The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1440: Dates and dates (1)

The day is still not bright, and the people in Zhanghua Palace are getting up and starting to work. August 1st? Chinese?? W (a) W?W?. ?8?1ZW. COM can be the bride, but it is not awake.

Liu Er said: "Big sister, get up and wash, or else it will be delayed."

Jujube dates a look outside, but also dark: "The sky is still not bright, and then sleep for an hour can not delay in time!" Finished, picked up the quilt to wrap the whole person.

Liu Er was puzzled and asked about the yam: "On the weekdays, the big sister will get up and practice. What happened to this day?"

Yam whispered: "Last night, the princess was too ugly to sleep." This will be the beginning of the time, the big princess only sleeps for a half hour, how can I wake up!

"How can I sleep so late?" Is it too exciting?

Molan said: "The second princess, let the big princess sleep again! Otherwise, if you fall asleep on the sedan chair, then it is not good to watch." Other brides must not sleep on the sedan chair, but jujube but not for sure. Because when I was marching, I was eager to hurry, I couldn’t sleep for a few days and nights, and jujube dates to sleep on horseback.

Liuer hesitated and said: "Let's wait for the mother to come and decide!"

When Yuxi arrived, the jujube was still asleep.

Liuer hurriedly asked: "Mother, what can I do? Big sister hasn't woken up yet!" Bathing, makeup, these take a lot of time.

Yuxi said to Mo Xiang: "You told him that there is a hostile situation." As a general, you can wake up when you hear this.

Molan laughed when he heard this, or the Queen’s Empress knew the big princess.

After brewing it, Molan yelled at the still-sleeping jujube in a panicked tone: "Princess, not good, the bandits are coming."

Upon hearing this, the jujube immediately leaped from the bed and grabbed the autumn water sword placed on the pillow. But when she turned her head, she saw Yuxi and Liu Er.

"You..." After finishing these two words, the date is awakened and it is at home. Soon, jujube dates will come over: "Mother, you are lying about the military."

Liu’s heart seemed to be stuffed with a stone, and it was blocked. From the reaction of the big sister just now, it is enough to see that she is not even calm in the military.

Yuxi smiled and said: "Why don't you get up so? Get up, get a morning bath and have a bath."

On the morning meal there are noodles, buns, eggs, as well as soy milk and a few side dishes.

Liu Er looked at the jujube and drink soy milk and said: "Big sister, it will not be easy to put on the wedding dress when you put on the wedding dress. You still don't drink soup and soy milk, save you halfway."

Jujube dates to Yuxi.

Yuxi said with a smile: "It is okay to drink a little." The princess is very cumbersome to follow the normal procedure. Yuxi is simple and simple, just like ordinary people marry women. Therefore, there are not so many taboos.

Jujube dates don't drink when you drink a small bowl: "Mom, then you have to prepare some snacks for me, so you will be hungry."


After the meal, the date is going to take a bath. Because of lack of sleep, jujube dates asleep while taking a bath.

Yuxi said with a smile: "Let her sleep! When she will shave, she naturally wakes up."

Because jujube has always said that it is simple to do, it is also said that the marriage of the female priest in Beijing is too wasteful. After Yuxi and Yunqing seriously considered it, they agreed to the proposal of jujube. This is not the case. They have only opened forty tables when they are married.

After combing the makeup, Yuxi looked at the jujube and said with a smile: "It's very beautiful. It's even more beautiful when you put on the wedding dress."

Jujube and jujube asked: "Really?" See Yuxi nod. The jujube is busy saying: "When I put on my wedding dress, I must let Ayou come over and see. If he said good-looking, it is true. It’s beautiful.”

Lu Xiu laughed out: "The big princess, Ma Ma feels that it is the most important thing to look good." As for the views of His Highness, it does not matter at all. Good to see, jujube is his big sister.

Jujube said with confidence: "No matter what I am, Jinyu will feel very good." In the eyes of Jin Yu, she is the best and best person in the world.

Put on the wedding dress, put on the bronze mirror, and the jujube is sitting on the bed.

After a quarter of an hour, Yunqing came with Qi Hao and Xuan Geer and Yu Geer three brothers. As for Rui Geer, I went to Changzhou and didn't come back. Originally, Rui Geer was planning to come back to participate in the wedding of jujube dates. It was a date to write letters to let him not come back. Just going to Changzhou, I should be doing well, how can I come back because of my personal affairs!

