The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1069: Weeding to remove roots

The third child died, and the second son was killed in the fight. Now he only abandons the car and protects the handsome, and he has returned to Yi Jinglun, leaving Yi Jia and Dong Yu.

Even if this time he cut off Yi’s military power and wealth, he recognized it. As long as Yi Dongsheng’s only grandson is still alive, even if Yi Jia’s foundation in Guangdong and overseas assets cannot be revived, The rich are more than enough.

Yi Jinglun obviously understood his father's meaning, his face was white, but he knew that there was no retreat. Finally, he gritted his teeth and went to the boss, and respectfully said: "Can you borrow your gun?"

Gu Hongwei nodded.

Yi Jinglun grabbed the pistol and strode to the Qin dynasty. He stared at him with death: "The surname Qin, one person doing things alone, is the set of me and the third, shutting you for seven months, with me. Everyone else has nothing to do."

"You want to kill me!"

"The tone is quite big, ah!" Qin Hao raised a brow.

"Come on you, this time Laozi recognizes planting!"

"I am going to be a ghost and will not let you go."

Yi Jinglun did not say that the trigger was triggered, hehe! The gunshots echoed in the night sky, and Yi Jinglun ended his life and paid the price of blood for stupidity.

"Jianglun, my good son, I thank you for the Yi family." The old man touched the eyes of Yi Jinglun and wept.

"Hou Ye, Jing Lu, the third child are all dead, should you be satisfied with this?"

Yi Changqing asked.

Qin Xiao smiled and shook his head!

"Okay, okay! Sure enough!"

"If you are not satisfied, the old man is willing to cede all the property of Yijia, hand over all the sites and companies of Yijia, and withdraw from Yuedong empty-handed. Is this all right?"

Yi Changqing asked again.


"If it is seven months ago, if you say this, I will consider giving you a way to live."

"But not now, I have always been a word, the weight of Mount Tai, are you playing with you?"

Qin Lan is not moved, cold and cold.

He wants to destroy the Yi family is not a greedy property, but really wants to remove this cancer for the people of Guangdong, regardless of the identity of the Yi family, no matter who he is, dare to deal with the Golden Triangle, Qin Hao will pull him out.

"You, you insist on killing me, I am a family member, are you willing to take care of the roots?"

Yi Changqing has already opened the conditions to the extreme. I did not expect to be able to ask for a way to live. I can’t help but be anxious.

"You are right, except for the evils, the Yi family spent the years drinking the blood of the people, eating the meat of the people, I will not kill you, the sky is not allowed."

Qin Yudao.

"Hou Ye said it is good. There are more than one hundred and thirty people in the Liu family. Men, women and children are killed by your Yi family. How do you calculate this blood debt?"

"You know now that you are begging for mercy. Have you ever given a chance to your family?"

Zhang Daling snorted.

Qin Biao's brows sank and his eyes were more fierce. He didn't think that Liu Jia had already been poisoned. When he saw Yi Dongchen absent, he knew that most of these people were tired of being hurt by himself, and his heart was even more angry.

"Yes, kill the old thief, use his head to sacrifice to the Liu family." Peng Lianhu and others echoed.

Yi Changqing did not expect to go to this step, only once again turned his attention to Sun Ziwen and others: "Mr. Sun, you, you have to talk to the old man, talk!"

When Sun Ziwen heard that Yi Jia had carried so many blood debts, he did not know how to ask for this feeling. He could only helplessly: "Mr. Qin, Yi Jia is a long-time old family. If you want to sanction them, you have evidence. Let's go."

"Can you give me a face, this matter is left to me to check on behalf of the official, you can rest assured, how to judge how to judge, I will not be partial."

He hopes to get the support of Qin Yu, but he does not want Yi Jia to die. In the final analysis, their fathers and grandparents are fighting together.

"I know that you are Sun Zheng!"

"The country is under your control, but I am clearer than you in the underground!"

"He may not have touched your law, but it broke my rules, south of Dongjiang, then I have to say the finale."

Qin Yu looked at Sun Ziwen and said proudly.

"Old Gu you see..." Sun Ziwen did not expect that Qin Qilian did not give his face, it was quite embarrassing, only to rely on Gu Hongwei.

Gu Hongwei puts a hand in his hand: "I can't really ask for this love. You remember the ancient Gu Zhengchun, the son of the ancient deputy government. Yan Mu, the ancient deputy administration, my mouth is broken, it is not good, you Can you listen to what I said?"

The other two bosses also shrugged and couldn’t help.

"In this case, I don't care about this, you will handle it yourself."

"The boss, let's go."

Sun Ziwen can't wait any longer. Qin Zhen is not like a person who buys money. If he talks more, he will only talk about himself. He will immediately call the three bosses to leave the car.

"Qiao Ye, Sun Ziwen is going to go?" The killer in the crowd could not hold back.

"Damn, Qin Hou appeared, we can't get down, go to the city to find a way." Yanqiao whispered.

On that day in the Eight Lords House, he saw the Qinwei's divine power with his own eyes. In his thorns, wasn't the lantern in the toilet, looking for death?

"Come on, the detained family members are all detained, dragged to the field, in accordance with the Qin Gang, first executed a batch." Zhang Daling waved a hand, ordered.

Peng Lianhu and others immediately went to the scene and found a Yijia guard who was afraid of death. On the spot, he checked the children of Yijia and arrested more than 30 people on the spot. The black pressure was on the square.

"Your Majesty!"

Peng Lianhu kicked in the knees of Yi Changqing, and the Yuedong king’s leg was topped.

"I am the descendant of the Yi family. My father has flowed through the blood of this river and has sprinkled tears. Without them, you can have you today!"

"If you do this, are you not afraid of being condemned, and you are not afraid of being poked by the people?"

Yi Changqing knows that he can't escape to death, simply let go and shout.

"We don't kill you, the people will poke the The **** old thief has quite a lot of words, so don't blame me."

Peng Lianhu didn't move in front of him. At this time, he was angry and suffocated, kicking Yi Changqing's knee.

Yi Changqing was all over the ground, full of sorrow, sorrow, anger, such as the same lion with no minions, the end of the dead, infinitely sad.

"Hey, is it really necessary to destroy my Yi family?"

"The ancestors are in the Spirit of Heaven, forgive me for this filial son and grandson!"

Yi Changqing was tearful and screaming.


Qin Yan faceless expression.

This is the case with people. When the scenery is in the middle, it is the pain of others. When it is my turn to fall, I feel that the world has lost money in general!

This kind of person is not enough to die.

Many people in the room secretly sighed, Yi Jia is also a famous family in China, and there are only a few in the South that can compete with the four major families of the capital. However, after all, they have reached the end.


The discreet steel swords in the hands of the disciples fell at the same time. The heads of dozens of Yijia people were crying in the sky.

"Easy thieves, have the opportunity to reincarnate, do not do so many wicked things in the next life!"


Peng Lianhu smashed the knife, the moonlight cold light pierced the eyes, and went to Yi Changqing's head.

Yi Changqing closed his eyes and waited for the death.

However, at this time, but when I heard the sound of a slam, the ancestral mark in Peng Lianhu’s hands was cut into two pieces. The whole person was taken a few times. When he got up, it was already like a earthy color. His hands were broken. I can't lift it.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)


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