The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1323: Give medicine

In the morning, on the tree and on the eaves, even a thick layer of frost was placed on the roadside. Eight?? One Chinese network W=W≠W≈. ≈8=1≠Z=W≥. ≥ COM replaced the soldiers who rubbed their feet and let themselves warm. In this case, Zhang Tai, who is sweating on his forehead, is particularly conspicuous.

Yan Wushuang is talking to Su Shi, and the grandfather said: "The emperor, Zhang Tai doctor wants to see."

During this time, Zhang Tai doctors were all in the pharmacy, and they didn't even return home. Now Zhang Tai doctor seeks to see, which indicates that the medicine has been made.

"You go on!" Su Shi's business is not anxious, it doesn't matter if you deal with it later.

Zhang Tai doctor came in and put two hands-sized porcelain bottles in his hands and said: "The emperor, the court is fortunate not to be insulted." Blood Ganoderma lucidum is the main medicine, and the medicines that match it are up to twenty kinds, each of which has a certain amount. If something goes wrong, the drug is much worse. These days, Zhang Tai doctor did not dare to slack off for the pharmaceutical industry, and now he can relax his breath.

The father-in-law took the medicine and handed it to Yan Wushuang.

Yan Wushuang unveiled the lid of the porcelain bottle, and suddenly a faint scent of medicine came from the nose.

Zhang Taiyi Pharmaceutical has made great contributions and won the reward of Yan Wushuang.

Yuchen, who was looking at the book, heard Guiyan coming out and said that the emperor was coming, and he stood up.

Yan Wushuang went into the power supply, and saw Yuchen wearing a pink palace dress, the ink-colored show was gently rolled up with a silver belt, and the body did not wear any beads. The skin is as white as jade, and the face is beautiful.

It is Yan Wushuang, they have to admit that Yu Chen stationed in Yan. I heard that Han Yuxi looks like he is in his twenties. I don't know who is younger.

Seeing Yan Wushuang has been staring at himself, Yuchen is somewhat uncomfortable: "Imperial, is there anything?" If nothing happens, Yan Wushuang will not go to the harem in the day.

Yan Wushuang sighed and said: "The medicine has been prepared. I am going to send it to Achi. What do you want to bring to Achi and Abao? Pack it and give it to Meng Nian."

When Yuchen heard this, he was happy not to do it: "I gave Abao and Achi two clothes, and I also prepared some nourishing herbs for them." After saying: "No, I have to give them Prepare some food."

Yan Wushuang shook his head and said: "When clothes and nourishing herbs are brought on, don't bring them with others. You can get to Liaodong faster by lightly loading the road." With so many things, the journey was slowed down.

"Good, good, good." Even said three good words, after Yan Wushuang left, Yuchen immediately began to pack things.

Something was handed over to Meng Nian, and Yu Chen returned to Zhang Huagong and said to Gui Yan: "I have to go to the Imperial Temple to return." Before Yuchen went to the Imperial Temple to burn incense and worship Buddha, and ask the Buddha to bless the Achi body as soon as possible. If Ah Achi is in good health, she will give the Buddha a golden body. Now that the wish is fulfilled, it is natural to go back.

Gui Yan said with some worries: "Is afraid that the emperor will not agree?" It is no problem to go to the Imperial Temple to burn incense, and it is fearful that there will be whispers to the Buddha. Nowadays, the financial situation is tense. Yan Wushuang is the money for the whole day. If Yuchen takes the money to give the Buddha a golden body, it will definitely attract Yan’s unparalleled opposition.

Yuchen wrinkled his brow and said: "I have made a wish with the Bodhisattva, can't I still hope because I am afraid that the emperor is not happy?" If the Bodhisattva is not happy to anger Anbao or Achi, then he regrets not looking for it.

Gui Yan said softly: "Then we do it quietly, don't let the emperor know."

Yuchen shook his head and said: "I have to tell the emperor first about this matter." This is nothing but Yan's unparalleled. It is not so angry when he is now provoked by Yan, but he still has a chance to say. It’s not so fast, so I’m going to find a Yan Wushuang when I’m in a good mood.

Gui Yan knows that since Yu Chen thought about it, she said nothing to use.

At this time, Yuchen has no mood to deal with the palace. Sitting back on the stool, Yuchen said: "The rumor said that Yunqing will send troops to attack the capital next year. If this matter is true, it will not be smooth for the Buddha to plasticize."

Gui Yan’s heart was tight and steady and steady: “Isn’t that rumor? The girl does not have to take it seriously.”

Yuchen said with a smile: "There is something true." After finishing, Yuchen sighed and sighed: "When Yunqing occupies the capital, I am afraid that I will be the emperor. At that time, Yuxi is the queen." She also did it, but Yuxi’s queen was the founding queen. The general founding queen said in the history book that he would leave a strong stroke, and Yuxi also took power. Although they are all queens, they are not at one level.