You brother said with a smile: "Big sister, you are so beautiful today." From small to large, the first time I saw jujube and put on the skirt, it was the first time I saw her makeup.

Xuan Geer echoed next: "Yes! Big sister, you are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen."

Jujube and eyebrows are all bent, but they still look at Kaihao who has not spoken.

Qi Hao showed a rare smile: "It's beautiful."

Jujube is satisfied.

Before a prostitute is married, the parents will say something, such as the husband’s filial piety to understand the husband’s words. However, Yunqing did not say this, but said: "If you are wronged, go home."

Lu Xiu and other women in the house are all stunned. How can a person like the big princess be wronged?

Parents, even if they have the ability to be able to bear, they will still worry.

Yuxi said, holding the hand of jujube and jujube: "When you get to the family, you have to get along with Jinyu, you can't make a fool, you know?"

You brother listened to this in my heart, her older sister was docile in front of her brother-in-law, and she would play with her temper. However, many outsiders were present, and he also thought about it, and he would not say it.

After a while, Mei Lan walked in and said: "Hey Ma Ma came to pick up the pro."

Lu Xiu said in a busy manner: "The big princess, the bride is crying, you have to cry!" Cry married, is the customs of the capital.

Jujube and jujube looked at Lu Xiu: "Two aunts, I can't cry to make up the makeup? How ugly?" This makeup has been spent for more than half an hour, how much it takes. More importantly, she did not want to see a golden jade with a cat face.

Yuxi said with a smile: "If you can't cry, don't cry, don't be stubborn."

This is a cry of marriage, one is to thank the parents of the elders for their kindness; the second is also the grief that the happy life of the girlhood is about to leave; the third is also the confusion and uneasiness before the new life.

Yuxi feels that the parental parenting is good in mind, and there is no need to use crying to express it. As for the latter two, there is no such thing.

Lu Xiu heard it, but it is not good enough.

When Jin Jinyu walked in, the room was quiet and the needle was dropped on the ground.

The golden jade wearing a large red inlaid gold robes is like a jade man with no red enamel casting.

Jujube dates feel that the atmosphere is not right. Open the hijab and ask: "What happened?" If you didn't finish it, you saw the Jinjinyu that had already entered, and the eyes were straight.

Yuxi said with a smile: "How do you kidnap the hijab?" After that, he walked over and re-covered the hijab.

Jin Jinyu took the ceremony: "I have seen the emperor and the queen."

Yuxi smiled very harmoniously and handed him the red silk and said: "This time I will start to change my mouth, but I can't call the empress of the emperor again."

Jin Jinyu did not hesitate, very refreshedly called: "Yes, mother." He was somewhat afraid of Yunqing, but he liked the kind and loving Yuxi.

The jujube and the jade Jinyu both bowed to Yunqing and Yuxi, and they went out of the palace. Qi Hao and Xuan Geer three brothers went to marry, and the guests went away. The palace was suddenly quiet.

Yunqing stood at the gate of Zhanghua Palace and said: "Yu Xi, my heart is empty." Just now, it was still hot, and it was cold and clear, and the contrast was too big. Yunqing could not stand it.

Yuxi said with a smile: "The Qing Palace still accumulates such a high degree of people, we should deal with it." This is the mother, the daughter will marry most of the day. One is that the son-in-law and his family are not good for her, and the child will be wronged; the second is that it is not so easy to see one side after marrying. Yu Yuxi is not worried about jujube, so she will have a good attitude.

Yunqing said: "Let's go!" If you have something to do, you won't want to think about it.

As for Liu Er, she helped Yu Xi’s marriage with jujube dates, and she has not slept well for several days. When the jujube dates out of the palace gate, she goes back to make up.

On the way back, Lu Xiu couldn't help but sighed: "The wedding of the big princess is too simple, and there is no such thing as the seventy-seven." When they were married, they set up sixty tables. Jujube dates to marry, only 20 tables. This is totally incompatible with her identity.

Spring mother also can't figure it out, saying: "You can't lose your child after the thrift. I don't know what the empress and the queen think?"

Lu Xiu said with a smile: "You can blame the emperor and the empress of the empress. It is the big princess who asks for it. It is good to say that the wedding is grand, but it is wasted."

"But this is too rudimentary. I have heard that the family is ready to put on a three-day running water seat." The so-called running water seats are neighbors who are neighbors and even those who don't know can come to the banquet.

