The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1387: Qi Hao's affair

"Oh..." A piece of wood hit the threshold. August 1st? Wen? W (1) W (eight) W?. (8) 8 (one) 1 (one) ZW. COM

Han Yun saw it and was angry and annoyed. He said, "Let you be careful, no long ears?" Han Yun saw the youngest son of the big butler.

In these days, Hanfu has to repair the house and take care of the outside affairs. The big housekeepers are all busy. Even if he knew that his son's temperament was a little impatient, he could only let Han Yun see help to supervise the work. Use outsiders, which is useful to your family.

The strong man who did the wrong thing scared almost to fall.

The little thing quickly came over to apologize and said a bunch of good words.

Han Yun sees that he is just a temper, but his nature is very good: "The next time you pay attention, otherwise, I will change people immediately." The progress of the project can be delayed.

The little tube was busy saying: "No, no more."

Mrs. Zhou’s wife Xuan’s walked the door and did not see the scene of the heat.

The concierge went to pass immediately.

Lu Xiu got the news, and said coldly, "I don't see, beat her away." Zhou Peizhen wanted to give his granddaughter something to Yunqing, Lu Xiu also knows. I want to marry the corner of her grandmother, but now I dare to go to the door.

Spring mother persuaded: "In the end, it is a relative, so it is ugly to drive people out." If there is nothing to sever the exchange, I am afraid that I will move around in the future, and the face will not look good.

Lu Xiu dismissed: "They don't want to do anything like this when they care about their relatives." Such relatives still don't want to come and go. Otherwise, who knows when to slap you back.

"The old slave heard that the grandfather is very concerned about Zhou." If the relationship between the two is in jeopardy, then the grandfather will blame his master.

This Lu Xiu does not worry: "The work of Zhou Jia, the Grand Master knows that it can not be tolerated." Wang Hao is the biggest backing of their family, dare to damage the interests of Wang Hao, the enemy of their home.

However, with the words of Spring Mother, Lu Xiu did not want to make it too ugly. After thinking about it, Lu Xiu said: "I said that I am very busy, I have no time to see them." The Grand Master grew up around Mrs. Tai and had deep feelings for Zhou. Therefore, the act is still moderate.

After a while, the woman came over and replied: "Mrs., Mrs. Zhou Jiada does not leave, insist on seeing his wife."

Lu Xiu was annoyed: "Let's wait, let her wait." It's really shameless.

Spring Mom took a glass of water to Lu Xiu and said, "Madam, it’s not worth it to be angry with these things."

Lu Xiu is really angry: "If other people give the prince a beautiful woman, this week, the family is a real relative of Han Jia, and even did something like this." Just heard the news, Lu Xiu was almost mad. .

Spring mother also felt that Zhou Jiada’s brain was in the water.

Lu Xiu drank a glass of water and said: "Zhou family is afraid to hear Wang Hao arrive in Beijing, so he came to the door, I want to let them say it to them, and think it is really beautiful." Do not fall into the stone and tell their bad words in front of Yuxi It’s all kind.

Mrs. Zhou Jiada waited until noon, but still did not see Lu Xiu. Lu Xiu was so angry that he did not let people send tea highs. After waiting for one morning, the water didn't take a sip. Mrs. Zhou was thirsty and hungry. She couldn't help but go home.

Zhou Fei looked at her mother's dejected look and asked: "Mother, do you promise to help?"

Mrs. Zhou Da said with a black face: "I haven't seen each other in the face, but I still talk about what I can do." Although her husband did not do it right, but she is also an elder, and she will be drying for a long time, but she still has no glass of water. Mrs. Zhou Da is getting angry.

Zhou Fei was anxious: "What can I do? Mother, Ming Wang has already arrived in Beijing. If she knows, we will have to go to the city to eat sand when we arrive." In fact, Yuxi and Yunqing are not worthy of going to Yucheng. , changed to Yunnan.

Self-destruction of Beibei, the city of Yucheng is safe, and the people are better off. Because Yunqing likes to eat mutton, the city has begun to prevail in raising sheep.

Both the mother and the child are anxious, but there is no better way. Zhou Fei’s wife, Ji’s, said: “Mother, grandfather, ask for a second uncle and a second sister!”

Zhou Fei asked with some suspiciousness: "Is it useful to ask the second uncle?" If it is useful, she has already asked for it.

Ji Shi said: "I listened to the old servant at home saying that Shiya was a close friend of Ming Dynasty and Ming Wang. The two uncles and the two were also a lot of Buddhas at the time." When Ji was married, it was just like Yuxi. The approval is a failure. Suddenly, Qi did not deal with Yuxi.

Mrs. Zhou Dayu hesitated: "Is it useful?"