Gui Yan does not like to mention Yu Yuxi, bluntly transferred the topic: "Anniling, you are in poor health, is it right to ask the emperor to reward some elixir to you." Blood Lingzhi is said to have eaten that thing all sick. Yuchen is not in good health. If he can eat this thing, he can get rid of the old age of the body.

Yuchen shook his head and said: "I am very good. I don't have to waste this good thing." If it is really sick, there is no medicine to be treated. Now that she is in good health, it is estimated that Yan Wushuang will think more.

Gui Yan sighed and didn't talk anymore.

When Yuchen saw it, he changed his mind: "When the emperor is in a good mood, I will ask the emperor for medicine." She asked for medicine not for herself but for Gui. The environment in Liaodong is bad. If there are three long and two shorts in Guiyu, she can't stand it.

In the eyes of Yuchen, Guilu is the most important person except for children's accidents.

At this time, Shi Xue went back and forth and said: "The maiden, just received Han Shuren's post, and asked to see the maiden." Han Shuren, Lu Yao. For the official career of Han Jiancheng, Lu Yao is very famous.

Yuchen does not hate Luyao and does not like it, but the palace is lonely, and it is good to say that the outside is interesting. Therefore, she is very welcome to Lu Yao into the palace: "Let her enter the palace tomorrow!"

Gui Yan does not like Lu Yao. This woman not only wants her master to promote Han Jiancheng, but also pulls things back from Yuchen. However, she knew that Yuchen was alone and wanted to talk to someone, so she did not stop. In fact, there are several women in the palace who are not alone.

On the second day, Lu Yao entered the palace. Every time I enter the palace, Lu Yao will bring two daughters, but this time I did not bring them.

Lu Yao explained: "Axia is sick, Arun is accompanying her, so she didn't come to see the goddess today." She knows the character of Yuchen. If Axia is sick and Ah Run follows her into the palace, Yuchen will definitely think Arun has no sisterhood. If Yuchen is disgusted, after the daughter is married, she will not even have makeup, and don’t tell me to find a good girl.

When Yuchen heard this, he was busy letting Guiyan choose some nourishing herbs: "The child's body is very important, and it is not sloppy." Since Achi was seriously injured, Yuchen believed that health and safety are the most important.

Lu Yao said with a smile: "Thank you for your kindness."

Every time I come to Lu Yao, I will talk about gossip, and this time is no exception. And the iron house's gossip, naturally will not miss.

"Who can think of the 6-year-old mother is so vicious, thinking that Mrs. Iron is pregnant and has a fattening drug that can cause death. Fortunately, Mrs. Iron is not really pregnant, or else it is likely to be dead." If you have no reason to deal with Yan Wushuang, you have to think more. After the incident came out, Tie Kui did not restrain the next person. Xiao was sick at the time, so the things that 6姨娘 did were quickly passed out.

Yuchen frowned and said: "Is this happening?" If she remembers it correctly, the 6-year-old mother seems to be the emperor to Tiekui. If this matter is true, the behavior of 6姨娘 is to play the face of the emperor.

Lu Yao didn't know what Yuchen thought, and said with a smile: "This street has been spread all over the place, and there are still fakes. To say that these 6 mothers really can't figure out, Mrs. Iron is really pregnant, not necessarily. Is it a son?"

Under the sun, the wife and sister fight for the most powerful non-president palace. Women do not use any means to fight against the enemy, but only look at winning or losing here, right or wrong.

Yu Chen has a fascinating look: "How is the body of Mrs. Iron?" Even if she is not pregnant, a woman who drinks so many saffron is not good for her body.

Lu Yaodao: "I heard that I have hurt the foundation. I can’t take any more children in the future. But this is not true, I am not sure." She and Mrs. Iron only met two sides at the banquet, and they never said anything. Naturally, it is not good for you.

Yuchen remembered this matter in his heart.

After listening to a gossip message, Yu Chen asked: "How is Yu Rong?" I don't know what happened to Yu Rong? She sent people to call her to enter the palace, and Yu Rong was unable to push away for various reasons.

Lu Yao is hating Yu Rong. If it is not Yu Rong's provocation, her husband will not have such a big opinion on her mother. However, Lu Yao did not dare to say Yurong’s bad words in front of Yuchen. After all, people are sisters: “After Jiang’s accident, the second sister’s temper is a little left. After moving out of my house, she basically does not go out.” Became a family, so Yuchen became their aunt's grandmother, and Yu Rong became the second child.

The widow is not much in front of the door, and it is estimated that it is not to be dismissed.

Yuchen said: "I remember you said before, Yurong seems to sell the Tiancai shop?"

For this, Lu Yao did not want to understand: "Who said that it is not? The second sisters of the Tiancai shop are very good at annual interest rates, do not know why she wants to sell?" Before Lu Yao moved his mind to buy Yu Rong The Tianye and the shop were in the store, but they were rejected by Han Jiancheng. As for Han Jiancheng, the imperial court said that it was ignored by Lu Yao.

