The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 11 The difference between the state and the chaebol

Japan, Tokyo.

Sumitomo Trading Company Headquarters.

In the president's office, Hamanaka Tainan knelt on the ground dejectedly.

Standing in front of him was Sumitomo President Akimi Koichi.

Japan's chaebol can be passed down for hundreds of years, largely because of the adopted son inheritance system.

In Japan, the system of adopting adopted children has existed since ancient times, and exists among the royal family and common people.

The adopted son system reached its peak during the Wu family era. Maintaining the continuity of the family and the continuity of family management was an important purpose of this system.

The uniqueness of Japan's adopted son system is that even if a family has children of its own, there are often adopted sons of the opposite sex and sons-in-law.

This characteristic enables Japanese families to seek better development as an interest group rather than just by blood.

For example, Takayoshi Kido, one of the three heroes of the Meiji Restoration, Hirobumi Ito, the first Prime Minister of the Cabinet, and Hideki Yukawa, the Nobel Prize winner in physics, are all adopted sons.

Qiushui Hongyi is also an adopted son.

But under Japan's adopted son system, he is still Sumitomo's top talker.


Qiushui Hongyi's face was filled with anger, and he slapped Hamanaka Tainan's face left and right.

"Yaga, do you know what kind of crisis Sumitomo has fallen into because of your stupidity? How much loss Sumitomo has suffered because of your stupidity. Hamanaka Yasuo, I am very disappointed in you."

"I'm sorry, president...I..."

Hamanaka Tainan's face was full of fear.

This time, he caused Sumitomo to suffer billions of dollars in losses.

If placed in the samurai era, he would have had the only option to commit seppuku.


After a few more slaps, Qiushui Hongyi seemed to be tired.

He didn't even want to look at Hamanaka Tainan again, and kicked Hamanaka Tainan to the ground.

"You have been fired now. Just wait and accept your punishment."

On the same day, Sumitomo Trading Co., Ltd. President Akimi Koichi announced that Sumitomo’s chief trader Yasuo Hamanaka participated in copper futures trading without authorization, causing Sumitomo to suffer a huge loss of US$4 billion.

Then, Yasuo Hamanaka was sentenced to seven years in prison for trying to conceal losses of more than $2.6 billion.

As soon as this news was announced, it immediately caused a wave of publicity around the world.

Countless people are speculating who Sumitomo's opponent will be.

Futures trading is a zero-sum transaction. If someone loses, someone will make a profit.

Sumitomo lost such a large amount of money, so to whom did Sumitomo's huge loss of money go?

For a time, there was a lot of discussion in the global financial community.

This is not a general business curiosity, but the whereabouts of these funds determine to some extent who will play a greater role in the copper market in the future.

Soon, all the major traders on Lun Copper were exposed by someone who was interested.

The main short sellers in international copper futures are some international funds, including major U.S. financial investors.

Soros's Quantum Fund, which is world-famous for "defeating" the British government in the 1980s pound crisis, as well as Robinson's Tiger Fund, Canadian tycoon Black and at least one well-known European metal trader.

No one knows who spread the news.

However, the financial market controls huge wealth, and it is difficult to truly hide secrets under such huge wealth.

Some traders believe that these funds have more or less control over the situation. But little is known about how much they profited from the turmoil and the impact it would have on copper prices.

The news is getting worse.

Conspiracy theories, sniper theories, and global capital's joint attack on Sumitomo have made all the fund managers exposed feel very anxious.

New York, USA.

Quantum Fund Headquarters.

Soros was completely devoid of the thrill of making a ton of money.

Being in Soros's position, he deeply understands how terrifying an ancient plutocrat like Sumitomo is.

If this matter is not handled well, he will face endless assassinations from Sumitomo.

He who wields the emperor's sword cannot carry out assassinations.

Sniping a country in the financial market and sniping a chaebol are completely different concepts.

A country is built on credibility and faith.

When a country liberalizes its financial market, it will inevitably face various challenges.

It doesn’t matter whether you win or lose.

It is impossible to do anything shady because of failure and financial losses.

No country can afford that kind of consequences.

But a chaebol is different.

Chaebol is in the hands of individuals.

The country will have no joy, anger, sorrow, or joy because it takes the overall situation into consideration, and it can even turn enemies into friends because of interests.

Throughout history, it is common for countries to turn enemies into friends.

However, individuals and consortiums are different.

Individuals will have various emotions, grievances and resentments.

In terms of interests and the overall situation, the country has never really fought a life-and-death war.

But individuals may be blinded by hatred and kill to vent their anger regardless of the consequences.

This time Sumitomo suffered huge losses on Lun Copper, which would be very painful even for Sumitomo's net worth.

Presumably every one of Sumitomo's senior executives wanted to kill someone.

In this case, where can Soros get excited?

At his level, he deeply understands how terrifying the century-old chaebol is.

He didn't want to face the endless assassinations of Japanese dead soldiers at all.

Soros was deeply troubled by the news being spread out of nowhere.

After all, it's better to be careful when going against the wealthy Sumitomo Foundation, and don't make any noise about the money you make.

Soros doesn't know who is so wicked as to do such a meaningless bastard thing.

After thinking for a long time, Soros made a decision.

He must convey what he means.

"Kevin, go and make a statement for me to convey that I am not an enemy of Sumitomo."

Kevin, full name Kevin Johnson.

He is Soros' spokesman to the media.

Johnson didn't understand why his boss would be nervous about a Japanese consortium. You know, the Quantum Fund led by Soros is feared by all heads of state in Europe.

When the Quantum Fund attacked the currencies of various countries, it was attacking the central governments of various countries.

But Quantum Fund has never explained.

And now, Soros actually asked him to explain to a Japanese consortium.

Kevin wondered.

"Boss, is Sumitomo really that scary?"

"No, no, it's not Sumitomo who is terrible. Kevin, you don't understand the old-fashioned Japanese people. We have caused Sumitomo to suffer billions of dollars in losses this time, and they will definitely be angry. Now, just do what I want. .”

Kevin Johnson didn't dare to defend himself.

At Quantum Fund, Soros has supreme authority.

On the same day, Quantum Fund, a famous Wall Street hedge fund, held a press conference in New York.

Soros spokesperson Kevin Johnson strongly refuted the recent news circulating around the world.

Kevin Johnson said.

Soros has been staying in the United States and has not intervened in the London copper futures market, and Quantum Fund has no business dealings with Hamanaka Tainan.

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