The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 5 The meaning of eyes

At the end of January, it is only half a month before the Spring Festival.

For Zhao Jiangchuan, it was necessary to go back early.

In the past, he wanted to go home and was homeless, but now he is reluctant to go back early.

What's more, Thailand's overall situation has now been decided.

When the Thai authorities announced that they would abandon the fixed exchange rate and change it to a floating exchange rate, no one or any force could stop the short sellers' attack.

With Jushi Capital’s position, it only needs to wait to plunder Thailand’s people.

So two days ago, Ouyang Lan had booked her flight back to the southeast.

But since I have been traveling outside for a whole year, I should bring something to my parents.

As soon as Zhao Jiangchuan thought about it, he thought of buying some jewelry or something for his mother.

When buying jewelry for Huang Yajuan, who was born in the southeast, diamonds, emeralds and the like would definitely not be considered.

Due to some special reasons, gold, an object that became vulgar in the eyes of later generations, is the most sincere and beautiful thing in the eyes of southeastern women.

But Zhao Jiangchuan really doesn't know much about gold jewelry and the like.

In the eyes of this data-minded person, gold is weighed by tons and measured in trucks.

He really doesn't have that level of appreciation for what looks good or bad.

There is no other way, this kind of task has to be left to Li Xiaoyue, who is a woman.

When Li Xiaoyue heard that she wanted to help Zhao Jiangchuan's mother buy jewelry, she was naturally very interested.

Young ladies are already thinking hard about how to please their future mother-in-law.

In order to show her feelings, Li Xiaoyue went in alone to pick out jewelry.

Zhao Jiangchuan's instructions were to buy more, bigger and heavier.

But as a woman, Li Xiaoyue thinks that jewelry should look good.

In order to satisfy Zhao Jiangchuan's requirements and to look good.

Li Xiaoyue was in the jewelry store and asked the clerk to take out almost all the jewelry.

In the beginning, everything was fine.

Li Xiaoyue's outfit is worth a lot of money.

Although it is not as exaggerated as hundreds of thousands, at first glance it is not an ordinary stall.

But when Li Xiaoyue answered a call from Ouyang Lan, everything changed.

The clerk Cai Shaomei thought that Li Xiaoyue was deliberately playing tricks on her, and even cursed her outright.

"Jiang Chuan, why do you think some Hong Kong people are so hostile to us? Obviously we are all compatriots, but they..."

Queen's Road up.

Li Xiaoyue held Zhao Jiangchuan's arm and complained softly.

It’s been a year since I came to Hong Kong.

But in this year, she has encountered discrimination or other things many times.

Normally it's okay, but as soon as some people hear her speaking in Mandarin, they will change to a contemptuous attitude.

In order not to be treated with contempt by others, Li Xiaoyue will also try to pay attention to her own image.

But even so,

As long as the identity of a mainlander is exposed, there will always be some people who deliberately make things difficult.

Li Xiaoyue has never understood this.

This problem is not a problem at all for Zhao Jiangchuan.

In Hong Kong in the 1990s, a driver who drove a large truck could earn enough to provide a second, third or even fourth wife in Shekou, Zhenzhou.

With the huge gap between rich and poor, it is easy for people to develop a sense of superiority.

But if this sense of superiority is placed in Hong Kong, it will be suppressed by Hong Kong's high consumption and fast pace.

In Hong Kong, the slogan is freedom and democracy.

However, in fact, everyone knows that democracy never really existed.

In the 1980s, corruption was rampant in Hong Kong. The underworld and government officials colluded to dominate the world.

There is Inspector Lu Le, who is 500 million, and there is Police Chief Zeng Qirong who is involved in gangs and corruption.

It can be said that as long as you are a person in a government department, there is no one who is not corrupt and making money.

When doing business on the streets during the day, uniformed police officers will go directly to collect the money.

Who dares not to give, it is a common thing to beat people, curse them and set up stalls.

Even if the Independent Commission Against Corruption was later established, it could not just change from white to black.