Lu Xiu Waner: "The family was originally prepared to put on a 10-day running table. As a result, I heard that the Royals only had a 40-table banquet, which changed the ten days into three days." Ten days of running water, tens of thousands of Silver is gone. Therefore, the dead camel is bigger than the horse. Although the business of the family is not doing much, the foundation is still very thick.

Spring mother couldn't help but sighed: "Other girls marry, hate not to be as grand as possible, the more dowry the better. The big princess, but the opposite." Such a thoughtful daughter, where to find it!

"The big princess has the confidence, she can live very well without relying on the dowry." Twenty-year-old three-product guerrilla generals, there have been few people since ancient times. If you have this ability, you should not be able to live well with a dowry.

"I don't know where the family is so blessed." With such a noble and capable daughter-in-law, the family will definitely thrive.

Lu Xiu said with a smile: "Men, it looks like an advantage when you look good." If Jin Jinyu doesn't look like a jade person, jujube dates can't be seen. And this is not envious.

The beautiful looking golden jade does not know how many people are on the road. This is a lot of pressure for him who is only facing the flowers and plants on weekdays.

Before the princess was married, she would have to circle around the imperial city after coming out of the palace. Yuxi abolished this link and indirectly reduced the pressure on Jin Jinyu.

Fang’s room in the hall was a little anxious: “How come it hasn’t arrived yet? It’s all in time.” When it’s wrong, this sign is not good.

Her mother smiled and said: "Don't worry too much, I can't miss it in time."

As he spoke, Ying He ran into the house and said excitedly: "Mrs., the sedan chair is coming, and the sedan chair is here."

When the flower car is on the ground, the bridegroom officer must shoot three arrows in a row, and then he can open the sedan chair and ask the bride to get off the sedan.

邬金玉 looks weak and weak, can often move pots, wrists are still very powerful.

Jujube dates to hear the sound of the arrow landing, smiled and shook his head, this head is too bad.

Xi Niang put the red silk in the hands of the jujube, and said with a smile: "The groom is holding the bride!"

During the Zhou Dynasty, the princess was not married to the in-laws. When I worship the world, I usually bend my waist to the in-laws. However, the jujube is very sincere, and he will kneel down with Jin Jinyu.

Jin Jinbo stood next to him and saw the jujube jujube under his arm. He held his hand tightly. It’s not that the big princess is flying and arrogant, why is it so docile?

Whether it is a civil servant or a large number of men, there are very few women who can afford to climb onto their heads, so they deliberately ruin the reputation of jujube. In fact, everyone familiar with jujube dates knows that she is a temper like a boy, but her character is excellent.

When I was shocked, I stood up and said, "The big princess can't make it!" The big princess is a golden branch, but she can't be afraid of her.

Xi Niang said that the new marry mother could not speak before entering the cave. For what reason, Xi Niang is not clear. Although jujube dates are not taken for granted, since it is a rule, then follow it.

Jin Jinyu said: "Hey, mother, you have raised me. The big princess is a golden jade leaf, but it is also my wife. It is also appropriate to give you a gimmick." Just like he sincerely gave Yunqing and Yuxi a hoe, Thanks to their support for the jujube.

This is very domineering, so that the people present can't help but look at him.

Jujube dates are not spoken, but they are nodding.

Fang’s tears are coming. She was not willing to pay attention to the date of jujube, because the status of jujube was too high. There aren't a few good horses in this Hummer. If you are cold, you will be wearing a green hat for a long time. Now look at the behavior of jujube, she is not worried anymore. The princess can put down the body for the golden jade, which shows that the heart is extremely valued.

Jin Jinbo took a look at Jin Jinyu and turned his eyes away. He is afraid of watching too much, and he will not hide his emotions.

After worshipping the heavens and the earth, Jin Jinyu took the jujube to the new house. Because Jin Jinyu walked very slowly, jujube dates also followed a small step and a small step. With the usual pace of walking, it is completely different.

The politician whispered to Kaihao: "Fortunately, I was watching the big sister on the sedan chair of the sedan chair, otherwise I would have thought that I would change people."

Qi Hao glanced at the political brother and said: "We should go back too, and this will definitely wait for us!" When he left, he saw tears in Yunqing’s eyes.

You geer smiled and said: "Tomorrow is going to go to the door to be bad." You brother is good at reasoning, and solving the case requires strong reasoning ability. If you infer correctly, you can quickly solve the case. So now the buddy is in the punishment department, it is like a duck.

Ps: There is one more at eight.

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