The Rebirth Of The Chaebol On Hong Kong Island Starts With Hong Shuzhen

Chapter 91 The Eldest Wife, He Chaoqiong, Took The Initiative To Give Him A Concubine!

Xu Jinyang now has top-level acting skills, and this acting skill can help him achieve the effect of becoming obsessed.

He Chaoqiong had never seen a person like this before, and was terrified at the time.

She was about to call the doctor, but Xu Jinyang stopped her.

"I can adjust my breath and recover slowly, without calling a doctor, even if the doctor comes, he won't be able to help me.

He Chaoqiong looked at Xu Jinyang very worriedly: "Honey, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Jinyang smiled wryly and said: "Didn't I tell you this morning that I learned internal skills from a worldly expert, which made my overall physical fitness exceptionally strong, and you have also seen that my strength is that of ordinary people more than ten years old?" times.......

He Chaoqiong thought about it at this time, and asked very worriedly: "You told me just now that your internal strength has a good side and a bad side, and now it's the bad side... ..."

Xu Jinyang nodded and said: "Yes, now is the bad side, it is very easy to go crazy.

My master passed away because he became obsessed and couldn't control himself..."

Because Xu Jinyang laid the groundwork very well before, He Chaoqiong completely believed that he was insane, so she asked very worriedly: "Did your master tell you how to avoid being insane?"

Xu Jinyang smiled wryly: "It's a little embarrassing to say it."

He Chaoqiong was in a hurry: "It's a matter of life and death, what's there to be embarrassed about!"

Xu Jinyang smiled wryly and said: "My master told me when he was dying, if you want not to go crazy, you must have a combination of yin and yang, otherwise the solitary yang will not grow, and it will be easy to go crazy!"

He Chaoqiong also received a Westernized education, and her Chinese culture was the same as her father's, so she didn't quite understand: "What do you mean?"

Xu Jinyang explained: "I just want to date women a lot, and I can't hold it in. If I hold it in for a long time, it's easy to go crazy!"

He Chaoqiong understood.

At first, I wondered if Xu Jinyang's "330" made up nonsense to lie to himself, but seeing Xu Jinyang's powerful power and his maddened appearance just now are really so real.

Moreover, according to what Xu Jinyang said, not only his strength is more than ten times that of ordinary men, but also other aspects.

Now He Chaoqiong smiled wryly: "I think it's just me who can't do it at all. My ability is far from yours..."

Now that Xu Jinyang knew that it was not time for a showdown, he still said with a bitter face: "Yes, I originally thought that your figure is so ample, and you have a mixed-race physique, so you should be stronger than ordinary oriental women, but it turned out...

According to my current constitution, I need dates every day, and I need a lot of dates, I'm afraid you..."

At that time, He Chaoqiong was so frightened that Huarong turned pale: "If it is like what you said, I am afraid that I may die in a short time. What should I do about this......"

He Chaoqiong thinks that Xu Jinyang is a super man, a character who exists like a superhero, and although she is better than ordinary women, she does not have such super abilities after all.

He Chaoqiong was worried about both Xu Jinyang's body and her own body, thinking about it, and then suddenly learned something from her father, the gambling king.

"If not, I'll introduce you to a few more girlfriends..."

He Chaoqiong is completely acceptable to this kind of thing.

Because something like this happened to their family.

After the eldest wife of the gambling king fell ill, the gambling king didn't want to be a monk, so he found He Chaoqiong's biological mother and became the second wife of the gambling king.

When He Chaoqiong's mother was pregnant, she didn't want to make her husband feel uncomfortable, so she introduced the nurse who took care of her to the gambling king and became the third wife of the gambling king.

Since this kind of thing has already happened, He Chaoqiong feels that she can accept it.

It's just that she hopes that her fiancé Xu Jinyang's girlfriend has been chosen by herself, that she can control it, and that it will not threaten her future wife's status!

He Chaoqiong really deserves to be a domineering female president, she even has to personally check on introducing a girlfriend to her husband!

At that time, Xu Jinyang remembered that there were two female friends around He Chaoqiong, and he suddenly frowned: "My wife, there is no other way now, I can only agree with you to do this, after all, if you follow the frequency I said, it may also hurt you Body.

But, could it not be those friends of yours.

Those female friends of yours look very masculine, I really don't feel a little bit..."

He Chaoqiong couldn't help smiling when recalling the clothes of Yu and others.

"Of course it won't be them. I understand your aesthetics, husband. The one I introduced to you is definitely not much worse than mine."

Xu Jinyang really wanted He Chaoqiong to introduce her sister He Chaoyi.

He Chaoyi's appearance at the peak of his youth was no less than that of He Chaoqiong.

Moreover, He Chaoyi is also the only girl in their family who has made a difference in the entertainment industry.

Once won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor and singing awards, although there is part of the reason for the gambling king's daughter.

