The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1059: This is an iron grave

Da da!

The machine gun spit out a pair of fire tongues. In a scream, the life was harvested. Occasionally, the guards who had been repaired as high points wanted to escape. They were also killed by the guards of Huang Quan. For a time, the square of the 6 mansion was dying, blood flow. Oh, filled with a strong **** smell.

Bo Tao looked at this sudden scene with horror. He didn't understand why Sanye wanted to start with his own people.

But he knows that he was only a curator for a few hours, but he was afraid to follow the footsteps of Zhao Xifeng!


It must be related to the prisoners who are new to the iron prison!

"Sanye, I don't know anything. Please give me a way to live. I will get out of the 6 mansion. Do you think it is?" Bai Tao was crying and screaming.

"It’s late, you know what you shouldn’t know, you have to die!”

"I really don't know anything, Sanye, I don't understand what you said." Bai Tao yelled.


Next to an old man holding his neck twisted, Bai Tao’s head slammed and fell straight.

"Wang Quan, from the current 6 mansion is the responsibility of your department, in addition to the person, the owner, and the holder of our token, the smugglers will kill all innocent!"

The third commanded.

"Yes!" The officer respectfully led the death.

At that time, Yi Jia’s founding father, but holding a large military power in his hand, after retreating to Yuedong, all the major generals in the Yuedong Garrison were all promoted by him personally, even today, the Yuedong Garrison Those who control the power are still surnamed Yi.

The Yuedong garrison area belongs to the southeast war zone, but in fact, due to the importance of the east coast defense of Yuedong, the No. 1 chief of the Yuedong garrison area is level with the No. 1 Xie Changgeng of the theater, which led to the independence of Yuedong. situation.

The officers in the garrison area can almost be regarded as the family members of the Yi family, so even those who have no military positions in the squad can order Wang Quan as the lieutenant colonel.

"Master Li, I always feel that this iron prison is not very secure. From now on, you thicken ten centimeters a day. I want to make sure that Qinhou is the reincarnation of Sun Monkey, and I want to fly out!" On the rooftop, looking at the 6 mansion, meditation.

Master Li’s name is Li Hanshan. He is wearing a black Tang suit from the top and the bottom. He is wearing a black and white dress with a sloping shoulder and a long flying in the wind.

"The three masters assured that Ge Tianjiao, who was known as the first master of the South, challenged the Yi family. It was not the same thing that was left in this iron prison. After thirteen days, he couldn't help but settled for the rest of his life."

"This iron prison is made of ice from the Soviet Union. It is harder than the black iron of Jiandao, and there is a secret of Huangquan outside. If Qinhou is a master of the gods, he can’t come out. of."

Li Hanshan caressed proudly.

"Master Li, do you know why we can dominate the East of China?"

"Of course it is the prestige of the Yi family, who is afraid of the world?" Li Hanshan did not think about it.

"The father's prestige is on the one hand, the key depends on a stable, never give people a back road! To scribble the roots, do things to be clean!"

"That is not simple, directly put the surname Qin out, we Huangquan master besieged him, can not deal with him?" Li Hanshan proud.

"Of course not. Do you know what Jiangdong people call him? God!"

"What if the gods fly out in the event of a release? I will never allow this to be a little bit leaky. The only purpose is to trap him!"

The third language is very good.

"Understood, from now on, I immediately found a craftsman, transported the cold iron from the mountain, reinforce it every day, and completely reinforce the door. Even if someone attacked it, don't even want to open him from the outside!"

"I want to make this iron prison an iron grave, let the 6 mansion become the place of Qinhou's burial!"

Li Hanshan knew that he was not joking and immediately led his life.

"I am relieved to do things, I have to supervise the affairs of Liu Jia, and I will hand it over to you and Wang Quan!"


This night is undoubtedly a torment for Liu Shaoquan and Zou Ya. The two sat in the hall for a whole night and never looked forward to Qin.

By the next morning, the two couldn’t help themselves, and they went to rest for a while.

After noon, Liu Shaoquan went out and wanted to go to Yijia to listen to the wind.

Not yet out, the old butler rushed in and shouted: "Shaoquan, not good, not good."

"What's wrong?" Liu Shaoquan asked.

"A big deal happened. Yi Erye’s family had a car accident last night. The family of three was completely destroyed. Yi Jia has already distributed the city’s notice, and now he is making a funeral.” The old housekeeper reported.

"What, Dongchen is dead!"

Liu Shaoquan’s face changed greatly, and suddenly he felt a whirlwind and almost fainted.

"Shaoquan, Shaoquan!"

"If you have such a big thing, you have to stand up."

The old butler knew that Liu Jia had a very close relationship with Yi Dongchen. This pulse has died, and there is no doubt that there is a big backing.

"What happened last night, that is right, right." Liu Shaoquan sat down in the chair with the help of the old butler, his lips trembled.

Yi Dongchen's pulse is still in the Yi family. There is no accident, no accidents in the evening, and 80% is because Qin Hou has been affected.

In other words, the Yi family must know that Qin Hou came to Nanguang ~ ~ and publicly tore the face, and even has control of the situation, this dare to openly, to do funeral.

"Old steward, you immediately send people, no, you go to Putuo Temple to find Liu Shao, report the situation here!"

"It is said that Yi Dongchen is gone. Qin Hou is unknown in Nanguang. Let him immediately come back to preside over the overall situation."

"If you want to be fast, I always feel that there is an unpredictable hunch. If you are not good at Home, you should start with us!"

Liu Shaoquan ordered.

"Shaoquan, or you and Ms. Zou go to Putuo Temple together, I stayed and waited for Qinhou, what news, I will call you."

Old butler.

"No, from ours to the South China Sea, it will take a few hours to drive. It's really something, I can get out!"

Liu Shaoquan thought for a moment.

The old butler is also not good at arguing about anything, and does not clean up, go straight out and leave.

Liu Shaoquan was in a state of chaos at this time. He has always been a deputy and has limited experience. It is difficult to make accurate judgments on the overall situation under such circumstances.

Moreover, he mistakenly believes that Qin Lan may only have some trouble, and it may not necessarily fall into the hands of Yi Jia. After all, it is the existence of half-human and half-god.

In addition, he blindly believes that Liu family is a famous door in the martial arts world. There may be disputes in private. Yi Jia can ride on his head, but the door has not been daring. After all, there is a master of Huaguang, and there are dozens of masters of Liu family. When people sit in the town, the Yi family has no reason to be fair and honest, and it is decided not to move.

Zou Ya has no more judgment in this crisis. The two don't know. After a few hours, waiting for them will be a storm...

Ps: I have a cold, and my headache is so powerful. Today, only these two are more, and tomorrow will make more.

(End of this chapter)


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