Living in Hong Kong, almost everyone has dealt with the underworld.

If they want to support their families, many people have been coerced by the underworld to collect protection fees.

They are oppressed by government departments and underworld organizations.

Under long-term oppression, it is easy for people to have an extremely distorted inferiority complex.

This kind of inferiority complex will turn into a kind of brainwashing pride over time.

This is why the truly rich rarely discriminate against the poor. On the contrary, people who are not particularly wealthy have a sense of superiority.

Those who are having a bad life always want to show off their superiority in front of those who are having a worse life.

As a bitch.

Zhao Jiangchuan knew very well that this phenomenon had not changed even after that.

When the superiority is hit by reality, the inferiority complex transforms into another kind of distorted psychology.

Just like some people, they always think that their faults and faults are the fault of others.

Faced with Li Xiaoyue's doubts, Zhao Jiangchuan thought for a while and spoke.

“Actually, most Hong Kong people are pretty good.

Just like the two sister friends of you and Lan Lan, their names are Guo Zixian and Guo Zijing, right? He has a good background, but he doesn't have any inexplicable sense of superiority. On the contrary, those guys who have become scumbags have a sullen look on their faces.

To use our old saying, if the forest is big, there will be all kinds of birds.

However, most Hong Kong people still don't have the same superiority as Xiu'er. Hong Kong is a colony after all, and not every Hong Kong person will feel that being colonized is also superior. "

"Then why do some Hong Kong people always discriminate against us?"

"Some people will gain momentum after kneeling for a long time. Once they are used to being slaves, some slaves will think that this is good. How normal. Now it's just some guys who have a little money in their hands and feel swollen. Okay. Then we can cut leeks with peace of mind."

Li Xiaoyue rolled her eyes at Zhao Jiangchuan.

As Zhao Jiangchuan's woman, Li Xiaoyue doesn't understand what the leek in her man's mouth is.

She knew very well what good things her man had arranged for the people of Hong Kong.

Standard Chartered Bank’s share of Xinglong No. 1 may have deceived many Hong Kong investors.

"That seems to be the case. By the way, Jiang Chuan. You also think that the two sisters, Zijing and Zixian, are pretty good people."

"Well, it's not bad. Ah..."

Suddenly, Zhao Jiangchuan screamed.

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt his arm being pinched hard by Li Xiaoyue.

A woman's face can flip over like a boat of friendship.

As soon as he was pinched, Zhao Jiangchuan immediately realized that he had been fooled.

But before he could explain, Li Xiaoyue quit.

"Okay. No wonder Lan Lan said you are a big pervert. Tell me, do you want to date other sisters again? Sisters, haha... don't you get very excited just thinking about it?"

"Xiaoyue, what are you talking about? How can a gentleman like me take away someone's favor..."

"Really? You're not lying to me?"

"Do you think I look like that kind of person? I heard that the two sisters are already married. They are called Bai... Bai."

"Xiong Baizhou."

"That's right, it's Xiong Baizhou. This boy is quite lucky. He actually took care of Guo Xiaosheng's two precious daughters, tsk tsk."

"Bah. Shameless bastard. Are you very envious?"

"No, it's nothing."



Queen's Road East.

Li Jingming held 500,000 Hong Kong dollars in his hand and felt dumbfounded.

When he took the five hundred thousand, he received a look.

The meaning of that look told him clearly.

Fuck this bitch for me.

What the hell is this?

Li Jingming was helpless.

He had to wonder if his boss was a pervert.

Otherwise, why would you like to play this kind of game?

But there was nothing he could do.

If you don’t complete the tasks assigned by your boss, it will definitely not work.

Wife, I'm sorry!

I also do it for our family and my job.

"Hello, Miss Cai. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Li Jingming. I want to be friends with you. Are you interested?"


Cai Shaomei, who was still stunned on the spot, was dumbfounded.

She didn't understand what Li Jingming wanted to do.

But her instinct told her that Li Jingming must have no good intentions if he stayed here alone.