She inherited the mixed blood gene of the king of gambling, and her facial features are also particularly three-dimensional and exquisite, but it is a pity that the flowering period is relatively short, and the stability of her appearance is far less than that of He Chaoqiong.

Of course, Xu Jinyang would not say such a thing. On the one hand, He Chaoyi is her younger sister, and on the other hand, He Chaoyi is still relatively young.

He Chaoqiong mentioned a few celebrities in the circle that she was more familiar with, and Xu Jinyang couldn't help shaking his head.

Because those celebrities in the circle are far inferior to He Chaoqiong in terms of appearance, temperament and style.

Xu Jinyang finally couldn't help but said: "My wife, don't introduce me.

I have a few girls in the film company now, and I found that they all like me, and I don’t want to hurt them, so I hope you, my wife, will watch over them, and if you think they can, then let them be maids to serve you, the queen!"

He Chaoqiong reacted now: "You are waiting for me here, have you already had that kind of relationship with them?"

Xu Jinyang said with a wry smile: "I have been practicing for a long time, and I have gone mad a few times before, but luckily I recovered in time.

But I am worried that if things go on like this, one day I will not be able to save myself, so I am with Zhang Han and Lan Jieying, and the other girls are not yet.

I am confessing to my wife now that I cannot help myself, and their position in my heart will never surpass you.

If we are the imperial palace, you will always be the queen in my heart, and they are just little concubines and maids!"

Hearing Xu Jinyang's frankness, He Chaoqiong forgave Xu Jinyang's previous relationship with these girls and smiled.

"Honey, I can understand that you really can't help yourself, if it wasn't for your physical problems, you might not even look down on them.

It's okay, I don't mind, invite them to dinner at home today, I'll check it out!"

For the daughter of a gambling king born like He Chaoqiong, she doesn't really care about her husband's flirtatiousness. "What she cares more about is her husband's ability to improve himself and where he puts himself.

Just like the original time and space, the main reason why He Chaoqiong and Xu Jinheng were not together was that the two of them could not reach an agreement on their careers.

He Chaoqiong is a highly motivated career woman, while Xu Jinheng is a standard idle playboy, so He Chaoqiong looks down on Xu Jin from the bottom of her heart

Xu Jinyang's situation is completely different. His investment ability is higher than that of He Chaoqiong. Like He Chaoqiong, he is ambitious and completely like-minded, and he puts He Chaoqiong first in his heart.

Coupled with the foreshadowing of the insane physique, He Chaoqiong can fully accept Xu Jinyang's current flirtatiousness, and it is logical to become the queen in charge of drafting for the emperor.

That's right, He Chaoqiong's current role is really like the queen who drafted for the emperor in ancient times.

It's funny to say that in ancient times, from the emperor to the ordinary rich family, the person who was responsible for taking concubines for the man was his wife (the emperor's wife was the empress).

In ancient society, a man with a wealthy family and a certain status in society usually had a regular wife and two or three concubines.

From the perspective of later generations of modern society, this is a bad habit, but from the perspective of the strict etiquette and law at that time, where men are superior to women, this is a very normal phenomenon.

It is understandable for a man to take the initiative to look for a young and beautiful woman to be a concubine in his house in order to satisfy himself, but in ancient times, the principal wife was always rushing to take a concubine for her husband.

Isn't this obviously looking for a rival in love?

Could it be that they feel that their lives are too peaceful?

First of all, if you want to clarify this matter, you must first understand the ancient concubine system.

The basis of the concubine system is the ancient social phenomenon that men are superior to women. In order to show their power, powerful men will take many concubines. The more concubines they take, the higher the economic strength and status of the family .

It is not appropriate to call the concubinage system polygamy, because in ancient times, concubines could not actually be called the wife of the master.

Because there was only one main wife in ancient times, she can enjoy the rights of a wife as we understand it, and can act as the deputy of the head of the family, "determining the whole life of the family when the head of the family is away."


The status of concubines is much lower than that of wives. To put it more realistically, concubines are actually more of the personal servants of the male master, and she is more concerned with solving some private affairs of the male master.

No matter how much the concubine pleases the male master, she has no way to replace the main wife's position in the family.

Even at some point, the main wife can decide whether the concubine will stay or stay, so it can be seen that in the ancient marriage relationship, the status of the concubine and the main wife are completely unequal.

In fact, in addition to showing their status and satisfying their own desires, there is another reason why men like to take concubines, which is to imitate the emperor.

In the feudal society in ancient my country, everyone knew who the man with the highest status was the emperor, and whoever took the most concubines was also the emperor.

Sima Yan, the founding emperor of the Jin Dynasty, had 5,000 concubines; and Emperor Sui Yang, all his harem concubines added up to 10,000.

It is very likely that many concubines died without seeing the emperor.

Since the emperor with the highest status can have so many women, the more women I have, the higher my social status will naturally be. It was for this purpose that men in ancient times took concubines crazily when their own strength allowed .

