The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1039: Storm is coming

Qin Lan decided to go to a place to take a trip, maybe there can be some clues!

As soon as he made up his mind, he went straight to the Qin Bang's supervision hall.

The monitoring hall is a horrific case in Wu'an County. It was established in various cities and counties in Jiangdong. The monitoring hall of Xizhou is on Zhengde Street. Unlike other places, the surrounding of the monitoring hall is cold and clear, and occasionally pedestrians pass by. Avoid it like a tiger.

The original monitoring hall, which was so popular, actually fell into such a situation, and it was inevitable that Qin Qin was chilling.

This cancer of Xizhou is the time to go to the treatment of phlegm!

Qin Lan stepped into the lobby, and several supervisor disciples were playing cards around the table. They were full of hundred dollar bills and they were enjoying themselves.

"Is this the Qin Bang's supervision hall?" Qin Hao stood in the lobby and shouted.

"Why, I don't know the rules, I don't know how to do things here, and I quickly get to know each other!" A disciple with a **** skull on his face seems to have a bad luck. He is losing his eyes, and he has a good face for Qin.

"Are you inspector-in-chief? Tell him to come out and see me!" Qin Yu’s voice was colder.

"This big night, I know where he went? Just find him, and I won't see you. It's not a place to complain. It's a slap in the face." The man's tone became more and more arrogant.

"In this case, why should I raise your waste?"

In the eyes of Qin Yu, the murderous machine appeared steeply and shouted.

"Oh, where is the madman, Laozi is eating the rice of Qin Gang, do you want to raise it?"

"You count that green onion, which garlic, dare to scatter here?"

Several other people saw someone looking for a donkey, and they were not in the mood to play cards. The poker was lost and they sipped around.

"The garbage that is not enough to die!"

Qin Xiao sneered, a thunderbolt banged in the past, Lei Long roared, and instantly twisted a few disciples into a powder!

"Not good, someone is making trouble!"

Other disciples heard the wind rushed over, the auditorium is not a war force, but also a dozen people, these people are the elite of the Qin gang, but after coming to Xizhou, with the corruption of Fang Lie and others, they eventually Still forgetting the vows before Huang Quanlong's emblem, the fall became an accomplice of Fang Lie and others.

Qin Hao did not have the slightest mercy, see one kill one, and finally walked out of the monitoring hall with blood.

"If you wait for no meaning, just blame me for being ruthless!"

With a wave of fingers on his back, a fire lotus flew across the ground, and when he watched the temple, he ignited a raging fire. The sacred land in the minds of the people of Xizhou, with its indelible shame, was completely turned into nothing.

Destroyed the hall, Qin Yu returned to the West Lake Villa, so that Liao Heng dialed Zhang Daling's encrypted phone, hang up the phone, Qin Hao cold noodles like a knife, a punch smashed the coffee table with the front: "Damn, This old thief has mistaken me, and it’s good to go back to it!"


On the unknown mountain in Dongzhou, Tang Tianci was as restless as the ant on the hot pot. When he got the wind and Zhang Daling left, he knew that the storm in Xizhou was finally coming.

"Don, I have already contacted our old department, and some of the owners of the Dongzhou districts. In the current situation, it is no problem to control Dongzhou!"

"Once the army arrives, destroy the Qin thief's base and Mazhuang, you can kill the Qin thief!"

A big Han Lang channel with a full face and a mustache.

His name is Xing Jun, and he is the old genus of Tang Tianci. Especially, he has a very good relationship with Jin Qiangsheng. After the incident in Dongzhou, the old people of Tang Tianci’s school were almost all implicated and lost their power. These people are dissatisfied. It’s not two or three days.

"Yes, in the past, you were the slapstick of our Jiangdong Nineteen Eighteenth Party. Under the Qinglong order, who would dare not accept it!"

"Now I have won the power of Dongzhou by a hairy boy. We are not satisfied with it!"

"Don, you will order it."

Other brothers also shouted.

"Are the martial artists all arrived?" Tang Tianci asked tightly in his hand.

"After the arrival, they are all masters who come from the north. The leader is the three masters sent by the Yan family. Unless the Qin thief is in person, no one can stop it." Xing Jundao.

"Yes, we have thousands of people in the lobby, and we have already prepared for it, only to be ordered."

Everyone is singular.

"Don't worry, the north does not move, let's not move, wait, wait..." Tang Tianci bit his teeth and pressed the order.

Everyone knows that things are big, one by one, and they bite their teeth.

Not long after, a Taoist wearing a blue robe walked in under the guidance of his disciples, and said: "Sanqing Guanbaishan has seen Tang."

"White Road long does not have a veritable novel, let's talk about it, what happened to Qingyun Daxian?" Tang Tianci could not wait to ask.

"Yanjia takes Yanliu as the commander, and leads the eight great army regiments who have arrived in Sioux City. When they are two hours old, they can reach Yuxi Mountain!"

"In addition, the order, the brother of Xizhou Tangkou is taking a secret train and rushing to Dongzhou to meet with your department. It is expected that a child will arrive."

"At the moment, there is something unclear about Qingyun Master. Where is Qinhou in the end?"

Baishan Road is humane.

"According to my reaction, Qin Hou disappeared a few days ago. No one knows his movements. But Tang can guarantee that he will never be in Shijing at this moment. Once he wins the base, he will win the Song Mansion for the first time!"

"At that time, he is back, and he can't play any tricks."

Tang Tianshou’s caress must be calculated.

As a former son of Dongzhou, he is not completely brainless. He has never been as confident as he is at this moment. He firmly believes that Jiangdong’s underground history will be rewritten after Ye said I am relieved, and the poor road immediately goes back to the Master! "White Mountain Road people are very happy.

When Bai Shan’s forefoot went away, Tang Tianci rushed to a disciple next to him and asked: “Is it the moon?”

"Quick, our people say they are already on the road."

The disciple replied.

"Very good, everything is ready, Xing Jun, holding my Qinglong order, attacking the lobby of Dongzhou, and blocking the way to Nanzhou's three-knife handle."

"But there are people who disagree, kill innocent!"

Tang Tianci took out the Qinglong Order from his arms and looked at the subordinates with strong fighting spirits.


"Be sure to follow the big faucet!"

The disciples are happy to lead.

As soon as the disciples left, the lobby was empty. In a short time, Tang Yuyue, a military uniform, walked into the lobby under the **** of several disciples.

When she saw Tang Tianci at the top, she looked around and looked at her anxiously. "Uncle, where is Grandpa? Is his old man still okay?"

Tang Tianci stood up and did not swear: "Small moon, the father built a vineyard in France, has not returned yet!"

"Uncle, you, aren't you saying that Grandpa got an emergency? How could it..." Tang Yuyue suddenly felt awkward, especially in this place.

"I will tell you the truth, my uncle is against me. There are still two hours. Yanliu will go south. When Jiangdong will flow into the river, the Daqin base will be completely finished!"

"I told you to come back, I don't want you to be implicated, because you are my relatives and daughters of Tang Tianci."

Tang Tianci smiled.

Of course, he has another meaning. Tang Haoyue is a rare beauty. I heard that Yan Liu is a famous playboy. If he can see his niece, climb the Yan family, he will give this Jiangdong king. The status can be properly stabilized.

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