The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 2 Heaven and Hell (4000 words)

Zimbabwe, next to Zambia.

Harare is only 490 kilometers away from Lusaka, the capital of Zambia.

By car, it only takes six hours.

And if we only count the distance from the Zimbabwe border to Lusaka, it is only a mere two hundred kilometers.

But these two hundred kilometers, in the eyes of Wu Dalong and his party, have become the dividing line between hell and heaven.

As international copper prices continue to climb into the abyss, they are even lower than the lowest price two decades ago.

Zambia, which mainly relies on exporting raw ore, has fallen into hell.

Amid massive unemployment, countless families and individuals began to face food shortages.

More than 20,000 refugees lost their lives due to starvation.

Crime rates such as robbery and theft occur almost every moment.

In this regard, the Zambian government has been unable to do anything.

Unemployment turned a large number of people into mobs. The hungry and poor people, led by former President David, launched an attack on Chiluba's government.

In order to suppress David's rebels, the Zambian government has never had the opportunity to deal with domestic problems.

Fortunately, everything finally turned around.

a month ago.

Zambian government forces and David's rebels reached a peace agreement.

For this country, for 17 million black brothers.

Both sides are willing to lay down their weapons to save a country that is already heading towards hell.

Because too many people have died in the war.

On the government side.

Defense Minister Modi was unfortunately encountered during an attack by anti-government armed forces.

A bullet from a large-caliber sniper rifle hit the defense minister directly in the head.

Under the terrifying power of the Barrett sniper rifle.

All that is left of Modi is his body.

That war was extremely fierce.

David's side continued to attack the presidential palace like crazy.

It was during that war that President Chiluba was eventually hit by a grenade falling from the sky and died on the spot.

David's side also suffered heavy losses.

Many of his soldiers and generals fell in that attack.

It can be said that except for the supervising team, almost everyone died in battle.

Things are not going well for the government forces either.

The personal guards of the late Minister Modi all died heroically in their frantic pursuit of revenge for Modi.

More than 80% of Chiluba's tribal soldiers died in this war.

In war, human beings go crazy and lose their minds.

But after the ceasefire, human reason will return to the body.

Everyone was devastated by the death of their loved ones and brothers.

No one wants anyone to fall again.

Therefore, the two sides finally signed a ceasefire cooperation agreement.

Together they will drag this country out of the lava of hell.

Inside the Presidential Palace in Lusaka.

The newly formed ruling party is discussing how to resolve the current chaotic situation in the country.

Former finance minister Safir sat at the top, exercising his powers as interim president.

David, the new Defense Minister, sat in the second seat.

Secondly, there are the ministers temporarily appointed by the new ruling party.

Safire was able to serve as finance minister when Chiluba was in power, not entirely because of his relationship with Chiluba.

He could see at a glance what the current domestic problems were.

Sapphire spoke.

"Our people are not born to be thugs. They become thugs because they are short of food and unable to make a living. So the most important problem now is to solve the people's living problems. We need food, and now we must let the people come first Fill your belly.”

After Safir finished speaking, David nodded and said.

"Mr. President is right. My brothers asked me to lead everyone to ask the government for an explanation precisely because they could not survive. But former President Chiluba, a bastard, rejected our request. He wanted us all to starve. die."

"Oh. I'm deeply sorry for what Chiluba did. I proposed a peaceful solution to the problem several times before, but Chiluba rejected it. It was my incompetence that caused the bloody conflict this year."

"No, no, no. Mr. President, you don't need to say sorry. When it comes to responsibility, it's also my responsibility. It was me who failed to restrain my brothers, which made things get out of hand."

The scene suddenly became a little strange.

The discussion somehow turned into apologizing and comforting each other.

Some people can't stand it anymore.


Two distinguished gentlemen, I think everyone understands that you feel guilty for your bloodshed and sacrifice, but I think the most important thing now is to resolve the chaos in Zambia. "

"Yes, yes. Mr. Leader is right. Our first priority now is to find a way to solve the chaos problem. If we delay it for one day, hundreds of people may die of hunger."

