Xiao Shao was a little ashamed. How could he be blamed for this, at that time he only wanted to avenge his father, and regarded all Dongyi people as enemies, even though he realized Dan Zhen's intentions later, they were nothing in his eyes. Life is probably very strange, Xiao Shao himself did not expect that one day he would have the feeling of eternal love for a woman, Xiao Shao himself did not expect it, let alone Dan Zhen. The jealousy in a woman's heart has always been terrible. If Xiao Shao was cruel to everyone, it might not be a big deal for Dan Zhen to run into trouble with Xiao Shao, but one day a woman appeared and got Xiao Shao's favor. Finding that Xiao Shao has not always treated people indifferently, his heart will inevitably collapse unbearably.

"No wonder she keeps calling me Princess Hong'an..." Without waiting for Xiao Shao to answer, Jiang Ruan said to herself again: "It was because she cared about my status as a princess. This shows that this person is not good at forbearance, at least It is difficult to bear in terms of emotions. Although she is also very good at using people's hearts, such as the purpose achieved by using Luzhu and Jin Er that day, it is still extremely difficult to control her own emotions. This may be related to her own status, the high God Ji, people around her are obedient to her, so there will be no setbacks." Jiang Ruan analyzed.

In the course of the game, a forbearing opponent is obviously more terrifying. Jiang Ruan and Ye Pei can be regarded as forbearing people, it is because of the lessons of blood and tears in the previous life, and experienced the pain of being neglected when they were young. Ye Li's forbearance is also very good, especially for a proud man of heaven. The same is true for Danzhen. As a woman, her inability to control her emotions is her biggest weakness. In comparison, that Qiman is much more terrifying. Qiman is the eldest princess of Dongyi Kingdom. Naturally, she used to live a life of golden branches and jade leaves, but she hides her name and hides in the Shangshu Mansion, becoming an unfavored house lotus leaf. This is not easy. Things, especially after so many years without flaws. And her lack of flaws is the biggest flaw, even Jiang Ruan couldn't help being a little startled at this point.

Here she was thinking about Qiman's matter carefully, but Xiao Shao saw her frowning and said nothing, thinking that Jiang Ruan was still angry about Danzhen's matter. Xiao Shao is not as good at making people happy as Jin Er. Seeing that Jiang Ruan was unhappy, he felt a little worried. He frowned, then stretched out his hand to hold Jiang Ruan's shoulder, and said, "If you don't like it, how about killing her?" ?”

Jiang Ruan: "..." It was too fast, she didn't say anything yet. If Dan Zhen knew Xiao Shao's words at this moment, he might go mad with jealousy again.

She didn't speak, Xiao Shao just regarded her as acquiescing, and without saying a word, he leaned close to pinch her chin, Jiang Ruan was startled, but he didn't expect him to do this, Xiao Shao kissed her over.

As Butler Lin said, women are always soft-hearted, and if they can't be coaxed by nice words, they can only kiss. The harder the kiss, the better it will be.

Xiao Shao's strong offensive directly blocked Jiang Ruan's words, and the instigator was very satisfied seeing this. Sure enough, Steward Lin did not lie, this method is really good.


In an inconspicuous house in the capital, it doesn't look any different at the moment. The servants are carefully sweeping outside the yard, doing embroidery work, and it looks as nourishing as the life of some small rich families. It's just that if there are masters here, if you observe carefully, you will find that these servants don't seem to be so simple.

There are three people in the room, the woman sitting on the high seat in the front seat looks a little haggard, and her appearance is only ordinary, but even her ordinary appearance looks a little different at this moment. This person is none other than Tongfang Lianye of the Shangshu Mansion, or in other words, Qiman, the eldest princess of the former Dongyi Kingdom.

If anyone from Shangshufu saw Qiman at this moment, they would definitely be shocked. The appearance is still the same as before, but the temperament seems to be a completely different person. An ordinary appearance, but the expression on the face seems to be seductive, and there is an indescribable coldness in the charm, which is completely different from the cowardly and humble Lianye in the past.

"Auntie, what should I do next?" asked the woman sitting at Qiman's lower right. The woman's voice was obviously younger, and the pair of eyes exposed outside the veil were extremely agile, and they seemed so charming that they could drip water just by looking at them. She was dressed in red, and she had a mysterious beauty all over her body, but this beauty made people feel much more dangerous.

"Don't be impatient." Qi Man said slowly.

"Eldest Auntie is right, but Eldest Auntie is used to being patient. She has stayed in the capital of the Dajin Dynasty for more than ten years. She thought that the preparation time is so long and she is sure to be safe. Now it seems..." Her words contained With vague sarcasm, "It's just that we came back now for revenge. How could we escape in embarrassment like a rat crossing the street and be chased by others? Where will we put the face of Dongyi Kingdom?"

Qiman didn't speak, but Yuan Chuan, the masked man sitting under Danzhen, couldn't bear it anymore. He glanced at Qiman anxiously, and then said slowly, "Does the eldest princess have a plan?"

What is Dongyi Kingdom thinking about Qi Man? The Da Jin Dynasty is certainly their enemy. The main culprit who destroyed Dongyi Kingdom at the beginning can be traced to the root cause. Everything was caused by Qi Man. If she didn't provoke Prince Hongxi, or if she didn't kill Xiang Xiaoyuan so much, why would Dongyi Kingdom be here now. When the emperor of the Great Jin Dynasty ordered the destruction of Dongyi Kingdom, it was certainly to expand the territory, but the more important reason was probably to avenge Prince Hongxi.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Qiman is a disaster to the people of Dongyi country. The people of Dongyi country have a lot of complaints about her, but after so many years, Qiman has disappeared, so naturally they have nothing to say. Danzhen is Qiman's niece. If it wasn't for Qiman, she would still enjoy the treatment of the royal family now, but now that the Dongyi kingdom is destroyed, she can only be a concubine hiding in the dark. Appearing aboveboard in front of people, Danzhen has no resentment towards Qiman.

More importantly, now that the two of them are in the capital, it is equivalent to having two masters in the Dongyi Kingdom. There must be some struggles about how to order the subordinates and who is at the head. In terms of qualifications, Qiman has been in the capital for so many years and has trained countless spies. Naturally, Qiman is the current master of Dongyi Kingdom, but on the other hand, in Dongyi, all his subordinates obey Dan Zhen. It's the legitimate Emperor Ji, how can she be reconciled in her heart.

Yuan Chuan could see clearly that Qi Man was unfathomable, but Dan Zhen would never admit defeat, but at this juncture, it was definitely not the time for internal strife, so he calmed down the secret confrontation between the two, and asked Qi Man Mann's deployment. Unlike Qiman, Danzhen's temperament is a little more casual. Although she said that Da Jinchao would pay the bloody price for coming to the capital this time, her thoughts were always on that person. As for Qiman, his goal from the beginning has not changed. That terrible goal will require the entire Dajin Dynasty to pay the price in blood.

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