The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1008: Do you also want to talk to me about awe?


The old man slammed a bullet, and a blue color penetrated his fingers. Ma Yuankui’s wrist was very numb, and he suddenly fell down. 126shu

"After the air, you are a guru!"

"who are you?"

Ma Yuankui was shocked.

"Jiangdong Gu Mingchen!" The old man's hands are in his sleeves, his eyes are like a torch, cold and cold.

"Gu Mingchen!"

Fang Xin and others were shocked. Although they did not put Gu Mingchen in their eyes, at this moment, he saw his wide-faced silver whiskers, his body was long, and his master was Feng Lingren. He had already lost three points.

"Gu Lao, you, it is time for you to come, quickly show the law, press this full lotus." Qian Yimin had despaired, seeing the arrival of the great savior, heart bursting, shouting.

"Gu Mou asked when he could pass the sky, he could know the location, and a few lotus flowers in the area, and he was in the middle of it."

But seeing Gu Wenchen's two hands and one turn, the ten fingers changed rapidly, a golden gas-shaped koi, one head plunged into the water, and even a few bubbles, the aura that originally gathered in the water suddenly vanished, the outcrop of the lotus was once again Suppressed.

"It's so powerful, the fingertips are into a koi squad, it is indeed the method of the celestial division!" Ma Yuankui's throat trembled, swallowed, and secretly scared.

"Mr. Gong, Fang General, the lotus of Daming Lake, that is the pollution of the black factory protected by some people. I don’t think you look at any lotus flowers. Everyone goes back to their backyard and I will not send it. !"

Qian Yimin even called a few good ones. He had a reputation as a minister and no fear. He directly attacked Gong Jiansheng and others.

Gong Jiansheng and Fang Xin’s faces are all ugly, and they all look at Ma Yuankui.

"The surname Gu, you are the feng shui qi master, I may not be afraid of you, the view!"

Ma Yuankui bit his teeth, and once again used another arm to sacrifice the purple gold gourd, and chanted a spell of the old blood sprayed on the body of the reed, the gourd turned sharply, a two-foot long golden sword, turned into a small golden dragon, the teeth danced to the claws Gu Mingchen.

His gourd is also a comeback. It contains the aura of Ning Zhonghua's collection of Kunlun Mountain, as well as the gas of the dragon's vein. After the blessing of the flying sword of the reed, it can be turned into a dragon-flying sword, without breaking or breaking the evil spirits. The end is very powerful.

Ma Yuankui has been in the north for the past years, relying on this life-saving implement. At this moment, he will use his own blood to stop the blood and sacrifice it. The power is amazing and the tyrants are unmatched.

"The area is full of worms and dare to show off in front of the old man?"


Gu Mingchen proudly sneered, and the robes cuffed up like a black hole in the sky. After the golden sword flew into the air, there was no movement. Instead, Gu Mingchen got the temperament of this dragon, and his face was even better.

"you you!"

Ma Yuankui did not expect that he was so big, he even swallowed his own dragon sword, and he was shocked and shocked.


Ma Yuankui has not reacted yet, Gu Mingchen is a finger-like, hard and purple Zilulu, suddenly broken into pieces.

"It seems that the instrument of Kunlun Mountain is not so good. Qingshan, you lost this hand and other waste, just lost my face!"

Gu Mingchen took the hand and smiled proudly.

"Uncle, the nephew is incompetent, and the family is shameful." Gu Qingshan struggled to kneel on the ground, and asked for sin.

"Your things go back!"

"Oh, it’s this dog thing, I dare to take a nap to my Jiangnan Gujia, and today I’m sure I can’t help him!”

Gu Mingchen has always been arrogant and arrogant, especially in the face. Nowadays, the successor of the future has been ruined by the people, and he has almost been poisoned. The heart is inevitably arrogant. The old man is murderous, the hands hidden in the sleeves. Like the judge's pen, I ordered a dead one. I thought of this. His scalp was tight, his face was full of laughter, and he stood up and shook hands: "That, it is natural that you are a good old man. You are the **** of this hand, there is no one in the world. Comparable!"

"Yes, Ning Lao is not worthy of giving shoes to Gu Lao, or why the world has not passed the Ning Zhonghua does not dare to cross the river? That is to fear the old!"

Gong Jiansheng also hurriedly complimented and said good things.

"No, I heard that Gu Laolai, our Ning Gong, did not even dare to take the lead, and became a tortoise."

Li Shunlai, the leader of the business community, is also a compliment.

For a time, the people who were full of people were surrounded by Gu Mingchen and sneaked a horse. The Gu Mingchen, who was blowing, was almost cut off, and he almost didn’t have the beauty.

Since the North and the South had been fighting so badly, Gu Mingchen has been hiding in the Emei Mountain since he lost his face in Beizhou. He has been hiding in the Emei Mountain for a long time, and he has used the medicinal talent to make the Nanfang Fengshui acupoints. As well as a variety of feng shui arrays, used in the martial arts, and finally entered the mid-term realm of the law, becoming a true Feng Shui master.

Earlier, he heard that the North Ning Zhonghua was heavily threatened by the highest number of courts in the temple, and he could only sneak in the south, and he was always dissatisfied.

This time I came across the river, it was the anger of a stomach, and now it is a magical moment. Everyone in Ludong worships like a god. He can’t help but feel a little fluttering. In my heart, Ning Zhonghua is just a parallel stream. Look at this old thief.

"Hou Ye, Ning Zhonghua will not really be afraid of this Gu Lao ~ not coming?"

"I think this old man is very powerful. If I used to give him a glass of wine, I can use it in ten thousand days."

Xiaomei went to the side of Qin Zhen, who was still moving, and asked with a wink.

"The general meeting will come, Gu Mingchen is long, but this heart is far less than Ning Zhonghua, will be defeated!" Qin Hao shook his head, quite disappointed.

"No, Gu is like a god, such a big person, will lose." Xiaomei can not believe.

Qin Xiao smiled and did not answer her, because he had already sensed a powerful momentum, and the people had been able to hide the gas field invisible. Obviously, it has been built on the peak of the realm, far above Gu Mingchen.

"Ma Xiaoer, you have just insulted this door is waste, how is it now? I am eager to kneel down and squat under the door of the old man, I may consider to spare you not to die!"

Gu Mingchen began to settle accounts in the autumn and walked to the side of Ma Yuankui, proudly.

"Master Ma, still doing what you are doing, the hero does not eat the loss before the eyes, Ning Gong can not rely on it, it is rare to take care of the old man, do not remember the villain, and hurry to worship the teacher." Fang Xin did not have a good face on this waste of nothing, Cold irony.

"Oh, Gu Mingchen, who has a fame, defeats me as a skill, my master is coming, and raising your hand can kill you." Ma Yuankui certainly knows about his master's ability, and immediately disdain sneer.

"Oh, something that is not enough for death, your master is afraid of the old man, and he dares to be hard, and the old man has killed you!"

Gu Mingchen did not expect Ma Yuankui's mouth to be so hard, he fell face, and his heart was suddenly murdered.

At this moment, a cold voice, like a needle, appeared in the ears of everyone: "What do you mean by your dog, but also with the old man?"

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