The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1006: North and South fighting

Previously, everyone saw a young man suddenly on the main table, thinking that Xiaomei’s friend, or which young master would like to take this opportunity to ask for the mountain’s head, did not take Qin’s attention seriously. An Xiaomei respected the Qin dynasty and did not have any resentment. Instead, it was a privileged look. Everyone began to be interested in the arrival of Qin.

"Miss Ann, don't you introduce it to us?" Gong Jiansheng asked.

Xiaomei respectfully introduced to everyone: "This is my boss, Mr. Qin!"

"Your boss?"

"Oh, I always thought that Miss An was the first rich woman in Ludong, and she was a big family. I didn't expect to work for someone else."

"I would like to ask which side of Mr. Qin is sitting on the hill, and worshiping the god, it is better to tell us to listen."

The party’s credit smelled the snuff bottle, and it smiled gloomyly.

He is a person who has seen the big world, whether it is the political leader of the political circle, Mr. Sun, Yan Gong, etc., or Ning Zhonghua, Yan Baye and other martial arts people, who have a set of people to see, but somehow, face The young man with a light wind, but he can't see through.

"The mountain is in the south, worshipping the **** of your own!" Qin Hao's eyes drifted into the distance, and everyone looked like a thing, and smiled lightly.

His cold and arrogant attitude made Gong Jiansheng and others very uncomfortable, especially if he was a Southerner, he was even more unhappy. A Gu Qingshan is quite offensive, and this is another one. How do you feel like a group to find out?

"It seems that Qin boss is very big, I don't know how to compare with us." Ma Yuankui said coldly.

"Ning Gong is better than my boss. It is not worth mentioning. My boss can dominate the life of all things. The fate of the future is the glory of the lotus flower in the lake. It is also between the thoughts." Xiaomei smiled.

Since Qin Hao came to Ludong, this game is a must, and she does not have to hide it!

After all, there are more people under the hand, and the dark lines are spread out in the future. They are also those who develop below. She can become a living sign in the north that is interested in relying on Qinhou, and can’t commit to personally go to other provinces and cities in the north. .

"Oh, the tone can be really big, when I don't exist? I tell you, today, this flower, he has to open, do not open also have to open!" Ma Yuankui beat the table and fire.

"Yes? Let's take a look!" Qin Xiao smiled.

Qian Yimin did not expect to kill the gods in the middle of the road. It seems to be good for himself.

Immediately cleared the scorpion road: "Gong deputy, there are also peers, this Daming Lake has a long history, but the facade of our province, you are in charge of this, some people say that the groundwater from several factories around the park pollute the lake The public is also more responsive. Today, this flower will not be open. I will personally seize the pollution incident in Daming Lake. I must find out the umbrella behind these black heart factories and let him be self-sufficient!"

"Of course, I have to add a sentence, this is also the meaning of Mr. Sun, the first government!"

Qian Yimin simply opened the card and took the initiative to brighten the sword.

Gong Jianmin saw that he had moved out of Mr. Sun, and it is not good to refute. After all, he is a government system, unlike Fangxin, who is from the military.

"Mr. Qian is right, this flower can't be opened, there must be ghosts, you have to check."

"But we can all come to see flowers today. If it is going to open, Mr. Qian has no heart to appreciate the flowers. I am afraid that it is not appropriate to stay here."

Fang Xin smelled the snuff bottle and leaned in the chair to close his eyes and sighed.

"If it is open, I will never bother you to appreciate the flowers. This will go back and not hinder your eyes!" The tea cup in the hands of Qian Yimin squatted on the table and solemnly expressed his determination.

"Where is Ning Gong? Isn't he saying that he is a Northern Feng Shui master? Or please ask his old man to show his skills and let me wait for an eye-opener." Gu Qingshan.

"Why should I Ning Gong, I can teach him to bloom!"

"Mr. Little, please."

Ma Yuankui knew that the time for fighting was over, and his body flashed and fell on a rockery on the water.

Gu Qingshan is also unwilling to lag behind. She stands in the corner of the pavilion and looks at the water potential of Daming Lake for repression.

Qin Lan looked at it. The flowers on the shore of Daming Lake were not dead flowers. The flowers were already hidden in the bones, but they could not be opened. The reason was because the lack of aura at the bottom of the water.

Flowers are spiritual things, and they are opened from time to time.

Ludong’s aura was originally very abundant, but in recent years, because the evil people such as Gong Jianmin and Jiao Literature were in power, the people of Jinan City’s grievances were blamed, the grievances were sorrowful, and the grievances were heavy. Rao was the land of Qilu’s spirits. The entire gas field will also undergo tremendous changes.

Therefore, the lotus flower did not open in time.

This kind of thing is very common in ancient times. For example, if a certain dynasty is not prosperous, it is natural disasters and man-made disasters. The twelfth lunar month is not snowy, and the summer is not rainy. It is a common thing.

Otherwise, even if it is really polluted, the lotus will open early at this point, and the aura will not come. The lotus will be opened, and it will be half-baked.

The two sides fight the law, nothing more than two.

One is the large-scale feng shui array method, one is the temporary implement, the method call for aura, causing the illusion of a flower bloom.

The former is the method of saving flowers. Although the latter flower is opened, once the aura brought by the technique is dispersed, it will wither.

Ma Yuankui has not yet developed the ability of a large Feng Shui array, naturally it is based on the collection of aura.

This kind of means that looks like a fairy is not only effective, but also has a great sensation.

"The surname of Ma, the lack of aura on Daming Lake, I would like to see what you have to let them bloom." Gu Qingshan fluttering in white, proudly laughed.

"Kid, let me see you today, how is this flower opened!"

Ma Yuankui took a small purple gourd from his waist, and the gourd was engraved with a dense rune. When the sky was bright, white light appeared.

But see him erect **** on his chest, and there are words in his mouth. A milky white aura flies out of the gourd, like smoke, and goes to the hundreds of flat waters in front of him.

These auras are collected by Ning Zhonghua from the Kunlun Mountains by the magic method. Because of the limitations of the instruments, it is not too much, but it is enough to support the field.

This is also thanks to the letter of the place to choose a small abacus, this water area happens to be three sides with a rockery isolation, so the scope of the cast is also a few hundred flat places, equivalent to an ordinary small pond, Ma Yuankui cast It is also simple, otherwise such a large piece of Daming Lake, all to bloom, unless it is the real fairy lower bound, can have such a vast supply of aura.

"Good pure aura!" Gu Qingshan was shocked.

He was also prepared, and immediately took out a small black coffin from his arms. This coffin was made of black crystal and used to absorb the aura.

Ma Yuankui wants to be a law, he will break the law, this is the first game of the North and South Feng Shui fighting law, Gu Qingshan is quite sure.


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