The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1048: Let’s sleep here.

The power of the **** tower, can shake the world!

Not long after, but there was a loud roar in the mountains, the whole hill shook violently, and the soil layer rolled like a wave, forming a shocking gully!


Suddenly, a tens of thousands of long behemoths, drilled from the ground, squirming under the tower of God, want to break away from the control of the tower, but he has a thousand years of demon, can escape the ruin of the broken spirit The more the Stranger Tower, the more struggling, the stronger the reincarnation of the fire!

Han Feng and Wu Xuhui have seen these monsters.

The monster is full of colorful, the shell is hard as iron, and the body is full of more than one meter long, full of hooks, sharp as a knife, twisted, the rock and grass of the hill are cut into pieces.

"God, this, is this a fine?" Wu Xuhui asked.

"Yes, you believe that the Qingyun Daxian of God is a millennium scorpion. This scorpion comes from Kunlun, and it has been cultivated into a human form. It has also seen Wushen, Sansheng, boasting around, and demonizing Xizhou with demon."

"Now you still dare to believe that your so-called Tao is the right way?"

"He just confuses your mind, supplemented by evil laws, and you believe it is true, Wu Xuhui, you really let me be disappointed."

Qin Hao said with emotion.


"Hou Ye, Xu Hui ghosts are stunned, sin should die, sin must die!"

Wu Xuhui suddenly realized that he was lying on the ground, crying and crying for sin.

Qin Lan did not pay attention to him, went to the side of the tower, and was smashed by the fire of the gods. It was already foaming at the mouth, and the whole body was anxious and dying.

"Hou Ye, beg you, let me live a path, be a cow, I willingly!"

"I am not easy to enlighten. I stayed in Kunlun Mountain for 1,378 years, and I am an adult, and I have a demon!"

"God has a good life, Hou Ye let me go."

The scorpion squirmed into the human form, screaming and pleading for mercy.

"Hey!" Qin Hao raised his hand and removed the Shenhuo Tower.

"You are not completely useless in this animal, listen to Yan Shuai, you know very well about Kunlun." Qin asked.

"Hou Ye asked well, I am eating underground aura. For every thousand years in Kunlun Mountain, I have safari. Today's Sansheng Peak, Wu Shen Temple, etc., I also often go. It is to know those saints."

"If Hou Ye intends to go to Kunlun, leave me a life, I can help you to Kunlun Mountain in the future."

Qingyun truthfully told me.

"Well, I will leave you a little life!"

"This kind of thing is in your life, but there is disagreement, I can always teach you to fly away!"

"Go in."

Qin Yu raised the black jade gourd, and sang.

Qingyun had a life, and he was very happy. He thanked him a bit and finally turned it into a black light and got into the black jade gourd.

"Xu Hui, since you like to stay in the sunset mountain, you will be with it forever." Qin Hao cold and cold.

Wu Xuhui looked up and saw the killing intention from his eyes. He immediately smiled and said: "Under the subordinates understand!"

He knows that because of the indulgence of Qingyun, a mess in Xizhou, I do not know how many innocent people have been persecuted, causing Qin Yu’s reputation to plummet. Such a deep sin can give him a living.

Wu Xuhui stood up and looked at the clouds in the sky, and there was a bitter smile on his face: "In fact, I always knew that I was not suitable for being a cousin, and that you were a big brother. When Zhong Mei died, my The heart is dead. How can someone like me be seated on the side of you?"

"Han Feng is more determined than me, and I have a plan. It is a good seed!"

"I have been secretly persuading me for these days. I have been obsessed with it. Everything has nothing to do with him. Please ask Hou to not blame him!"

Wu Xuhui finished, walked to the side of Han Feng, patted his shoulder and said: "Han Feng, wronged you!"

"Wu Ye!" Han Feng eyes with tears and called him.

Wu Xuhui gave Qin a three heads, then walked to the edge of the cliff and looked around. After a long sigh, he jumped into the cliff and walked with the sunset mountain. There is no Western king in the world!

"Wu Ye, all the way to go!" Han Fengyu screamed at the edge of the mountain.

"Looking for someone to converge on his bones, just bury it in the setting sun."

"You are not suitable to stay in Xizhou, go to Dongzhou Mingyue to take the job!"

Qin Hao is indifferent.

Han Feng is not guilty, but he has the crime of oversight and loss of justice. If he is a determined person, he will use every means to stop the fall of Wu Xuhui.

From this point of view, although this person is passionate, it is not suitable for a party to seal the country, it is embarrassing to use!

"Yes!" Han Feng said.

The geographical location of Xizhou is special. Qinxi has been working in a local hall for an entire month.

First, let Zhang Daling send a powerful assistant. This time in the rebellion of Dongzhou, he swears to death. The only Nangu division, who has not lost his mouth, is transferred to Xizhou.

Qi Zhiguo was ordered to lead the brothers of this class to Xizhou. The people of Xizhou Tangkou, regardless of whether they participated in the chaos of Xizhou, were cleared and rebuilt to ensure that Xizhou was still a piece of iron.

At the same time, the supervision of the Tangkou sent an upright courageous law enforcement church deputy head, and Qi Zhiguo complement each other.

Zhai Zhiguo personally led the brothers of Qin Gang every day to participate in the settlement of the unfairness in various parts of and to apply medicines and materials to help the people in need, and to go deep into the rural grassroots to cooperate with local village cadres to clear Qingyun. The remaining poison left by the locals.

After more than a month of scraping bones, the heart of Xizhou was finally restored. Qin Hao returned to Shijing.


The chaos of the Jiangdong, the people who are troubled, the people are exhausted.

The localities stabilized, and Qin Hao gave himself a vacation and returned to Dongzhou to listen to Yuxuan.

Right now, he still has a headache to solve, that is, hey!

I went back to listen to Yuxuan on this day, but I heard the laughter inside. I went in and saw it, but Wen Xuexuan, Wan Xiaoyu, and Lin Biao were talking and laughing.

The three women saw Qin Zhen, but also quite surprised, did not expect that he would suddenly come back.


"You are all there."

Qin Lan is a bit embarrassed, especially Wen Xuexue and Yan, who have clearly defined the relationship with him, and they are together. The picture is always too beautiful.

"Hey brother, my sister is coming, you don't tell me, but my sister-in-law knows me."

“It’s all family, what do you have to hide?”

Wen Xueyu took the initiative to solve the problem and smiled.

As a famous female singer in the current business circle, she is not the little girl once, especially after Fu Lanqing’s attack on the sword of Qin dynasty, she knows that she is not alone in this world, she is blindly encircled. It is impossible for Qin Yu to be alone.

Moreover, she is also entering the circle of cultivation. In the future, there will be a longevity day. In the past 100 years, thousands of years, and thousands of years, more sisters will not be so boring, but the heart is wide!

Ps: The update is over tonight, tomorrow night, good night, friends!

(End of this chapter)


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