"If there is any use, I will know if I have tried it." If you know that Ming Wang has such a creation, you should make it in the same year. It is a pity that it is difficult to buy a thousand dollars to know.

Without further ado, Zhou Fei immediately prepared a carriage, and the three went to Zhou Peisong.

On Tuesday, Mrs. Yun’s wife heard the long room and his face was not good. Zhou Peizhen sent his granddaughter to Yunqing, no one knows no one in Beijing.

Looking at her husband, Yun said: "I just heard that Ming Wang was in Beijing, so I was panicked." Now I know that I am afraid, I would not be afraid when I want to sell women for glory.

Zhou Pei-song said: "Please ask the grandmother to sit in the living room with the uncle, we will pass immediately." The two houses were separated more than ten years ago. After Yan Wushuang became emperor, because of Zhou’s relationship with Han Jianming, Zhou’s people have been idle at home.

Yun looked at her husband and said, "I tell you, don't let go of this matter, you have to accidentally get into the whole family."

Zhou Pei-song said: "Is that kind of person who doesn't know how to be serious?" The two brothers have already been separated, and he has already been a grandfather. He couldn't make fun of his family's life for the big brother.

However, it is said that Zhou Feiyi asked him to go to the Han family to talk about love in front of him, and he was soft.

Yun’s face said with a black face: “Now I know that the Korean family is our relatives. I didn’t know if the two were relatives when I was doing nothing.”

Zhou Fei said with a blank face: "Two sisters, I didn't know this beforehand, or I must stop."

do not know? I don’t know such a big thing, when she was three years old, she was so deceiving. However, Yun is too lazy to tear down, just sneer, no more talking.

Zhou Pei-song said: "Big brother has been punished for being discounted, and Ming Wang should not be pursued."

"I am afraid that Ming Wang will be investigated." When it comes to this, Ji's tears rushed to the ground: "Uncle, please help us! Otherwise, this family can't live."

Under the eyes of Yun’s knife, Zhou Pei-song said with a wry smile: “I don’t help, I can’t do anything about it.”

Mrs. Zhou Da busy said: "Ming Wang and Shi Ya are friends in the middle of the squad. If she can help plead, Ming Wang will not pursue it."

When I heard this, Yun’s almost stunned, and she counted her daughter.

Zhou Pei-song knows his wife's temperament most, and waits for her to say: "Da, before the Ming Wang married to the city, the two did not come and go." After the approval of the monk's criticism, Yun's arrest was not allowed. Zhou Shiya went to Yuxi again, and the relationship between the two gradually faded.

Mrs. Zhou Dahong said with a red eye: "Uncle, you can't see death!"

Yun’s anger was heard when he heard this: “What is it that can’t be saved? Is it because my lord asked you to send your own damaged woman to go to the blasphemy? You have no face and no skin, and you have even tired the entire clan. Followed by no face." Fortunately, her granddaughter is still small, or else the marriage has to be delayed.

After Mrs. Zhou Da and Zhou Fei’s husband and wife squatted together, Zhou Pei-song couldn’t help himself, and said with a hard scalp: “I will go to Hanfu tomorrow, and I will not guarantee if I use it.” I can only say that I try my best. And for.

After the people in the big room left, Yun said with a cold face: "I want to go to you, I will not decide to go." She did not suffer from the abuse, and rushed to be cold-eyed.

Zhou Pei-song also had his considerations and immediately said: "Even if you don't want to be a big brother, you have to go for this." Seeing Yun's look at him, Zhou Pei-song said: "If Wang Hao is angry with the whole Zhou family, you and I can't escape. ""

"Isn't it? It's the bad thing that your big brother did, and it's too much to be involved in the whole week." But sending his granddaughter to do it, Ming Wang's regenerative gas will also punish the big house, and even implicate them and the whole clan. .

Zhou Peisong smiled bitterly: "If Wang Ming is a kind-hearted person, Wang Ye is not even a beggar." In the eyes of everyone, men are not bad. Therefore, everyone believes that Yunqing’s reason is that he is afraid of Yuxi’s rouge tiger, not his own.

Yun’s panic: "Then I sent a post to the Korean family now."

Zhou Pei-song said: "I heard that Lu's relationship with Ming Wang is very good. If she can help us to say two good words, we will not be implicated." They are separated from the big house, how can this matter not be related to them? of. However, it was prepared for him to let his wife go.

Lu Xiu received a copy of Yun’s, but he hesitated: “I’m afraid it’s coming for Zhou’s big house.” Lu Xiugang came back to Beijing a few days later, and Yun’s came to visit her. Knowing that I have to repair the house, I also offered help. Although she refused, this heart is still good.

Spring mother said: "Mrs. Tuesday is a reasonable person, it should not be difficult." Yun's impression of Spring Mother is still very good.