Yuchen sighed one voice: "When the rebels call, more gold and silver treasures can't be saved." Everywhere the Northwest Army gets to a place, that place will be robbed. Therefore, in the minds of many people, the Northwest Army is no different from the bandits.

Lu Yao’s face changed and said: “The goddess, outside the rumor that the anti-king will send troops to attack the capital next year? Niangniang, is this really true or false?” Han Jiancheng means that Lu Yao will take six children to Shengjing next spring. Lu Yao is not willing.

"It’s just a rumor, the donkey doesn't have to take it seriously." Some things can be understood in my heart, and I can't say it. Once spread by someone with a heart, it will cause turmoil.

With this in mind, Lu Yao was relieved. The reason why she is so relieved is because she listened to Yuchen’s words.

When the two chatted, they talked about it at noon. Lu Yao was relieved of the sick moon, so he did not stay for lunch.

Yuchen smiled and said: "I want to have three of our sisters, I have a grandmother, and Yurong has a mother-in-law care. Only Yuxi has no support. But now, Yu Rong has been widowed, I changed my marriage, only jade. Hee is the best."

Gui Yan thinks that Yu Chen’s words are wrong: “Han Yuxi has a big lady’s care!” The great lady is the mother of Han’s family. Her care for Han Yuxi is a good one, and the next is also No one dares to slow her down. This is also the reason why she did not like Yuxi at the beginning. The four-year-old child knew that it was time to find a big lady to rely on the mountain. This thought was so scary.

In the evening, Yan Wushuang went to Zhang Huagong to use the dinner. Yuchen said to him about the 6-year-old mother: "The emperor, 6-year-old mother is your reward to the iron general. Now that this is happening, I don’t know if the iron general will Think more?"

Yan Wushuang's face is somewhat ugly: "Is this true?" Meng Nian did not return to him with this matter, so Yan Wushuang did not know.

Unidentified things, how did Yuchen dare to say with Yan, and immediately nodded and said: "It is true."

After using the dinner, Yan did not return to the former dynasty, and called Mengnian to ask: "Why didn't you look back at me?"

Mengnian was shocked and bowed his head: "I see the emperor working day and night, I don't want you to let you pay for this little thing." In Meng Nian's mind, this is nothing but an insider's house.

"Confused." He rewarded a lot of beautiful people to the ministers of merit. This matter was passed out and he said nothing at all. Others will understand what to think.

Thinking about it, Yan Wushuang asked: "How is Tie Kui's injury so good?"

Meng Nian shook his head and said: "There is no improvement." It hasn't been good for such a long time. I want to be afraid of it before Yunqing attacked the capital.

Yan Wushuang has always used Tie Kui as a knife. If he does not use his value, he will leave the knife idle. Nowadays, there is a coincidence of 6 姨 mother, search Yi Yan unparalleled decision to give medicine to Tie Kui.

When I heard that I would give Tsing Kui to Miki, Meng Nian was somewhat distressed: "The emperor, this medicine has only one bottle in total. I sent Tie Kui, and if other generals also reached out, what should I do?"

Yan Wushuang said: "You don't say, Tie Kui does not say, who else can know?" There are few people who know this thing. If you don't want to use Tiekui, he won't give it.

This is the difference between Yunqing and Yan Wushuang. No matter what good things, Yunqing is willing to share with you. And Yan Wushuang is sure to be in his hands for the things that can save lives.

Tiekui got this medicine, but he was grateful, but he was worried. He was worried that he could not do anything well. He was known by Yan Wushuang. This medicine is afraid of any hidden dangers.

If Meng Nian knows what Tiekui thinks, he is afraid that he will vomit blood.

Zhong Shantong said with anxiety: "Master, this medicine does not eat?" Eat, afraid of problems; do not eat, afraid of Yan Wushuang doubts, really dilemma.

Tiekui remembered one thing and asked: "What is Zhang Tai doctor doing recently?" Zhang Tai doctor always treated him for treatment, and suddenly changed people. I want to come now, I am afraid that Zhang Tai doctor has a relationship with this medicine.

Zhong Shantong will know: "I will check it out."

This is not difficult to check. After half a day, I know that Zhang Tai has been in the pharmacy for some time.

Zhong Shantong said: "Master, Zhang Tai doctor has won a reward. For what reason, no one knows. But there is a drug that is said to be indispensable."

Holding a small green bottle, the blue ribs on Tie Kui’s hands are all up. After a while, Tie Kui said: "It is a blessing that is not a curse. It is a curse." After that, he took a medicine from a small bottle and swallowed it in his mouth.

The action is too fast, and Zhong Shantong has no time to stop: "Master..."

Tie Kui waved his hand and said: "Yan Wushuang will use me, even if there is a problem with this medicine, there will be no danger to life."

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