The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1064: First administration

On February 2, for China, it is undoubtedly a day when the earth shakes.

Mr. Zheng Sunzi announced the southern tour. This is the first time he has visited the East and the East since the time he was in power. The people accompanying him are Gu Hongwei, the boss of the Jiangdong Theater, Xie Changgeng, the boss of the Southeast Theater, and Liang Zhen, the boss of the Southwest Theater! This lineup is undoubtedly unprecedented. Even the Yan family, who has always loved to be with Sun Ziwen, has closed his mouth. No one in China can compete with this joint lineup.

After Yi Jingwei got the exact news, it was tea and rice, and the rice was difficult to enter. He had a kind of hunch. This time it was really top, and it was destroyed in his hands.

In addition to the top southern patrol team in politics, the martial arts world uses Shi Gong, Quanzheng Qiu Changsheng, and the abbot masters of the South and Beilin Temple. The major sects echoed, and two-thirds of the martial arts forces gathered in Yuedong!

The underground forces were less doped this time, because Mr. Sun Ziwen’s southern tour, Zhang Daling did not dare to do too much, and the six thousand Qin help disciples, all gathered in the border of Xiangzhou and Yuedong in the south of Hunan Province. Once ordered, Can enter the East of Guangdong.

Responsible for defending the grandson's security, is the chief of the North Huangquan headquarters and the most elite veteran elite.

Of course, these are all secretly. The defense on the bright side is still the responsibility of the Yuedong Garrison. After all, this area is the site of the Yi family. Most of the people in the Yuedong Garrison are from them.

At 2 o'clock in the morning on February 2.

Wei Laojun thought about the emergency bells of Yijia, and called Yi Jinglun and others. The difference was that the Guangdong dynasty boss Yi Guanghui and the staff Ye Zhengzhong and several major generals in the garrison area.

These people are the most powerful people in the eastern Guangdong garrison. They gather together and can completely determine the fate of Yuedong.

"Everyone, maybe today is the last meeting of our Yi family. I received a notice last night. Mr. Sun’s team has already been on the road. The martial arts sergeant Shi Gong and others have already gone to the 6 mansion, the last moment of our life and death. "Yi Changqing walked out of the hall and supported the Taishi chair. Looking at the right of the East Guangdong, the look was dignified."

"Afraid of his bird, easy to be old, in accordance with my thoughts, let Yi Zong directly dispatch the army."

"Do they not like to mess up? Then let's get rid of Sun Ziwen and mess up the world completely."

A man with a beard and a beard was shouting.


"Wang Haiyang, you have listened to me. Anyone can reverse the grandson's text, but we can't do it. Don't forget that he is just like the roots of the seedlings, and Sun Ziwen is gone. Yan Mu, these wolves have won the river, once they reshuffle, the first thing to clean is our Yi family." A general with a medal on the chest screamed at the table.

He is the chief of the Yuedong garrison area, Yi Guanghui. He is 58 years old and the rank of lieutenant general. He is also a hawk in peacetime. He has a clear stand on the matter of anti-sun.

"Yes, yes!" The officer who called Wang Haiyang quickly retired.

"Glory is right, unless it is a last resort, you can't clearly fall out with Mr. Sun."

"The third child, how is your tunnel dug, and for a few more hours, when Mr. Sun arrives, open the 6 mansion anyway?"

" Count the time you open the iron prison, you have up to twelve hours!"

Yi Changqing asked.

"The underground secret passage is completely confidential. It has already reached the bottom of the iron and is trying to open the iron plate underneath. I will speed up the progress and try to get it before the early morning."

"Well! The power of the martial arts world is too large, and the total length of Huang Quan has also come. Although this part of Lao Wei is the old qualification brought by my father, but the rules still have to be said, you should not go with Huo Xinwu. Grab the limelight!"

"Glorious, your character is to strengthen the law and order in the eastern part of the country. I am afraid that the people of Yanjia will not be chaotic in the world. When they will kill Mr. Sun, they will be able to buckle this pot."

"The current East Guangdong is like a gunpowder barrel. If it is fried at a point, you must have a good time."

Yi Changqing said.

"Uncle is relieved, I am not in trouble in eastern Guangdong."

Yi Guanghui smashed the railroad.



A military vehicle was flying on the street. Soldiers in the Yuedong Garrison area jumped out of the car and began to exercise martial law throughout the city. On this day, the city was shut down. All the citizens received the notice early and stayed at home.

Shopping malls and various shops will be closed, and plain clothes and special agents will conduct clean-up searches on the main streets. However, all existing personnel will be seized for whatever purpose.

At the same time, special forces occupy the important commanding heights of the main road and the building, and carry out sniper defense!

For a time, this bustling international city became an empty city, and defense reached an unprecedented height.

The Yi family is also in vain. Who has let them fall into such a big disaster, and now they are only cautious and striving to get through this level peacefully.

Sun Ziwen is the city that enters at 9:00 in the is sitting on the military Hummer, posing a few suspect cars before and after, and the military vehicle is in front of the road!

"It seems that Yijia is not confused. I thought they would jump in the wall. I think more." Sun Ziwen sat on the back seat with his legs crossed, looking at the empty streets and talking to the old people around him.

The old man is silvery and looks like a lion. He is powerful. Although he is sitting, his tall body makes him almost head to the top of the car. Rao is 73 years old. He is still a double-headed person. Electricity, spiritual trepidation, domineering chilling, chilling.

He is the responsible Huo Xinwu of Huang Quan, the first mysterious organization in China!

Huo Xinwu is the second generation of Huang Quan. Huang Quan's ancestors are the first generation. As the first bodyguard of China, Huo Xinwu has protected several generations of government. Whether it is domestic or foreign, he has never been wrong in his life.

"In the end, Yi Jia is a red passer. He won't do this stupid thing. In addition, Huang Quan will not allow them to do this. I believe that Huang Quan's ancestors are still awe and loyal to Mr."

"I am just very curious. You are taking such a big risk from the political dignitaries. If you come to Yuedong with those who are in the martial arts, are you going to make this for Qin?"

Huo Xinwu Road.

"Huo Lao, you don't understand, Qin Yu is not simple, he is going to die, I have to see it with my own eyes, so I can do the next step!"

"If he is fine, I personally come to him to stand on the platform, it is to make him a friend!"

"I will tell you the truth, it is none other than this person who can counter the Yan family."

Sun Ziwen had two thick eyebrows and a smile.

"I hope he is safe, so the old man can also make a few moves with him to see if he has a few pounds." Huo Xinwu laughed.

The team ran straight to the 6th mansion.

(End of this chapter)


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