Thinking about it, Lu Xiu said to the woman: "Today is too busy, please come to the second mother to come tomorrow!" If Yunshi does not plead for the big house, then naturally. But if it is pleading, don't blame her for not giving face.

Yuxi did not know that because she went to Beijing, she made the Zhou Family House a bird of surprise.

Looking at the distraction like a hill, Yuxi said: "This time, let you get tired." It must be no time, or else it will not accumulate so many folds without review.

Yunqing said with a smile: "It is a little tired, but with you, I will be relaxed." Because he is afraid of mistakes, he is more cautious when he is reading the book, and naturally he is slow. Yuxi, the degree of reviewing the score is much faster than him.

Both husband and wife used dinner, Yun Qing said: "Let's go to the Royal Garden and go!"

The world garden, the Royal Garden is called the second, no one dares to call the first. Unfortunately, Yuxi has never been here before.

Yuxi nodded and agreed.

While walking, Yunqing said: "This garden is much more than our palace." He lived in the palace for more than a month, and he only walked around the horse. Mainly too busy, no time to slowly appreciate the beauty of the park.

Yuxi said with a smile: "There is a lot of exotic flowers in the Imperial Garden. I would like to come to Jinyu." Because I know that Yuxi likes flowers and plants, the flowers and trees of the Royal Garden are relatively complete.

When he mentioned Jin Jinyu, Yunqing frowned. However, he saw Yuxi's enthusiasm and did not want to disappoint: "There are many hundred-year-old cypresses and banyan trees in this yard, one of which has been more than 500 years old." For the first time, he saw the tree for the first time. .

In the Imperial Garden, in addition to the ancient cypresses and exotic flowers, there are also pavilions and pavilions and criss-crossing stone roads.

After walking around, Yuxi said with a smile: "This garden is both quaint and quiet, yet it is the first garden in the world."

Yunqing sighed: "The strange stone jade, the bronze statue of Jinlin, the pavilion attic are also exquisite, even the ground is also used to create a symbolic pattern of Fu, Lu, and Shou with various pebbles. I don't know if I created this garden. how much did you spend."

Yuxi said with a smile: "When you build the entire palace, how about tens of millions of dollars?"

Yunqing shook his head and said: "I am afraid that it is more than enough. According to my estimation, I am afraid that I have to spend hundreds of millions of dollars. Yuxi, you said that if you use these money on the heads of ordinary people and the soldiers, you will not let the people The soldiers died of starvation and death. "Thinking that they were fighting in front of the **** battles and still not eating enough, these people were drunk in the city, and Yunqing was annoyed.

This topic is a bit heavy, and Yuxi has a lot of money: "You should be a Mingjun who will let the people eat and wear warm clothes."

Pulling Yuxi’s hand, Yunqing said: “We work hard together.” I don’t want to be a Mingjun who knows the ages, just ask for my heart.

Yuxi gently pointed his head.

On the way back, Yunqing suddenly remembered one thing: "Qi Hao is also fourteen years old. When we finish the cooking, we should show him the girl."

Yuxi is very surprised: "I didn't tell you before, when Kai Hao was fifteen years old and said that he was a relative?" Yuxi is a very well-planned person. He has long planned to let Qi Hao be 15 years old, and then Tell him pro.

Yunqing shook his head and said: "The girl in Beijing said that the relatives were relatively early. I heard that many girls started to look at people when they were eleven years old."

Yuxi shook his eyebrows and said: "You also said that the girl looks at it earlier. Qi Hao is a son, don't worry."

Yunqing is not a person who listens to one-sided words. He said: "When Qi Hao is 15 years old, he says that the good girl is a good person. But Yuxi, we also give Kaihao a look!" The son is naturally worthy of the best, and how can someone else pick the rest.

Yuxi asked quietly: "Who told you this?" Yunqing was so busy that no one mentioned that he had no time to think about it.

Yunqing didn't think much, said: "Yuan Ying."

Hearing this, Yuxi’s eyes flashed in a flash: "Is Yuanying giving you a choice?"

Yunqing shook his head and said: "This is not the case."

Yuan Ying is not stupid, even if he mentions, Yuxi does not agree with it. Some things, just click until you can.

There is Chen Ran’s first thing, and this will involve Qi Hao. Yu Xi is inevitably prepared for Yuan Ying. However, she did not show it, just said with a smile: "Qi Hao's marriage, you can't mess with my consent."

"This is natural." He ate a long, wise, and he was afraid of the things of Liu. Did not find out clearly, without the consent of Yuxi, he will definitely not rush to set up Kaihao's family.

After hearing this, Yuxi was relieved. As long as Yunqing has something to discuss with her, other people have no idea what to do.

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