by step. That dream was so beautiful, it was almost the most wonderful dream Jiang Quan had ever had since he entered the sky prison. The prosperity and wealth in the dream are so real, as if that life has also existed in real life. It is precisely because of such brilliance that it is unacceptable to see the dilapidated eyes after waking up.

Could it be that the debt from the past life is repaid in this life? If the dream is from the past life, it is precisely because he made Jiang Ruan like this in the past life that he will be defeated by Jiang Ruan in this life. Jiang Quan wiped his face, the night in the dungeon was extremely cold, he seemed to be able to hear the sound of firecrackers and fireworks outside. This is already the end of the new year, if it is the previous year, if it is the previous year in the dream... that is the Shangshu Mansion where there are rich clothes and fine food, full of singing and dancing.

Now he has become a wisp of dust and smoke for people to trample on, and he, an upstart in the imperial court with great ambitions, has now become a prisoner. Jiang Quan's eyes slowly fell on a blackened thin blanket-like thing on the ground. That thing has turned black, and even after a long time, it seems that the smell of blood can be smelled. Jiang Quan naturally knew what it was. It was a piece of human skin, which came from Jiang Dan, the youngest concubine of the Shangshu Mansion.

Someone peeled off her skin and gave it to him as a gift, and Jiang Quan knew who that person was. At first, when he saw the human skin, he also felt nauseated and vomited, and his face turned pale with fright. He was enduring enormous torture every day, and now his mind is a little deranged. This is what Jiang Ruan wants to achieve. This is an open threat, and it seems to be a warning. She was using Jiang Dan's face to tell him: Those who hurt Zhao Mei will end badly, Jiang Dan and Xia Yan have already paid the price, now it's his turn...

Jiang Quan had never regarded her as his daughter, so the beautiful girl who was always dressed in red did not hesitate to pay her back. Her cruelty is as cruel as Jiang Quan's, and she is even more cruel and indifferent. This is not a father and daughter, they are clearly enemies in the past and present life, even if they are enemies, it's fine, and he still lost.

It was the New Year, and a man cursed in a low voice from a prison in Tianlao. The curse seemed to contain some trembling cries, begging for mercy, mixed with frightened sobs, and slowly dissipated in the night of Dajinchao capital. .

Even though the New Year's atmosphere had already swept across the entire capital of the Great Jin Dynasty, the palace was unexpectedly lifeless, even worse than usual. Since His Royal Highness was seriously injured last time, he was already incapable of medicine and stone, but his life was saved because of the personal diagnosis and treatment of Xia Xiao, a sage in Jinling. This means that the position of the crown prince is bound to be lost. The queen actually aged ten years overnight, and she still occupied the title of queen before, but now she is chanting scriptures and praying in the Buddhist hall day and night. A move to give way.

As usual, let's not think about the Queen's move in advance, at least the harem is already in chaos. The nobles fight for their heads and hope that they can sit in this position. After all, the mother of a country means the most noble woman in the world. But now no one cares about it, just because the emperor is furious because of Ye Hua's matter. The fifth prince was beheaded for trying to murder the prince, and the concubine De, who had been seen to be the safest, also became a monk. The newly promoted concubines, Jiang Dan was killed with a stick, and Wang Lianer suddenly contracted a serious illness. Anyone with a discerning eye could see the strangeness. Thinking that something must have happened in the harem, who would dare to seek bad luck at this juncture? No matter how great the temptation is, it is also daunting at this moment. Furthermore, the emperor is really in a bad mood.

It's just that Ye Hua's sudden demise had a great impact on the previous court, not to mention the prince who was not expected to be cast aside by the sons who could win the heir. The courtiers are already secretly, no, it should be said that Mingli is divided into two factions, one faction supports Ye Li, and the other faction that suddenly rises is the supporter of Ye Pei. There is no distinction between top and bottom, and there is even a faint tendency to catch up.

But no matter what, New Year's Eve is still going to be celebrated, but it's not so lively, it's really a bit bleak.

In the Palace of Compassion, Empress Dowager Yide looked at the list in her hand, nodded, and said slowly: "Just do as above, and add another agarwood and red jade Ruyi."

Aunt Yang bowed her head and said yes, handed the list to the maid on one side, then walked around behind Empress Dowager Yide, beat her shoulders carefully, and said: "The Empress Dowager asks someone to send a new year gift to Prince Jinying's mansion, if someone sees it Now..." These annual gifts were all sent to Prince Jinying's mansion. In the past years, since knowing Xiao Shao's life, Empress Dowager Yide has been hiding the idea of ​​protecting Xiao Shao. Apart from secretly caring about these suspicious things Never done it, but now it is the first time that people send gifts to Jinying Palace with great fanfare during the New Year.

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