After understanding the ancient concubine system, we will return to the key question, why would the main wife take the initiative to help her husband take concubines?

This has something to do with our ancient feudal customs. First of all, in feudal society, passing incense is the first task a woman needs to do in this family. Will be ridiculed and insulted by the world and even my own mother-in-law...

Therefore, in the feudal system in ancient my country, it was also stipulated that men must take concubines at the age of 40, just to prevent such a situation where the incense is cut off.

Of course, this regulation is limited to the dignitaries, and the poor like those who may not be able to support themselves are not included.

Therefore, for some reason, the main wife has no way to bring a son and a daughter for her husband, so she will eagerly find a concubine for her husband to achieve the purpose of continuing the incense.

Another reason why a regular wife will take the initiative to find a concubine for her husband-in-law is

Out of the deformed values ​​of society at that time. If this man is powerful and influential in the society, but he doesn't even have a concubine, all kinds of suspicions in the society will follow.

Come on, isn't this man okay?

Is my wife being disciplined so strictly that my husband-in-law is unable to take concubines? All kinds of negative speculation in society will damage the reputation of this man and his wife.

Therefore, even many of Hai Rui, the honest and upright officials in our history, their wives would take the initiative to find a concubine for him. Sometimes this person may not want to marry a concubine, but

Due to the pressure of public opinion, it can only be forced to accept.

Is there anyone who voluntarily refuses to take concubines?

In fact, there were. Wang Anshi, a famous politician, reformer, poet and writer, was at the court, devoted himself to reform, and had no intention of taking care of family affairs.

Get in touch with your regular wife less, let alone a concubine.

But he was not in a hurry for his wife, so he hurriedly bought him a concubine from outside.

The concubine pushed him away, and from this we can also see that Wang Anshi has a noble character.


The current situation is that Xu Jinyang has paved the way for all the situations, and his eldest wife He Chaoqiong has already taken the initiative to help him take a concubine without him asking for it!

Xu Jinyang could see that He Chaoqiong did it voluntarily and was not angry because of it, but was very proactive.

He called Liang Anqi, Zhang Han, Lan Jieying, Zhou Huici, Qiu Shuzhen and asked them to come over for dinner.

There should have been another Li Ruotong, but Xu Jinyang and Li Ruotong have not had much emotional breakthrough these days. Li Ruotong is just an ordinary contract girl to Xu Jinyang


He Chaoqiong did not expect that there would be five beauties, each with their own beauty.

It seems that Liang Anqi is slightly inferior in this, but Liang Anqi is versatile, smart and capable, good eloquence, high emotional intelligence, and now she is Xu Jinyang's assistant president and reliable assistant


He Chaoqiong can see that these other girls are basically vases, they do not pose any threat to him, and their attitude towards him is very respectful, nothing to worry about.

Only Liang Anqi was slightly in danger, but it was within the controllable range.

Of course, He Chaoqiong didn't know that this woman who was about her age had become her fourth aunt in that life, the fourth aunt of the king of gambling. She competed with her.

However, the fourth concubine Liang Anqi's skills are still far inferior to He Chaoqiong, and she has been crushed by He Chaoqiong.

In fact, He Chaoqiong has always been good at dancing, and has a good relationship in all aspects.

Especially Rong Wenwei, the partner of the public relations company Tianji, the eldest lady of the Rong family, who helped He Chaoqiong lead the line in the mainland.

In the original time and space, the reason why He Chaoqiong was able to defeat Sitai Liang Anqi and become the successor of the gambling king was because of his relationship with the mainland.

Many people know that Omen Gambling will soon re-bid, which will affect the development of the He family for many years in the future. If the bidding fails, then the He family will be the key to everything

here we go.

Back then, the old Rong family lost their gambling cards because they lost to the gambling king, but now they are gone. It can be seen that gambling is very important to the He family.

There are two keys to He Chaoqiong's competition for gambling cards. The first is the Huo family, and the second may be the Rong family.

Prior to this, He Chaoqiong had reached an alliance with the Huo family, and she also helped the boss of the Huo family become the co-chairman of SJM. In this way, the shares held by He Chaoqiong and the boss of the Huo family

It exceeded 50%, firmly controlling SJM.

In addition, the Huo family still has a lot of connections in the mainland. When the Omen gambling cards are re-bid, it is not a word in the mainland who will actually send them to.

Liang Anqi's relationship is only in Omen, and she can't handle the mainland, so she can't beat He Chaoqiong.

Of course, in this time and space, Liang Anqi and He Chaoqiong are both Xu Jinyang's women, and they can have healthy competition.

But there is no need to fight like the old time.

Xu Jinyang still values ​​the unity in his harem group.

Now He Chaoqiong is examining Xu Jinyang's confidantes one by one, and finds it pleasing to the eye.

She couldn't help praising her, her husband has such a good eye, these girls are so beautiful, even she, a woman, feels so beautiful, I feel sorry for her. .

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