Xu Jinyang agrees very much that these women are not convinced and secretly compete with each other.

He hoped that his women would have this kind of scenes of mutual dissatisfaction and mutual embarrassment.

Lan Jieying put her arms around Xu Jinyang's neck, and said softly: "Husband, if I am a little older than them, second only to He Chaoqiong, then I should have a baby earlier!"

Because although Lan Jieying has some confidence in her acting skills, the suppression of her by TVB before this made her not so confident in her career, and she may not be able to win these women steadily in career, but there is a place Lan Jieying felt that she still had the possibility of victory.

That is, after all, I am a few years more mature than Qiu Shuzhen, Zhou Huimin, and Zhang Han, and I have reached the age where I can have a stable childbirth.

In fact, this is the reason she communicated with her mother on the phone, and her mother gave her the field.

At this age, in such a family, the way I can win the day is to give birth to this man earlier, because mothers are more expensive than children!

In fact, such a situation exists in the current Xiangjiang rich circle.

There are rumors about some Hong Kong rich men and female stars, they often just want to have fun, not want to take responsibility.

But if that female star becomes pregnant and gives birth to a child, these rich men will have to hold their noses and marry these female stars back home.

Even if you don't marry and go home, you will be raised outside, and you will be given very generous conditions.

When Lan Jieying's biggest advantage now is just her beauty, she can't think of any other way to win except for the mother to give Xu Jinyang a son and a daughter earlier.

Before this, I have repeatedly said that Xu Jinyang wants to fulfill his lifelong dream goal, to become the world's top chaebol, just two things, to become richer and have many children.

He originally thought that it would be safer to have a child after the most important stock market crash operation was over. At that time, he would not worry about Xu Jinheng's mother and other bad guys getting involved.

However, he changed his mind, if Lan Jieying and the others were pregnant at this time, they would have to be more than 8 months pregnant before they could give birth to the child.

And at that time, the final decisive battle is already very close, and the essence will not have much impact.

Therefore, Xu Jinyang's date with Lan Jieying is now free.

Looking at Lan Jieying in front of him, Xu Jinyang admired her from the bottom of his heart, she is really beautiful, the children of the two must look good too!

Lan Jieying once had the reputation of "beautiful Mount Wutai". The characters she plays are beautiful in ancient and modern costumes, gorgeous and eye-catching.

Lan Jieying's face is fresh and sweet, neither flattering nor coquettish, her eyes are as clear as water, her teeth are like shellfish, and her face is always filled with a pure smile.

It turns out that in that time and space, the rivers and lakes were high and stormy, and the rain sent the evening flowers easy to fall. A confidante with a poor fate is the jealousy of the heavens, how much is the drunken bone buried?

The mist flows and shines brightly. Even though I have seen many beautiful eyes, Lan Jieying's eyes are one in a million.

Some people say that she is the most orthodox beauty, so perfect that no one can pick out any flaws. Her appearance in ancient costume has a hint of coquettishness in her heroic spirit.

In this time and space, Xu Jinyang will definitely protect her to the end, after all, she is not only his own woman, but may also become the mother of his own child!

After a few hours, Lan Jieying felt that her dream was one step closer to her.

She seemed to have imagined that she became the mother of Xu Jinyang's son and felt very happy.

When Lan Jieying fell into a deep sleep, Xu Jinyang got up quietly, took out his mobile phone, and issued an order.

It was because Zheng Jiacheng, the second son of jewelry tycoon Zheng Yutong, had harassed Lan Jieying before.

It turned out that that time and space had always abandoned Lan Jieying.

Then in Xu Jinyang's time and space, Zheng Jiacheng should be dealt with severely, not only by abolishing him, but also by more ruthless means!

In the past few days, an earth-shattering event happened in Xiangjiang.

In the original time and space, it had a certain relationship with Lan Jieying.

In this time and space, it has nothing to do with Lan Jieying.

Zheng Jiacheng, the second son of jewelry king Zheng Yutong, was kidnapped.

The other party extorted HK$100 million.

At this time, the British Hong Kong police had no clue, and could not find out where the kidnappers were going!

Zheng Yutong didn't want a white-haired person to send a black-haired person, so in spite of the police's objection, he sent 100 million Hong Kong dollars to the destination according to the request of the other party.

The other party also sent back Zheng Yutong's eldest son, Zheng Jiacheng.

But after Zheng Jiacheng came back, he found that he was completely abolished, and he no longer had any ability to deal with women, and even started to like men.

According to Zheng Jiacheng's memories, the police followed the clues and found a place where a group of South Vietnamese gathered.

It was a group of South Vietnamese refugees who smuggled into Xiangjiang after the Vietnam War.

They didn't look for a job well, but they did evil in groups, forming the smoky South Vietnamese gang.

The Hong Kong Island police arrested those members of the South Vietnamese community, but the other party refused to admit it, but a lot of evidence was found at the scene.

The police arrested them and sentenced them to prison.

The citizens of Xiangjiang all believed that it was the Nanyue people who were responsible for the kidnapping and extortion.