Cai Shaomei said cautiously.

"Not interested in."

"One hundred thousand."


Li Jingming grabbed a wad of money in his hand, waved it and said.

"If you stay with me tonight, this 100,000 Hong Kong dollars will be yours."


Cai Shaomei's brain suddenly exploded, and her face became extremely pale.

She finally understood what Li Jingming was doing with the money.

What else is there to do with paying a woman to spend a night with a man.

Humiliation, an unprecedented humiliation.

Cai Shaomei already understood that the man in front of her was deliberately mean in his words before taking money to humiliate her.

Cai Shaomei glared at Li Jingming fiercely.

But before she could speak, Li Jingming grabbed another wad of money and continued.

"Two hundred thousand."


"Three hundred thousand."


"Four hundred thousand..."


"Fifty thousand Hong Kong dollars, if you accompany me today, this half million Hong Kong dollars is yours. In just one night, you can make money that you can't make in five years. Miss Cai, this kind of thing doesn't happen all the time. Chances are, I hope you think about it carefully.”

The humiliation made Cai Shaomei bite her lips fiercely without saying a word.

She wanted to refuse this obvious humiliation, but she couldn't resist the temptation under this humiliation.

As Li Jingming said.

Cai Shaofen's weekly salary is 3,000 Hong Kong dollars, plus commission, which works out to about 10,000 to 20,000 Hong Kong dollars a month.

Looks like a lot.

But with the income in Hong Kong, I can’t even afford to live in my own house with this little money.

After deducting necessary expenses such as taxis, buses, student membership fees, and rent, Cai Shaofen cannot save much money every month.

Half a million.

She may not be able to save so much cash in ten years.

If she had 500,000 yuan, she could change to a better apartment building.

With so much money, she could buy the Hermès bag she had seen several times.

This is the devil's temptation.

Cai Shaomei was struggling again and again in her heart.

But in the end, her eyes fell on the wads of money in Li Jingming's hand.

The thousand Hong Kong dollars with a psychedelic color seemed to have a magical hypnotic effect, making Cai Shaomei unable to take her eyes away no matter what.

Li Jingming glanced at Cai Shaomei sarcastically, saying he was playing tricks.

"Ms. Cai, if you don't say anything, I'll take it as your consent. Take a taxi."

At Li Jingming's greeting, a taxi drove up in front of the two of them.

"Miss Cai, please."


On Queen's Road.

Zhao Jiangchuan held Li Xiaoyue's waist and walked into a luxuriously decorated jewelry store again.

As soon as the two entered the door, Li Xiaoyue said doubtfully.

"Jiang Chuan, didn't you tell Brother Li to buy it? Why..."

"Oh, Xiaoyue, you don't understand our southeastern customs.

In our place, girls are called rich ladies. "

Li Xiaoyue said angrily.

"Aren't all the girls in our country called Miss Qianjin?"

"You don't understand this.

This daughter is really a daughter.

When a woman gets married, she must have a lot of gold objects and it must be in full compliance with the meaning of a thousand pieces of gold.

Therefore, when a woman brings a dowry, she usually wears the most gold items.

The more the better, you will understand when you come back with me. "

After Zhao Jiangchuan finished speaking, Li Xiaoyue's heart began to beat wildly.

no way.

Zhao Jiangchuan's words reminded Li Xiaoyue of too many things.

This time they went shopping, specifically to help Zhao Jiangchuan's mother buy some jewelry.

But before that, Li Jingming had already taken 500,000 yuan to buy somewhere else.

At the price of 50 Hong Kong dollars per gram of gold, 500,000 yuan would buy 20 kilograms.

So much, enough to give to Zhao Jiangchuan's mother.

Now, Zhao Jiangchuan said it was for wedding.

Doesn't that mean...

Does Jiang Chuan really want to marry me?

But what will Lan Lan do if she marries me?

Li Xiaoyue felt excited and confused at the same time.

But the ecstasy could not be concealed.

