The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 50 Three hundred basis points

Wall Street.

America's financial center.

Within this short few hundred meters, there is amazing power that can stir up the world.

Because there are thousands of investment companies on Wall Street, and these thousands of investment companies have the most powerful weapons in the world.

Not a nuclear bomb.

It's money.

It's US dollars.

On Fifth Avenue, Quantum Fund headquarters.

Stanley Druckenmiller is observing the trends in major financial markets around the world.

In front of him, there were two giant LCD screens.

The screen was divided into countless pieces.

US dollars, Japanese yen, Thai baht, rubles...

After a long moment, Druckenmiller locked the screen to the baht.


Druckenmiller pursed his lips.

Three years ago, he took a massive short position on the Thai baht and lost nearly $100 million.

Last year, the Thai baht collapsed again.

The short position established at around 26 could only be stopped out.

As it turned out, his judgment was correct.

It's always been true.

If the short position held at 26 had held down, he would have been handsomely rewarded.

It's a pity that he didn't hold it until the end.

He correctly judged the direction of the market, but lost hundreds of millions of dollars.

Only by being optimistic about your position can you win profits. Don't lose your position easily, otherwise no matter how correct the result is, it will have nothing to do with you.

For a long time, Druckenmiller was remorseful.

If he can trust his own judgment, he will not lose a position that could have made him a large profit.

But because the timing was too hasty, in the end, one step was wrong and the other was wrong, and the position was eliminated in a panic.

Do you regret it?

At that time, I really regretted it.

But now, Druckenmiller has no regrets.

Even though nearly three billion US dollars in profits were missed, even though the money that should have been earned was not earned but turned into a loss.

Perhaps many people will continue to regret this heartbreaking mistake.

Druckenmiller didn't, though.

Because he is Stanley Druckenmiller.


Druckenmiller observed the overall price of the Thai baht and deduced something in his mind.

Soon, his eyes flickered for a while.

In terms of market price fluctuations, no one and no funds can overwhelm everything.

No matter it is a certain team, a certain consortium or even a certain country, it is impossible to absolutely control the price of something.

Currency, even more so.

If you want the price to move in the direction of your choice, you can only create momentum and push more forces to follow suit.

The Bank of Thailand abandoned the fixed exchange rate system, indicating that the Bank of Thailand's foreign exchange reserves are almost exhausted.

So it is impossible for the Bank of Thailand to pull back the baht.

In the collapse of the monetary system, the only thing Thailand can do is to try to maintain prices and wait for opportunities.

Druckenmiller had a smile on his face.

Since Thailand can only do one thing, there can only be one opportunity.

This opportunity is to make the price a double bottom with a chance of reversal.

Only by making the Thai baht into a W shape can the Thai baht survive the desperate situation.

In this case, Thailand needs to hold on to its early lows.


Above the offset interval 38.

To create a W reversal double bottom technical chart, the price must be maintained near the previous low.

Only an N plus a V can complete this technical diagram.

Only when the market confirms the existence of N can the subsequent V be added.

Once N is confirmed, the Thai Baht will form a psychological technical support.

This mentality will create pressure on short-sellers and will also bring confidence to those who are bullish on the Thai baht.

As long as we seize this opportunity created, the baht may be able to come back to life.

Very good idea.

It's a pity...I didn't recognize the general trend.

After thinking for a moment, Druckenmiller picked up the phone and dialed a number.

Soon, the call was connected.

"John, this is Stanley. Sell $4 billion in Thai Baht at market price... Yes. Spot market. Sell $300 million position in the forward market. OK...."

The next afternoon.

The spokesperson of the US White House delivered a speech when attending the event.

The Myanmar government's rejection of the US's extradition trial of drug lord Shah Kun is an unscrupulous act against humanity.

Shakun produced a large amount of drugs and killed more than 20 million people.

He has ruined millions of families because of drugs, yet this devilish behavior is protected by the Myanmar government.

This shows that Myanmar is an evil country now, and a group of evil humans are in charge of the fate of tens of millions of people in Myanmar.

We hope that this evil country will not be given the opportunity to become powerful.

It should be sanctioned and judged.

We call on ASEAN to consider the idea of ​​absorbing Myanmar into ASEAN.

After the news was announced, it immediately caused a wave of publicity around the world.

Because there are signs that the United States may impose military sanctions while imposing comprehensive economic sanctions on Myanmar.


Bank of Thailand.

After Sonny received the news from the United States, he immediately panicked.

Thailand is adjacent to Myanmar and is one of the three leading countries in ASEAN. It is also a major supporter of attracting Myanmar to join ASEAN.

Because as long as the markets of Myanmar and Laos are opened, ASEAN can expand to the point of overwhelming the Japanese market.

By achieving both prosperity and prosperity, we can not only resist the market impact of Japanese products on all member countries, but also provide more bargaining chips for commercial competition.

It is not impossible to even compete with the European and American markets in the future.

But now, the United States obviously wants to destroy the unity of ASEAN.

The various sanctions against Myanmar are nothing less than tearing a hole in the edge of ASEAN.

If ASEAN gives up absorbing Myanmar, ASEAN's message of prosperity and unity will be completely undermined.

If ASEAN does not give up absorbing Myanmar, ASEAN member states will bear the wrath of the United States.

Thailand and Myanmar are friendly countries and neighbors, and they are also one of the leading countries in ASEAN.

Once the United States imposes sanctions on Myanmar, Thailand will be severely affected.

This is a game.

Sonny keenly discovered that this was a dead end with no solution.

Regardless of whether ASEAN absorbs Myanmar, Thailand will be forced into a deadlock.

Damn Yankees.

After Sonny figured something out, he felt filled with hatred.

He didn't even know if the economic sanctions mentioned by the United States had already started.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence.

Coincidentally, as soon as European and American countries impose sanctions on the Myanmar government, the Thai baht will be attacked by international capital.

Last time, when the United States announced sanctions against Myanmar, the Thai baht suffered a huge impact.

But this time, it was almost exactly the same.

Damn Soros.

Sonny recalled that the day after Soros's speech against Myanmar, the kyat collapsed and the Thai baht came under attack.

This is definitely a conspiracy.


Sonny sighed.

He suddenly realized that even if he knew there was a conspiracy behind it, he had no choice at all.

ASEAN has no choice, Thailand has no choice, and he, the central bank governor, has no choice.

Under the general trend.

With unrivaled strength, a conspiracy is no conspiracy at all.

This is a conspiracy.

You can only resist the conspiracy and cannot give in.

The line of fate is always made up of countless unexpected connections.

Coincidences, accidents, and mutual influences determine the fate of people or things.

And when the first line appears, the ending is already doomed.

As soon as the news from the United States was announced, the Thai baht was attacked by capital in the market as Sonny expected.

Everyone knows that once the United States imposes sanctions on Myanmar, Thailand will be the country most affected.

Bank of Thailand Markets and Transactions Department.

Sonny commanded the bottom line defense against the Thai Baht with a gloomy face.


This price is only 300 basis points away from the Thai baht's defensive position.

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