The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1032: Qingyun thief

The kitchen was quiet at the moment, and a few chefs were looking at their chefs, their eyes were red, and the tears were spinning around in the nest. 126shu

"Guys, my brother can't live with you. I have already counted with the boss of Wang. The restaurant can't do it anymore. Today, I will fight for it."

"You can rest assured that the salary and bonuses, Xiao Wang boss said that each person gives two copies."

"A few brothers, I can only do so much."

For a long time, Fan Fatzi smashed cigarette butts and apologized to several old buddies.

"Fat, it's no wonder that you are not a light person in this world. Just because of a fairy meat, hehe..."

"Fat brother, you don't want to give the surname, and the thief is cooking, and a few brothers know that Xizhou does not let us open restaurants, let's go to Dongzhou and go to Beizhou!"

"Let's drive the restaurant to the bottom of Shijing Qinhou's eyelids. I have to look at it. The thief, the thief, how much they can!"

Several chefs shouted with dissatisfaction.

"Oh, when you are old, Xizhou is your homeland, you can't walk. If people don't let it dry, they wash their hands."

"Clean up, I will not say goodbye to you later."

Fan Fatzi shook his head and sighed.

Just saying, Wang Jiangshun opened the door and rushed in with a post. He said: "Fat uncle, yes, saved, the restaurant is saved."

"Oh, what are you?" Fan Fatzi saw that he was acting strangely and asked with amazement. Several other cooks had a play and listened to the spirit.

"Fat Uncle, Shi Jing is coming, come!" Wang Jiangshun said with great joy.

"Whoever is here, can you fight over the thieves?" Fan Fatzi was not too surprised, but asked very calmly.

In Xizhou City, there were more people who resisted the protection, but without exception, they were all suppressed.

"You will know when you look at it!" Wang Jiangshun handed the post to Fan Fatzi with respect.

Fan Fat is not the first time to see this post. A year ago, when Wang Jinshan asked him to make a fairy meat for a person, he saw it.

See you now, his heart can not help but tremble a bit, after taking a deep breath, the dignified opening, only a glance, he closed, and laughed: "The sky has eyes, 晁保, Qingyun thief Dao, I see when you can be arrogant."

"Fat Uncle, I met this person, a little different from what I saw on the photo, I am not sure if it is him."

"But he said, I want the fairy meat a year ago!"

Wang Jiang is on the road.

"That is him, can't be wrong."

“The guys opened the stove and took out the best craftsmanship, burning a pot of **** meat for our savior.”

Fan Fatzi patted the slap and said great.

"Well!" The guys started to have a play and started to get busy.

The stew of the fairy meat is extremely particular. Now I have to say that I have to spend a few hours. Wang Jiangshun personally burned a pot of fine tea and brought it to the hall. At this time, there was no outsider in the lobby. He simply hanged the business. The brand, closed the store door.

"Miss Lin, this gentleman...has not asked your surname?" Wang Jiangshun asked while pouring tea.

"He is my husband, his surname..." Lin Biao wanted to introduce, only to discover that she had become a husband and wife with no name, and she did not know his real name.

"My name is Qin!" Qin said very calmly.

"Mr. Qin, why do you want to defeat the foundation of the undead father? The pain in this is hard to say. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't dare to say a word."

"When Wu Boss let me take over the store, I asked him again and again. Hou Ye sent high hopes to me and gave me all kinds of help. To be honest, I have been walking on thin ice for the past year, I am afraid I am sorry for my father, I am sorry for Hou’s entrustment."

“In the early days, the business was bigger and stronger. I even opened three branches, but since July last year, Western Australia has undergone earth-shaking changes.”

"Oh, it’s all blood and tears!"

Wang Jiangshun said this, it is already bursting into tears.

"Wang boss, drink tea, slowly said, no hurry." He gave him a cup of tea, gentle and relieved.

"After July last year, Xizhou came to Qingyun Dao, claiming to be a white gold star, can call the wind and rain, can make a stone come true, has cured some of the most serious diseases in Xizhou, it is said that it also includes an Ai disease official, for a time For the upper class of the western state, the gods are worshipped."

"To say this Qingyun Taoist, is still an expert in collecting people's hearts. Last year, Xizhou was in a drought. He was seeking rain in the urban and rural areas of Xizhou. He invited Ganlin and sent medicine to the people to treat epidemics. I heard that many villages He also made a special trip to build a temple, set up a monument, and serve as a living bodhisattva."

"It will be three or four months. Before the end of the year, Qingyun Dao said that there is a princely temper in Chaoxia Mountain. Then Qinhou once visited Chaoxia Mountain and opened the view on the mountain. It is said that the upper level of Xizhou has dialed hundreds. Give him billions."

Wang Jiangshun said this and stopped.

"If he has the ability to do good things for the people, even if he is the name of Qin Hou, building a tourist area, as long as it is beneficial to the people's livelihood, it is not a bad thing."

"But... boss Wang, you go on!"

I can't help but feel sorry for the horrible behavior of the Taoist Temple.

Wang Jiangshun drank a few mouthfuls of tea, moistened the scorpion, and then said: "He wants to do good Not long after, the greed and vicious nature of Qingyundao is now out."

"It’s a trivial matter to sell water on the mountain and the expensive tickets!"

"This thief is the best female color. It is said that the sergeant is an official, or who is a beautiful niece. He wants to look at it. It must be ruined. What is the name of the cultivation?"

"And he still has a quirk, specifically for the Huanghua prostitute, Xizhou City is only how big, although there are Qin Gang to cover him ugly, but the eyes of the people are bright, at the end of last year, there is a prostitute named Cai He was ruined, and his parents got to the top leader of the Western State, Wang Changsheng..."

"Wang Changsheng, I know, he should be a person with a conscience. Can't he ignore this matter?" Qin said.

"Mr. Wang certainly has to take control. He has long wanted to start with this person. He and Wu Wang and Yan Bao are too close to the Taoist. The Taoist people even dare to fight in the name of Qin Hou. Mr. Wang does not dare to go too far. What's worse, Mr. Wang had not had time to investigate, and he was seriously ill. There was no way to recuperate. Xizhou fell in Gao Guokang. Everyone said that Gao Guokang recognized this Qingyun thief as a cognac, Mr. Wang. This time, Xizhou has completely become the world of Qingyun Dao, and that pile of scandals will be raised."

"Don't say anything else, there are corpses in the West Lake between the three and five! To say that this demon person is guilty, the year is not favorable, this year Xizhou City, all kinds of epidemics have increased. The old thief relies on this big fortune, the people It is obvious that he is regarded as a god, and the back of the ground is also the root of the hate."

Wang Jiangshun stunned.

"Wu Xuhui does not care? As far as I know, the Qin gang has very strict rules. Qin Hou himself is also a person who can't see the sand in his eyes. This is something Wu Xuhui is afraid of."

Lin Biao asked.

Ps: In the card, there are updates later.

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