The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1002: Confucius Blood Case

"Qi Luchun is gone, make a clock show!"

In the late spring and early summer, the capital of Shandong Province, Jinan, is full of vitality and prosperity!

However, for Kong Jinan, it was a disaster. In the middle of the night, a group of people braved the moonlight into the Confucius, and the cold knife was unsheathed.

These people are all good first-class players, and they are sinister and sinister.

The disciples of the Taishan School and the family of Kong Jinan, hundreds of people were all slaughtered. 126shu

"Ning Gong, he is Kong Jinan!"

A disciple squatted at the hole in the south, and threw it in front of an old man wearing a white robes and a crane.

"Who are you? My Taishan faction has no enmity with you, why do you want to be so ruthless?" Kong Jinan struggled to stand up, but was squatting on his shoulders, where he moved.

"Kong Xiaobei is your son?" the old man asked coldly.

"Xiaobei? He, what happened to him?" Kong Jinan reacted. Is it a disaster for his son?

"That's it. My name is Ning Zhonghua. You may have heard of my name, but it doesn't matter."

"The important thing is that last night, your son colluded with the Jiangdong Qin thief and the people of Dabao Village, killing my disciple Jiao and his family. You said that this hatred is not big?"

Ning Zhonghua Fushunsen cold road.

"Xiaobei...he, is he with Qinhou?"

"Haha, there are eyes in the sky, my son can actually climb Qinhou, but also kill the thief who controls Ludong!"

"The thief is rampant in Ludong. In the past few years, the levy has been levied, and there is no evil. The people of Jinan all hate it! The small north of my family is harmed by the people. It is really a happy person, good, good, and it is the son of my Kongnan!"

When Kong Jinan was shocked, he laughed.

He has not been able to make the ancestral foundation of his ancestors for the rest of his life. The greatest blessing is that he has made a sale with Qin Hou and gave birth to a good son with a conscience. This is also the reason why Kong Sukong is everywhere, but Kong Nannan never blames.

Now that the door is being slaughtered, he has no longer lived his heart. He learned that his son has done this earth-shattering event. This kind of hero is so happy and happy.

"Let's relax!" A guard kicked in the hole near the south gate. The hole was nearly a mile away from the south, and fell to the ground. The blood was still laughing. "Ning old thief, I know Qinhou, he If you can kill your apprentice, you will not let go of you. You are so ruthless and not far from death. Laozi is waiting for you on Huangquan Road, haha!"

"Qin Hou!"

"What the old man is afraid of!"


Ning Zhonghua sneered a sigh, chin slammed, and made a look, a disciple swept a knife, cut the neck of Kong Jinan, and declared the destruction of the Taishan faction.

"Master, how to deal with it here!" asked the disciple.

"Burn it, then go back to the military!" Ning Zhonghua looked at the dead body in that place, said with a blank expression.

Because of the limitations of the celestial plane, he made a poisonous oath for Dongjiang, but he couldn't personally go to the **** feud of Qin Houbao's loved ones, and let Kong Jinnan fill the door to fill his life. It is the only thing he can do.


The General's House is an old house that has been passed down for hundreds of years. Because it used to live in a well-known general of the Ming Dynasty, this title has been followed, and now his master is Fang Xin, Lu. The highest sergeant of the Eastern Military Guard Area, the hawks of the Yan family stationed in Ludong.

Fang Xin is sitting in the hall drinking tea. He doesn’t look like a general, with black-rimmed glasses and a blue Tibetan costume. It’s like an old school, but the underground forces of Ludong are against the general. It is a **** of glory, because this is a murderer who does not blink.

"Fang General, you are giving a statement, Jiao Ye is dead, we can no one can control Qian Yimin!"

"In the middle of the night last night, he had to call several key members to meet, but he didn't have anything to do, just to order my name, deliberately find out, and my ugly, really mad at me!"

A bald-headed middle-aged man with a red face stalked back and forth in the hall, complaining anxiously.

"He made you ugly, and made you anxious like this?" Fang Xin played with the snuff bottle in his hand. After smelling it, he even sneezed two sneezes, which he asked without any trouble.

"The surname of the money said that Daming Lake did not open this year. I blame my city for not doing a good job in the city environment. I also said that I am about to change my team. I suggest that I take the initiative to resign. You said that this is not to hit my face?" The more angry he said, sat down and screamed at the table.

"Jiansheng, do not be impatient in everything, he said let you resign, do you resign? What are the attitudes of other important members?" Fang Xincheng is extremely deep, and when he speaks, he is also stable and not in a hurry.

"I went to his uncle's leg. When I was in focus, let's ask for no matter what the request and arrangement, and the surname of the money was always raised and signed without saying anything. Now Jiaoye died in Lunan, his dog's tail is Upturned, the other key members are not with the mud, sitting on the mountain off the fire, those wall grass, who is good to whom. Fang general, you have to face him Qian Yimin God is coming."

"Don't forget, he is the person of Mr. Sun, the first government. If he is stabilized in Ludong, it will destroy the overall situation of Yan."

When Gong Jiansheng was awkward, he seriously reminded him.

"I know you better than you, but in any case, Qian Yimin is Ludong No. 1, and I definitely can't control him!"

"This thing can't be touched. It's really awkward. When you get to Yan Gong and Mr. Sun, tearing the dough is not good for anyone."

"He doesn't mean that the lotus in Daming Lake doesn't open? Well, I have a person who manages to solve problems for you." Fang Xin smiled and smiled.

"Oh, who is such a big skill, you are better than Mr. Fang?" Gong Jiansheng asked curiously.

"He is a living god, the ability is much more than me, this is not, saying Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here."

Fang Xin’s eyes plunged into the courtyard and quickly got up and greeted the past, leading a white robe old man to come over.

"This old gentleman is a god-like god, is it?" Gong Jiansheng did not dare to care about it.

"Old man Ning Zhonghua!" The old man must be proud.

"Is it the same as the southern Gu Mingchen and said that one of the two feng shui two singers of the North Feng Shui Tai, Ning, Ning Gong?" Gong Jiansheng was shocked and trembled, excited to ask.

"Hey, if you can't cross the river, Gu Mingchen and other rotten fish stinky shrimps are also worthy of comparison with me, ridiculously extreme!" Ning Zhonghua's face suddenly gloomy, not sneer.

"Ninggong Feng Shui is unparalleled in the world, even the locks of Longjing in front of Yanjing Tianping, the town demon tower of Qihe Garden, that is the handwriting of Ning Gong. Ning Gong has just returned from the Kunlun Mountain to Yanjia Supreme to choose Shanmenfufu. The world's feng shui dragon veins are in the palm of Ning Gong, and you actually put Gu Yuanchen's second-class goods with Ning Gong, and it really took a pair of dog eyes."

"Building a living, don't you still have a hand?"

Fang Xin is gloomy, and he is stern.

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