"Yes, what we need most now is food. As long as we have food, I think the situation will be under control soon."

"Elfa, how much food do we have now?"

Elfa Kanjila.

Minister of Agriculture.

In addition to being responsible for domestic agriculture, he is also responsible for comprehensive issues related to reserves.

Under President Safire's inquiry, Elfa Kanjira looked confused.

"Now our food can only last Lusaka for a month at most. If it is distributed across the country, it may not last even a week."

"Oh, damn it. Looks like we need to buy more food."

When someone asked to buy grain, Safir's face turned green.

he said awkwardly.

"Well, now we don't have much money to buy food."

Everyone was stunned.

Safire, is the finance minister.

The president is only temporary.

Therefore, Safire is the one who knows the most about the government’s financial problems.

But now, Safire actually said that he had no money to buy food.

Some people can't sit still.

"Mr. President, how much money do we have now?"

Under the gaze of pairs of eyes, Safire said with an embarrassed look.

"This...probably, there's about eight thousand dollars left."

Eight thousand dollars.

Almost everyone was dumbfounded.

Noda is a country with only eight thousand US dollars left in its finances.

If you are a family, you can live comfortably for a while with these $8,000.

But now in Zambia, more than 10 million people have to wait for food.

With this small amount of money, one person may not be able to get even a grain of wheat from the food purchased.

Someone was angry.

Former President David, after all, was a president.

He is well aware of how rich Zambia was when copper prices were high.

At that time, our finances always had tens of millions of dollars ready for emergencies.

But now, the dignified Treasury actually only has 8,000 US dollars.


David slammed the table and roared.

"Asshole, how come you only have eight thousand dollars? What's the use of this little money?"

If someone takes the lead, someone will follow.

As soon as David slapped the table, someone immediately echoed.

"Yes. I remember that the Ministry of Finance doesn't always have at least 10 million US dollars for emergencies. Why is there only 8,000 US dollars now? Where's the money?"

These bastards.

Everyone is clamoring so loudly, and they all want to make a fortune.

Safire cursed in his mind.

But there was an expression on his face that he was about to cry.

"You don't know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive. It costs money to buy bullets, and it costs money to maintain weapons. No matter how much you spend, you can't withstand the bullets."

"You mean, all the money was lost in this war?"

"Asshole, even if there is a war, you won't waste all that money."

When it comes to money issues, no one can stay calm.

Everyone has almost forgotten that Safire, who is sitting at the top now, is their president.

Don't use honorifics, even call him a bastard.

Safir felt the urge to flip the table.

In any case, he is now the president of a country and the nominal supreme leader.

But these guys didn't give any face at all.

But in the end, Safire didn't dare to curse out what was in his heart.

Who made him, the president, now have neither military power nor money?

Chiluba's tribal soldiers were all killed.

Ninety-nine percent of Modi’s tribal soldiers died.

In the end, the rebels who were able to suppress David were thanks to the unremitting efforts of Darkwater International.

If Darkwater International hadn't eliminated more than 80% of David's power, I'm afraid David would have directly killed him as the Minister of Finance.

Safir felt very happy.

Fortunately, Darkwater International is strong and fortunately, Darkwater International values ​​credibility.

Otherwise, he would still be a shitty president.

Darkwater International must be left behind, otherwise David will definitely find a way to kill me after they leave.

After Safire gathered his attention, he cast a pleading look at He Tianya, who was sitting at the back.

He Tianya was startled.

Doesn't this idiot still understand?

It was just Safire's eager and pleading eyes that made He Tianya believe that Safire really didn't see anything.

What this kid Jiang Chuan said is absolutely right.

Letting black people play politics makes God laugh until his stomach hurts.

In desperation, He Tianya could only give Safire an encouraging and supportive look.

This look made Safir's heart drop to his stomach.

He stood up, slammed the table and cursed angrily.