There were very few cases of kidnapping and extortion in Xiangjiang before, but this case caused a storm.

The wealthy people in Xiangjiang began to panic. They all wanted to hire bodyguards to prevent them from being kidnapped by the South Vietnamese gang.

Just, where to find that kind of reliable bodyguard team.

At this moment, Tianji Public Relations, the largest public relations company in Xiangjiang, is promoting a security company among the rich.

This security company has the endorsement of the king of gambling, absolutely safe and reliable.

Because He Chaoqiong, the daughter of the gambling king, uses this security company's bodyguards, which is very safe.

It is said that many of the bodyguards of this security company participated in the Vietnam War and were at odds with the South Vietnamese, so they can be assured of their protection.

In this way, Xu Jinyang's mercenary group turned into Tianji Security Company, broke it up into pieces, and became the bodyguard team of dozens of first- and second-tier wealthy families in Xiangjiang.

Their professionalism is strongly trusted by these employers.

However, those employers never dreamed that the bodyguards of this Tianji security company were all loyal to Xu Jinyang.

While protecting these employers, they are also collecting intelligence on them. Once they find out that they are not good for Xu Jinyang, other teams will deal with these first- and second-rate Xiangjiang giants

Now only Xu Jinyang's people know the truth. Before Zheng Jiacheng was kidnapped by the South Vietnamese, it was Xu Jinyang's trick.

That 100 million Hong Kong dollars is just a small harvest.

The bigger harvest is that, with this kidnapping case, the rich families like Xiangjiang are eager to get a professional bodyguard team, thus promoting the transformation of their mercenary corps into a security company.

And in this way, he can continue to expand his mercenary group reasonably and legally.

During these months, his mercenary group grew to three hundred people.

Moreover, some people went to the United States. While protecting Nicole Kidman's so-called Miss Kidman Chaebol, they developed a mercenary group, apparently a security company.

Of course, the security company in the United States is hung under the MP company that it worked with before. On the surface, Howard, a white American, is the manager, and it exists and develops under the eyes of the white Anglo-Saxon Americans.

Xu Jinyang also used the information collected by these bodyguards to get a clear picture of the background of these wealthy families in Xiangjiang, just for the sake of the stock market crash in a few months later, so that he can target them short and win the maximum profit.

When the stock price of shorting them is the lowest, you can take the opportunity to buy them, and even use the money you earn from shorting them to buy them.

At that time, many people worry that Xu Jinyang lacks land, real estate, and physical companies.

These Xiangjiang giants did not have a professional information network and bodyguard team before, they were completely blind, played by Xu Jinyang and applauded.

Among them, the rich family of Xu Jinheng's mother's family was also closely monitored by Xu Jinyang's people.

On the surface, Xu Jinyang seemed to have nothing to do with that security company.

He looks like just the son of a chaebol, the boss of a movie company.

He remembered something in the past two days and told Wang Jing.

"There is an actress named Luo Huijuan. You can arrange for her to participate in Xingzi's movie, and arrange her to be a character who has emotional entanglements with Xingzi in the second half."

Wang Jing was stunned: "Why did you make such an arrangement?"

Xu Jinyang smiled mysteriously: "I figured that the two of them are married."

That's right, Zhou Xingchi's true destiny girl is Luo Huijuan, and their relationship is very sincere and earth-shattering.

And it happened that Xu Jinyang just respected Luo Huijuan with short hair.

He felt that the love between Luo Huijuan and Zhou Xingchi in that life was really touching.

Xu Jinyang didn't want his younger brother Xingzai to end up in the pitiful old man with white hair and lonely old age.

It turned out that in that life, after Zhou Xingchi and Luo Huijuan broke up, he still missed her, and there were Luo Huishuo's shadows in many movies.

Talking about their meeting, falling in love and parting with regret, Xu Jinyang sighed.

This paragraph must be carefully explained, most of you do not know this story.

Xu Jinyang cried several times because of this story.

I don't know if you will cry because of Zhou Xingchi and Luo Huijuan's missed love story.

It turned out that in that time and space, in 1988, he participated in a TV series called "Ade is also crazy".

In this play, Zhou Xingchi played a small supporting role, and the two met from this.

In this play, there is a plot that is very noteworthy.

The character "Liang Miaoling" played by Luo Huijuan, when playing opposite "Lin Xiong" played by Zhou Xingchi in the play, has such a line: "If I don't do it, why do you support me?"

"Ade is also crazy" made the two people who had a brief contact with each other have a good impression of each other, and it seems that God also intends to fulfill the two.

Zhou Xingchi, who had been playing tricks for several years, finally had his luck this year and met a nobleman.

Starred in the first movie in his life "Pioneer of Thunderbolt", it was this movie that made people see Zhou Xingchi's potential and began to give him more resources.

In 1988, Zhou Xingchi had a second contact with Luo Huijuan.

This time, he is no longer a supporting role.

In the TV series "Heroes of the World", Zhou Xingchi and Luo Huijuan act as the male and female protagonists. There are a lot of emotional scenes in the play, including many kissing scenes.

