"You, you are Qinhou!"

Wei Lao asked Qin Qufu.

Qin Hao hung his arms upside down and blinked. He said with a smile: "What do you say? Thank you for your family, let me enjoy a seven-month prison life."

"Qin Hou, I am the person in charge of the South of Huang Quan Organization. Can I talk to you a few words?"

After Wei Lao took a deep breath, the old face was silenced and he was calm.

"Who are you, it doesn't matter to me because you are already a dead person, but I can give you this opportunity."

Qin Lan fell to the ground and stood proud.

"Qin Hou, things have reached this point, I can only say, please turn them into jade!" Wei Lao Gong.

"Do you think it is possible?"

"Spicy next door, Lao Tzu shuts you for seven months, you try?"

Chen Jun shouted aside.

"Nanguang has now become a gunpowder barrel. Mr. Sun, the bosses of the three major theaters in the South, and the heroes of all the roads have come. As long as you appear, Nanguang will be chaotic!"

"And the people sent by Yanjia will be waiting for chaos. Have you thought about it? Once Mr. Sun is assassinated, the world is in chaos, can you afford this guilt?"

Wei Laodao.

"Ha ha!"

"Then tell me, Mr. Sun will not have something. If you change your home, you have to accept the penalty."

Qin Hao did nothing to say.

"Even if you ignore the whole picture, you have to give Huang Quan the ancestors face?"

"If you dare to move the Yan family, his old man will not let you go. I can let the Yi family lose money for you. You can give Yi Sansan and others all to you, as long as you open a condition."

"Let's flatten it, it's not safe, isn't it better?"

Wei’s old man’s hair had to be shaken. He had thought about it before. Qin Hao would not speak so well, but he did not expect it to be so difficult to deal with.

"Is nothing safe?"

"The district is easy to be home, and everyone who respects you is like a tiger. In my eyes, it’s nothing but an ant. I have to let you go."

"If you really want to open the conditions, there is only one!"

The smile of Qin Qin’s face is more gloomy and evil.

"What! You said, we must do our best to meet your conditions." Wei Lao Da asked.

"That is your life!"

After the Qin dynasty finished, the pair of deadly pupils burst into a compelling purple light.

Wei Lao’s eyes are round and round, just like admiring the most beautiful fireworks in the world, and squatting in place!

He saw two purple fireballs, and when he came back, the fireball penetrated Wei’s eyes.


Wei old snorted, his face changed greatly, hehe! The whole body instantly burst into a flame, and the fire just flashed past. Wei Laolian did not come and came out. As the Optimus Prime of Yi Jia, it was turned into nothingness in the world, and it was left with a touch of stink. .

"Wei Lao, Wei Lao, what's the situation inside?"

When I saw that Wei Lao went up, there was no movement. I couldn’t help but be anxious. I yelled at the scorpion.

"Three, three, you said that Qinhou is still not dead?"

"He is inside!"

The engineer swallowed a small voice.

"No matter what, go quickly!"

He was always vigilant, and he instinctively told him to have an accident, and his life was important. He greeted him and ran away with his legs out.

"Come on, still want to go?"

Did not take two steps, there was a cold laughter in the tunnel.

The two did not understand what was going on, and the body was light and heavy on the ground.

The floor was cold, the room was filled with **** smell, and the head swayed and swayed. Although it was dark, he knew that it was already in the iron prison.

"Wei Lao, Wei Lao, where are you, pit sounds." Yan San did not have the calmness of the past, and the voice shouted with a cry.

"He has already met the prince, and it will be your turn soon."

Chen Jun came over and sneered.

I can't see Chen Jun, but the voice is familiar. The scared soul flies: "Chen Jun, you, are you a man or a ghost?"

He couldn't imagine someone who could stay alive for seven months in such a dark iron prison, especially a weak programmer like Chen Jun, thinking that he was a ghost.

"Hey, you can't wait for Laozi to become a ghost, but unfortunately, let these people scum disappointed, and Laozi is still alive." Chen Jun proudly got up, rushing over and licking the squatting leg is a slap.

Three of them are scared, and they have been hiding. In addition, Chen Jun took a lot of medicinal herbs these days. The strength is fast enough to catch up with the middle of the internal smelting, and there are thousands of pounds of strength. Shouting mother.

"All right!"

"Keep their lives, they will have to be used for acting." Qin Hao said faintly.

At this time, the heart that wants to die is there. The two men are still alive and declare that Yi Jia has completely finished playing!

At this moment, it is close to the mechanical hum of the front door, like the seal of death, letting Yushu despair.


"General administration, two younger brothers, good news, the door is about to open soon."

"I hope that our Comrade Xiao Qin will be safe and sound."

Gu Hongwei sighed.

"Father, at most three minutes, the door can be broken, you see..." Yi Jinglun asked uneasy.

"The oldest and Wei Lao, is there any news over there?" asked Yi.

"Not yet, it is estimated that it is busy handling the body, and then it will take time to re-adjust two people." Yi Jinglun said.

"Easy, prove that you are innocent when it comes to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Let's open the door?" asked Sun Ziwen.


"The economy, let them open the door to the iron!"

Yi Changqing knows that this level can't be avoided. It is life and death. It is all in God, and it is immediately ordered.


The hardest prison in the world broke open!

The moon is hurt by God, sprinkled on the door of the prison, a pale!

Several Huangquan guards were ordered to take a heavy step and walked into the dungeon!

Everyone stood up and watched the exit nervously!

Zhang Daling was trembling. He never feared like this. He only closed his eyes, didn't look at it, and didn't dare to look at it!

He doesn't know whether it is a person or a corpse!

The most nervous is the Yi Changqing father and son, the life of the Yi family, all linked to the life and death of this prison, if it is Qin Hou, Yi Jia is not dead, they do not think too much.

They only hope that Yu San and Wei Lao have already done everything inside.

Several northern Huangquan guards came out from inside, and the four men carried two naked bodies and placed them at the door!

"Who, who?"

"who's that!"

Yi Changqing pointed at the body and asked for a trembling voice.

When he opened this up, the crowd suddenly became rioted. Everyone wanted to rush to witness the people who died in the first place. Is it the Qinhou of the **** of Jiangdong!

The Huang Quan guards and soldiers responsible for security at the periphery suddenly yelled and blocked, and the scene had been chaotic.

"Calm, everyone is calm!" Sun Ziwen stood up and drunk, but his voice was quickly overwhelmed by the sea.

"Hey!" Mr. Gu pulled out the gun and put three shots in the sky. He yelled: "All his mother gave him a seat, and whoever dared to make noise, I shot him."


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