"What do you mean by this? Do you suspect that I have embezzled the money? Let me tell you, it was all done by Chiluba. After the war broke out, he was worried that he could not hold Lusaka, so he transferred all the money to other places. place?"

If you have money, it will be easy to solve.

Someone quickly asked.

"Where was the money transferred?"

Safire glanced at the person who asked the question as if he were an idiot.

"How do I know this question? Do you want to ask Chiluba?"

Safire's sudden toughness made the person who spoke stunned.

Then, he felt that the atmosphere in the venue was a little strange.

He looked along the source of the strangeness, and then shuddered.

In the most inconspicuous corner at the back, He Tianya, the leader of Darkwater International, was sharpening his nails with a dagger.

He didn't look up and didn't seem to care about the fight in the field.

But for some reason, Safir's eyes were on him, and David's eyes were on him.

Almost everyone's eyes were focused on He Tianya, who seemed like he shouldn't be here.

This discovery made the person who spoke finally realize something.

He suddenly realized.

Lusaka now, and even all of Zambia.

The largest force has unknowingly become Darkwater International.

After the two sides peacefully negotiated for power, the mercenaries hired by each naturally ceased fighting.

But here's the surprise.

David's mercenaries, led by their leader Black Fox, were recruited by Darkwater International.

This is not surprising at all.

The mercenary group is like a first-class contractor.

As long as you are rich and powerful, it is normal to annex some small mercenary organizations.

Darkwater International is rich and powerful.

The luxurious equipment and generous salary are the envy of anyone who joins a mercenary organization.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the people from Black Fox joined Darkwater International.

But here comes the problem.

After Darkwater International annexed Black Fox's mercenary organization, it became the largest force in Lusaka.

They are the most professional soldiers and have unimaginably powerful weapons and equipment.

Apache military helicopters, of which Darkwater International currently has thirteen.

Darkwater International even owns two main battle tanks.

Such a dark water international is an extremely terrifying existence.


The policemen who maintained post-war security on the streets of Lusaka were personnel transferred from Darkwater International.

The guards at the Presidential Palace are almost all people from Darkwater International.

Including the suppression of small groups of reactionary thugs in Zambia, Darkwater International is also the main force.

After realizing this, the person who spoke immediately felt something in his heart.

He couldn't help but cast his eyes on He Tianya like everyone else.

With He Tianya's keenness, how could he not feel a dozen eyes on his body.

But he still lowered his head and sharpened the nails on his hands as if nothing was wrong.

He Tianya is very dark.

But his hands were both white and delicate.

Those hands didn't look like the hands holding a gun and drawing a knife at all.

The slender fingers don't look like the hands that killed hundreds of people in a year.

The atmosphere inside the venue began to become a little depressing.

The sound of a pindrop could be heard throughout the conference room.

However, no one dared to speak to break this tranquil repression.

President Safire did not dare, and neither did Vice President and Secretary of Defense David.

Others dare not.

Suddenly, He Tianya put away his knife and raised his head and smiled.

This smile is like seeing a green plant in the cold winter, making everyone feel relaxed.

Under this smile, the quiet and oppressive atmosphere disappeared.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief involuntarily.

Under the kind of depression just now, almost everyone felt an unspeakable death threat.

Instinct told them that the threat came from the nail-cutting dagger in He Tianya's hand.

But now, this threat is lifted.

He Tianya sat on the chair and glanced at everyone in the venue playfully.

Afterwards, he shrugged.

"Dear gentlemen, isn't it because we have no money and can't buy food that everyone is fighting over? This kind of trivial matter can actually be easily solved."

Above the chief, Safir exhaled slightly and showed an arrogant expression.

He Tianya was obviously helping him when he spoke like this.

Dark Fruit is indeed on his side.

As long as he has Dark Water's support, none of these guys can do anything to him.

When He Tianya finished speaking, Safire immediately answered.

"Mr. Leader, I wonder if you have any good suggestions."

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