The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1019: Dead is harder to live than

Yan Baiya took Lin Biao into the partial room, put her down, and sat down on the chair in the top, poured two glasses of wine, and said: "Sit, here is only you and me!"

Lin Biao sat down. 126shu

"You want to die! You don't like me?" asked Yan Bayou.

"Yes!" Lin said.

"I don't know how many famous women in the capital want to go to my door, but you are unintentional. Why is this?" Yan Bayu asked with a smile, and the voice was as bright as a new moon, with a perfect smile on his face.

Lin Biao looked at the first beautiful man in the capital. From the perspective of appearance and status, this man is indeed impeccable, but who knows that he also has unspeakable secrets?

"The Eight Lords may not really want to marry me, we know each other well, the heart is already dead, the strong twisted melon is not sweet." Lin Biao picked up the glass, slightly gestured, took a sip.

"Yeah, is he still there?" Yan Baye sighed.

"Maybe, maybe not." Lin said.

"Then you are more fortunate than me. The woman I liked died in front of me twenty years ago! My heart is dead in twenty years, and you have at least hope." Yan Bayu smiled bitterly.

"A woman who can make the Eight Lords hang for a lifetime, even if it is dead, it is gratifying under Jiuquan."

"And the people I like, I don't mean anything to me. It's like a long pain than a short pain. Where can I be lucky?"

I took a sip of the wine in the cup and stunned.

"Then you are better than me. My nephew never liked me. I don't even know that I like her. I will never forget that when she was leaving, I laughed at me as a ruthless running dog, eagle dog! Do you know? I At that time, I wanted to show her heart to her, but there was no way. He was right, I am a dog!"

"You are at least alive, there is hope in life. Hope is the most precious thing in the world, maybe he likes you too, but he never said it, oh, unfortunately, I have no chance to see Xiaoyu again. It is."

Yan Baye's eyes were filled with a layer of translucent fog, looking at the sly scorpion, lifting the jug to fill her again.

"Hey, why should you tell me this? You never know each other." Lin Biao asked.

"It’s better to know each other than to know each other. I have been stunned for twenty years, but I have no sensation, and I have a feeling of seeing you."

"I believe in feeling!"

Yan Baye smiled faintly.

"If you believe in feelings, then you should know that Mrs. Chu actually has you in her heart, at least she treats you as a friend!"

"Although I have never seen Mrs. Chu, but a woman like her who can make you bend down, it must not be a person who is afraid of death or who is cursing the earth before death."

"She could have died very calmly. Why did she want to marry you, and she wouldn’t marry her husband, Wushen?"

"Because she pities you, cares about you, and is already dying of the **** of martial arts, so that even if he dies in his hands, he will not say anything to him."

"Ye, I am a woman, I understand women's minds better. So, you should not feel sorry, but gratified, I believe that Mrs. Chu at least knows your concern and helplessness for her."

Lin Biao calmly said.

Yan Baye’s pupil was zooming in, and the pale face showed a blush. He breathed in a big mouth and stood up. He was so helpless that he laughed like a child, laughing with tears.

"Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu, you always know my heart!"

"I, I am sorry for you, I shouldn't be a dog. I should be like a man and fight with Yan Nine, and go with you!"

"I am sorry for you!"

Yan Baye cried and laughed again. It was like madness. After a long time, he calmed down and didn't wipe his tears. He let the tears hang on his face and sat back in the chair. "You follow me, at least not to be wronged." I promise you, as long as he comes, you can go at any time. Of course, maybe it won't take long, there will be no more Yan Ye in the world, so you don't have to be afraid of me."

"I am not afraid of you, I have never been afraid, because when you come, if you want to occupy me, I will die!"

"Hey, do you want to die?"

Lin Xiaoxiao asked.

"For me, death is harder than living!"

"But today you have this, Xiao Yu knows my heart, I have no regrets, I can die!"

"Oh, hate me, you and I met too late, otherwise it must be a friend."

Yan Baye resumed his calm state.

"It's not too late, I know each other, it's the white gap, it's enough for a lifetime."

"it is good!"

"Let's go, go to the church, and the friends will be better than you!"

Yan Baye got up and laughed when he was laughing. He went out first.

Lin Biao went out and the two appeared side by side at the door of the lobby.

"Old eight, this is whether you worship or not, if you don't worship, I will not mix it, go to Kunlun Mountain to die." Yan Yan dissatisfied.

"Four brother, why are you so anxious?"

"Today is my great day. You can't move Kunlun Mountain, big brother, is it my family, or are they?"

"You want to, stay and drink the wine, if you don't want to, go back to Kunlun Mountain to tell the big brother, I thank him for doing this for me."

Yan Baye looked directly at Yan Siye, and cold Sensen smiled.


"Four brothers don't get angry, hurry to drink and drink the Yan Qiye and others quickly advised.

"I have the bridegroom and the bride in the hall!"

The old housekeeper cleared his throat and shouted.

Yan Baye and Yan entered the hall, and Yan Baye wanted to hold her hand, but thought it dispelled the idea.

The two walked to the lobby, and the ceremonial sang: "A world!"

The two met at the same time.

"Two worship Yan family ancestral ancestors!"

Worship again.

"Couple worship!"

When I read the third time, I stood in the same place and fell into meditation.

There are several marriages in my life. This is sacred to her. She once thought about the candlelit night with the nameless cave, and she was old and white. At this time, looking at the full candle, she knew that with this worship, she The so-called hope is completely buried.

The hall was stiff, and Yan Bayi did not remind him. He just looked at her with a smile and patiently. The ceremonies and Yan Siye did not dare to remind them. Time and space seemed to have stood still at that moment.

"You won't come!"

"No, my love, my patron is unknown!"

Two lines of tears under the turbulence, slightly bent, you have to go on.

At this moment, a clear drink came over: "Slow! This church can not worship!"

The cold voice, such as the blade of the north wind, swept the hearts and minds of everyone. Everyone was inexplicably cold, and at the same time, the people who made the sound looked at the past.

But see a young man with a sloping shoulder and a haze, with a long knife on his face, carrying his hand from the crowd slowly.

Looking at this person, Lin Meng yelled at his mouth and couldn't believe it: "The unnamed big brother is the unnamed big brother!"

Yes, it is Qin.

If Lin Biao worshipped today, Qin Hao will change his goal to assassinate Yan Dongyang, but she hesitated. Qin can not watch her fall into the fire pit, and then go on pain.

This book is from

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