The two people who already liked each other, with the blessing of this drama, the fake drama came true.

Although the two have not made their relationship public, everyone knows that they are together.

When Luo Huijuan was filming, Zhou Xingchi often turned into a driver, picked up the car and dropped off, and sometimes offered sweet food. He must love this woman very much.

When filming "Dragon in Tianya", Zhou Xingchi was in the United States, and went to buy a big brother for Luo Huijuan... Li Lianjie, who was also on the same crew, also fell in love with Lizhi.

If both of them were not in the entertainment industry, they must have been married long ago.

In 1990, Zhou Xingchi found Liu Zhenwei and told him that he wanted to get married. At that time, Liu Zhenwei was very surprised. In his opinion, this was a very irrational approach.

He told Zhou Xingchi: Your career is now on the rise, you have to know what you want.

It was Liu Zhenwei's words that dispelled Zhou Xingchi's idea of ​​getting married, and began to devote all his thoughts to his career, which became his eternal regret.

In the early 1990s, Zhou Xingchi's career exploded.

Of the 15 top-grossing films in Xiangjiang in 1992, Zhou Xingchi's accounted for 7 of them, and he even took the top five. He also occupied Xiangjiang's film market for three consecutive years...

At that time, the trickster who knelt down and begged for help finally used his own strength to prove himself.

While Zhou Xingchi got the corresponding honor, he also became busier.

Later, when the host interviewed Zhou Xingchi, he once said something meaningful: 々If I could do it all over again, I wouldn't be so busy.

The word "busy" became Zhou Xingchi's lifelong regret.

Luo Huijuan is just a little girl. When she was in school, she dreamed of getting married and having children. Her ambition for career was not that strong.

In 1992, when Zhou Xingchi was most brilliant, Luo Huijuan proposed to Zhou Xingchi.

And Zhou Xingchi's answer broke her heart: "You are crazy."

These words completely hurt Luo Huijuan. She was infatuated with Zhou Xingchi, but Zhou Xingchi regarded her as a psychopath. How could she not be sad?

she left.

After the breakup, Luo Huijuan had a lot of resentment towards Zhou Xingchi.

In 1995, when Luo Huijuan was interviewed, when she was asked about her relationship with Zhou Xingchi, she who was originally calm became very excited: "I once said that I would never admit that I had a relationship with him (Zhou Xingchi). I don’t know how those 3 years passed, why is it 3 years? Maybe 3 years is a limit period of tolerance!

At that time, Zhou Xingchi was in the highlight moment of his life, and there was no shortage of beauties around him.

Haven't realized what I'm missing.

And Luo Huijuan's next life experience is very regrettable.

In the second year after breaking up with Zhou Xingchi, Luo Huijuan broke her waist while filming, and since then she has reduced the number of filming.

A few years later, the financial storm hit.

Luo Huijuan gave all her savings to her friend and asked him to help her with the repayment procedures for the house, but her friend ran away.

In order to repay the huge debt, Ai had to come back and desperately filmed.

In 1999, Luo Huijuan encountered a one-in-ten-thousandth probability event during a dive, which resulted in almost deafness in one ear, leaving only 20% of her hearing.

It was also this year that Zhou Xingchi yelled that classic line in the movie "The King of Comedy": "I support you!"

I don't know if it was intentional, but it echoed the line in Luo Huijuan's play back then.

In any case, Zhou Xingchi never had a chance to make up for his regrets.

He who is not good at words can only write this regret in his own movie:

1. The line "Love you for ten thousand years" in "A Chinese Journey to the West", and the sentence summed up by netizens "If you don't wear a golden hoop, you can't save you, and if you wear a golden hoop, you can't love you.

2. The heroine in "Kung Fu" is a deaf-mute.

3. In "Journey to the West Conquering the Demons", Ms. Duan confessed to Tang Seng: "I have a small dream, that is, I can find a good husband, organize a family with him, and have a baby."

4. Luo Huijuan loves diving and even took pictures of mermaids, so in the movie, there is a line: "I have everything now, but I am lonely. No one in this world can understand me, except you."

All these things make people see that Zhou Xingchi still has a school in his heart for the relationship he once had.

Otherwise, Zhou Xingchi wouldn't say "If I could do it all over again, I wouldn't be so busy".

It's a pity that sometimes in life, it is just so helpless.

It's not so much that Zhou Xingchi can't forget Luo Huijuan, it's better to say that he misses the relationship between the two of them during the struggle. When he retires after success, although he is surrounded by beauties.

But how many are sincere?

It's really a pity that such a bitter couple, Xu Jinyang decided to give Luo Huijuan a role in "A Comic Breaking into Tianya", so that she and Zhou Xingchi could meet sooner!

Of course, Xu Jinyang has selfish intentions here.

If Zhou Xingchi and Luo Huijuan can have lovers and finally get married, then Xu Jinyang can be with Zhu Yin without worrying about losing the general Zhou Xingchi.

In the future, Xu Jinyang will be able to follow Zhang Bozhi, Huang Shengyi, Zhang Yuqi...it without any problems.

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