Human beings are, after all, very selfish.

Even though the relationship between Li Xiaoyue and Ouyang Lan is closer than that of biological sisters.

However, when faced with the issue of status, selfishness still prevails.

As a woman, who doesn’t want to be honest with her man?

Li Xiaoyue blushed and let Zhao Jiangchuan hug her.

Her mind couldn't help but drift to the red hijab and the festive marriage scene.

Happiness came too suddenly.

It arrived so suddenly that she wasn't even fully prepared.

On the counter of the jewelry store, as soon as the sales staff saw Zhao Jiangchuan and his entourage approaching, they immediately greeted them.

"Sir, how can I help you?"

People rely on clothes, Buddha relies on gold.

Zhao Jiangchuan was dressed in expensive clothes and had bodyguards with him.

Any fool knows that this guy must be rich.

So the sales staff in the jewelry store have a very good attitude.

This made Zhao Jiangchuan quite satisfied.

When you go out to buy things, you naturally don’t want to see other people giving you the cold shoulder.

I respect others as much as I respect them.

This is Zhao Jiangchuan's own code of conduct.

Under the politeness of the salesperson, this guy also showed the gentlemanly demeanor he should have.

Zhao Jiangchuan gave the girl at the counter a smile and said.

"Help me pack all these bracelets, necklaces, and rings."


The lady at the counter had a messy feel.

The handsome guy in front of me looks very elegant. His clothes and behavior are very much like the aristocratic gentleman in TV movies.

But the words in his mouth made him sound like a nouveau riche.

This is a jewelry store.

There was someone shouting like they were walking into a fast food restaurant to pack everything for me.

The lady at the counter looked at the jewelry that Zhao Jiangchuan pointed at, and asked uncertainly.

"Sir, you mean all?"

"Yeah, that's right. All of them."

If it weren't for Zhao Jiangchuan's outfit being obviously worth a lot of money, and if it weren't for the fact that he had bodyguards behind him, he might have been kicked out as a lunatic.

Because this guy pointed at all the jewelry in the store.

The light and windy look was like pointing at a large pile of cabbage.

Whoever goes to a jewelry store is not selective.

But this guy is so good that he just packs them all up without even looking at them.


The lady at the counter swallowed hard.

After confirming that Zhao Jiangchuan was not joking, she managed to squeeze out a smile that made her want to cry but also look like laughing.

"First...Sir, please wait a moment. I can't make the decision. I'll call our manager."

It seems like he's in the limelight again.

Zhao Jiangchuan raised his eyebrows helplessly and had no choice but to speak.

"Okay. But I hope you can hurry up."

"Right away. Right away."

The lady at the counter ran all the way to call the manager.

Zhao Jiangchuan played with Li Xiaoyue's waist in boredom.

As for Li Xiaoyue, her eyes were wide open and she was in a daze.

She seemed to understand a little bit what Zhao Jiangchuan meant by Miss Qianjin.

The total number of jewelry items Zhao Jiangchuan was referring to might weigh as much as a thousand pieces of gold.

Could it be that he wants to hold the grandest wedding for me?

Li Xiaoyue was almost moved to tears by a feeling she had never felt before.

She couldn't help but turn around, ready to kiss the man in front of her who almost melted her heart.

But before Li Xiaoyue could start, Zhao Jiangchuan spoke again.

"Xiaoyue, do you think my mother will beat me up when she sees me buying so many gold jewelry for her?"

The most heart-wrenching thing in life is having someone pour cold water on you when you are most excited.

Your mother beats you up.

I want to punch you right now.

Li Xiaoyue had the urge to tear Zhao Jiangchuan into pieces.

It really pissed me off.


Southeast Province, Ludao Gaoqi International Airport.

A passenger plane gradually slid from the clouds onto the airport runway.

As passengers gradually walked out of the cabin, some people discovered that the airport tarmac was a little different from the past.

Not far from where the passenger plane landed, a dozen cars were heard.

The first one at the beginning.

The license plate number is 00001.

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