The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1055: Some people have rivers and lakes

When Zhao Xifeng heard Yi Dongchen’s words, he suddenly changed his face and asked: “Yi Shaoye, you, what do you mean by this?”

Immediately, he thought about one or two, and said: "Easy, do you have anything to do with my help, we are not outsiders, as long as you speak, I promise to promise."

"Do you know Jiangdong Qinhou?" Yi Dongchen's eyelids lifted and asked coldly.

"Qin Hou, who does not know, that is the first person in the South, in addition to our Yi family, the most popular in the south is him." Zhao Xifeng.

"Then tell me!" Yi Dongchen stood up and walked behind Zhao Xifeng, dignified: "Qinwu is Qinhou!"


" said that the student's nephew is Qinhou!"

Zhao Xifeng’s shock almost didn’t turn down from the chair.

"I, Liujia and Qinhou are now on the line. It is a good opportunity for him to help them win the power of the Yi family."

"If you are willing to listen to me, come over..."

Yi Dongchen gathered in the ear of Zhao Xifeng and whispered a few words.


6 mansion, No. 1 No. 1 in Xitou, the whole house is sealed with mysterious iron, and it is reinforced with 18 layers. There is no window, no venting holes, and it is solid.

Anyone who has entered the 1o1 will never have a day in his life.

At the moment, in the dark iron house, a young man is curling up in the corner of the wall, and the frozen shivering.

Oh, the iron gate is open.

The sun came in from the outside, and the young man who had never seen the sun for a few days had a stinging sigh in his eyes, and there was a stun in his mind. Uncomfortable, he could not help but scream.

"Go in, the kid gives me the truth, or else don't think about it." The rude guard, sipping a scorpion outside the door, a black shadow walked into 1o1.


The iron gate closed.

The man slowly blended into the darkness and walked to the corner. He asked coldly, "You are Chen Jun."

Chen Jun squinted, because the glasses had disappeared, he could only see a blurred figure, and the intuition told him that this person is different from those who came to interrogate him.

"I am, who are you?" Chen Jun asked.

"My name is Qin Hao, they also call me Qin Hou. Your brother Chen Song is my brother. I think you should be clear about this." Qin said.

"It's you!"

"Isn't my brother already killed by you? Why, you are also interested in Yi's huge wealth?" Chen Jun's words are full of hostility.

How could he not know Qinhou? My own brother-in-law was the **** guy in front of the tens of thousands of people, personally gave it.

Chen Jun was rebellious since childhood. He is not Chen Song’s younger brother, but his half-sister, but this does not affect his feelings for his brother!

"Chen Song is not dead. He is tempering and suffering in a place you don't know. You will see him again." Qin Yu calmed.

"Even if he is not dead, I may not be able to wait until that day."

"Can you go out if you think?"

"If you want to trade with that wealth, I advise you to give up, I will not give him to anyone." Chen Jun said indifferently.

"You are wrong. I am not interested in the money of Yijia. I am here to look at Chen Song's face."

"Tell me why I want to take this money for myself or for another purpose."

"Don't deceive me, I can check all your consciousness, I just want to hear you say it."

Qin Xiao’s pair of bright scorpions flashed purple awnings in the darkness, Sensen asked.

"Okay, I tell you!"

“Yijia’s money is used to do business with the Golden Triangle. They are doing business with a person named Song Po in the Golden Triangle. You know that the gambling and white noodles in Nanguang are the most widespread in the country. Yijia’s owner Yi Jinglun is secretly controlling. All the gray trades. The money is 23 billion, which is the money earned by the Yi family doing gray business these years."

"In order to be afraid of Sun Jiazheng's liquidation of Yijia in the future, they intend to establish a confederation in the Golden Triangle and establish their own Shan State forces. When Yi Jinglun was operating this business, he walked through our company and was traced back to the source by hacking. And turned all their money away."

"The money has been scattered over the heads of 18 million retail investors in China. As long as I am willing, these two hundred and thirty billion yuan can reach the head of this eight million people in one second. , all the money of the Yi family is divided up, when they just want to find it is difficult."

Chen Jun proudly laughed.

He can't be a big man in his life, but if he can do it, it will be a good thing.

“Why is it 18 million retail investors? What do these people have to do with you?” Qin asked.

"They are China's low-income account, don't ask me how to know their account, which is simple for a hacker."

"It is no exaggeration to say that I can decipher the best network protection in the world, including the Pentagon in the country!"

Chen Jundao.

"Well, it seems that I am not running this white, you can go out with me." Qin said.

"You, you want to save me?" Chen Jun was surprised.

"Of course, or else I am here to do this?" Qin Xiao smiled.

“It’s easy to get out of this place!”

"Can you have a solution?"

Chen Jun is still somewhat unbelievable.

"At night someone will come to open the door." Qin Hao said, no longer ask, sitting cross-legged in the corner.


At seven o'clock in the evening, a black car drove into the front of the mountain gate. The guards looked at the license plate number and quickly opened the gate. The car entered the 6 mansion.

The car stopped in the square. A middle-aged man dressed in a suit, carrying a cane and a sick face, surrounded by several Zhongshan costume guards, limped out of the car.

The guards on the square’s duty rushed to the past, and they were as respectful as the relatives: “Sanye, Sanye, you are here.”

Yi Jingwei, Yi Jia, the third, the person is called the third, the three Lord. Although he is a blind man, he is the most trusted younger brother of Yi Jinglun. He has had polio since childhood and his legs are abolished. This makes him far more sour and toxic than ordinary people. There are more than half of the black business, which are all managed by Yu San.

Yu San directly ignored the guards, did not say hello, went straight to the curator's room.

The head of the inspection is the auditor captain of the 6 mansion. This person is surnamed Bai, called Bai Tao. It was originally a river and lake bully. It was murderous and was arranged by the Yi family.

He is usually responsible for arresting and interrogating prisoners. The 6 public buildings on the Ming Dynasty are managed by Zhao Xifeng, but Bai Tao is the family of Sanye and his family, and he has real power.

Therefore, the small six mansions are also divided into two groups, and the Bai Tao series is more popular because of the fact that it is becoming more popular.

If it weren’t for the Yi Jia’s authorities, there would be little interest in this small prison, and Bo Tao could be the owner.

Of course, there are rivers and lakes in some places, which does not prevent him from always giving Zhao Xifeng the scorpion and the eye drops. The small 6 mansion is also in full swing.

(End of this chapter)


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