The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1035: For the tiger, the death is not enough

Xizihu Mountain Villa is very glamorous to outsiders, but in fact, no one can know the operation. 126shu

Since Liao Heng and Qin Hou climbed the relationship, Liao Boss simply handed over the water villa to his son. As the only five-star international leisure villa in Xizhou, Liao Heng had to deal with the giants of the three circles of politics and business. !

At first, he could still sail in the winds of Xizhou by the light of Qinhou, but since Qingyun Daxian and Yanbao became the home of Xizhou, these people are the ones who squeezed the merchants from the roads. Today, Mr. Gao He was asked to eat and drink at the meeting. Sanqingguan on the Minger Mountain came to him. He also had to wait for his life. The most hateful thing was that his father and son simply regarded this as their home.

I don’t want to talk about it for three days. I have to pay for internationally famous products. I have to wait for a lady.

This year, Liao Heng earned the money in the first half of the period, and fed all these greedy guys, and there were fathers and sons who were entrenched. Foreign businessmen and big sisters did not dare to spend the night in Xizhou. Can not afford to live, the rich people did not dare to come, the huge deficit for several months, let him jump on the floor of the mind.

Liao Heng had reacted to the problems in the direction of Dongzhou and Shijing, but without exception, whether it was a phone call or an e-mail, it was like a sea of ​​stones, and there was no echo.

Liao Heng did not understand what was going on in the end. Qin Bang suddenly changed his style and completely subverted his imagination.

In the private room, the neon lights flashed, and the young lady who danced naked in the dance floor was tempted to plead with the young man sitting at the front of the sofa.

The young man is also handsome and handsome. Although he wears a brand-name costume, the hair is combed only in the triangle eyes of the sinister evil. The greed of the wolf is always revealed. It is a little self-sufficient when it is gloomy.

He is the only son of the guarantor. This guy used to be a hard-working employee of the ordinary company. Later, his father got the chance to follow the chicken and the dog, and he might have used it before, so he always shows off his money and status. To oppress people.

"Liao Shao, what is the embarrassment? Recently, the taste of the wine is not right. Your kid will not be mixed with water." He squinted and asked coldly.

"You are laughing, give me ten courage, don't dare, this is the latest Swedish goods, the ice spring water there is lighter, the taste of the brewed wine will be a little different, you are used to it. "Liao Heng secretly despised this earthen buns, but he still had to please him like his grandson."

"Do you mean that you have nothing to taste?"


The tyrants picked up the wine glasses and poured them on the face of Liao Heng.

"Less, I heard that someone is relying on Qin Hou, the tree is deep, and it is not a matter of shackles." A young man with gauze wrapped around his eyes was ignited by the wind.

Liao Heng wiped the drink on his face, his roots trembled, but still accompanied by a smile: "I am a small person, how can I get Qin Hou, I don't want to feel this wine has no taste, I will give you a change." ”

"Oh, how can you get enough? Jiangdong will soon change the land, you are relying on it, but also get yellow." Hegeo cocked his legs, and ordered a cigarette, which means deep and long.

Liao Heng’s body trembled. Didn’t the Xizhou’s tortoise and grandson have a bigger conspiracy, but he didn’t dare to ask, and went down to change the wine.

Before I even had time to go to the door, the security captain ran in and rushed in. The rushed Liao Heng made a look and whispered a few words.

"Are you sure?" Liao Heng was overjoyed.

"Yes, people are living in, and there is still a fake." Security.

"Go!" Where Liao Heng still cares about what to drink, and ran away.

He was almost a villa that flew into the road, and he couldn’t even knock on the door, and he slammed into it!

Qin Lanzheng stood in the hall with his back and looked at the "true water and no fragrance" card hanging in the middle of the main hall.

Liao Heng looked at the green shirt, the back of the stalwart mountain, the heart of the bitter water turned into endless tears, unconsciously flowed down.

"Aoyama is still there, when people return, Liao Shao, long time no see!" Qin Hao turned around and smiled and asked.

Although this face is very strange, but this tall figure, the cold gas field, and the familiar voice, he is dreaming and will not forget.

"Mr. Qin!"

"You, you are finally here, never come again, Xizhou is finished."

Liao Heng trembled.

"The situation in Xizhou, I have a general understanding, why not go to Shijing, Yunhai to find me?" Qin Yi a long gown, sat down and asked coldly.

"I secretly went to the auditorium and sent people to Dongzhou to report it, but Xizhou was like being covered by a net, and no news could be transmitted."

"And I, the phone is being monitored, and there are people in the manor who stare at me for twenty-four hours. It is impossible to live."

"Over the years, many people who want to go out to petition have been killed by them."

Liao Heng said bluntly.

"Oh? It seems that the water in Xizhou is quite deep." Qin Yu frowned, he was covered by the ear blindfolded, only one possibility, some people from the West The news of the state was intercepted, at least it must be the same level as Zhang Daling.

There is a collusion between the above and the lower-level churchlors. This is not a rare thing. People can live forever and can do anything for the benefit.

"Why is this, when the tyrants just drank, they also let go of saying that your good days are over, listening to their meaning, it seems that there is a big move to target you." Liao Hengdao.

"Big action?"

"Where is the tyrant, take me to meet him."

Qin Yudao.

Just about to leave, I changed my violet dress and walked out from inside. Liao Heng saw a surprise: "Miss Lin, how come you?"

Lin Biao knows Liao Heng. When Liao Heng’s father was in the west, he sponsored a charity event. The two had a side.

"Liao Heng, you really know, I said where he got the vip card." Lin Xiaoran laughed.

Liao Heng looked at the Qin and Qin people, as if they understood something, did not ask more, directly said: "Mr. Qin, then let's go now?"

Qin Hao nodded, and he followed him to the entertainment box on the side of the water.

There were several big men standing outside the box, all carrying the badges of the Qin Gang. Seeing Liao Heng brought the stranger, Qin Hao looked at him and reached out and stopped the two: "Stand up, less at the party, no one else is allowed to enter." ”

"What's going on!" Qin Hao flexed a finger, and a real hole in the eyebrows of the talking person, the man fell straight.

Several other disciples dared to just yell, Qin Hao five fingers and a wave, really sighed through the heart, those disciples went to see the prince.

For him, these Qin gang disciples have already deteriorated, and they have become accomplices for the tigers.

Ps: There are updates later!

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