The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1074: Conquering 13 eagle

Yanqiao has been hiding in Nanguang for a suitable time. As Yun Jinsong and Liu Zhong of the Yuedong Garrison District are shuffling the East Guangdong Army and the land, Yanqiao and his thirteen eagle are like thirteen. Only the mouse can only hide in the darkness silently, waiting for the right time.

"Everyone, good news, tomorrow, Sun Ziwen will leave for Beijing. I have already inquired about it. By then, the team will pass through Wuyang Square. The surname of Sun is very good, so I have to say goodbye to the people. Thirteen, you will occupy it tonight. At the commanding heights, when a bullet came, the scene was disrupted, and I and everyone else rushed to wait for the opportunity to assassinate." Yanqiao cat snorted.

"Reassure, the people here have already got rockets from the black market. I went to Wuyang Square tonight." A strong man patted the chest.

"Well, if you succeed, you will be hit here. Everyone will rest early and act tomorrow." Yanqiao said.

The next day, the south of the street.

Zhengnan tour, the entire people of Nanguang City flocked to the streets to catch the farewell.

"Government, you are very risky, I suggest that you get off immediately and take a special passage arranged by our people."

"You must know that you are the backbone of China, but if something goes wrong, Yunmou is the sinner of the country."

Yun Jinsong stopped Sun Ziwen in the hotel lobby and anxiously advised.

"I am the politics of China. People want to see me. It is my honor. You can't isolate me from the people."

"As for the rats, are there not people, and our army?"

"My grandson Wenyu can be intimidated by them?"

Sun Ziwen waved his hand and laughed with pride.


Yun Jinsong still wants to talk, and is interrupted by Mr. Gu: "General Yun, your mind, we know, you can rest assured that Daqinjun is secretly responsible for security work, Sun Zheng will not have anything."

"Okay!" Yun Jinsong saw the boss open, and did not say anything, made a gesture, indicating the military vehicle in front of the road.

Sun Ziwen sat in a VIP car, waiting for the car to enter the main road, waving to the crowd.

"Good governance!"

"Mr. Sun has worked hard."


The people in the crowd burst into the cordial and warm call of the people. At that moment, Sun Ziwen was very proud of his heart. He devoted his life to China. At this moment, he heard the voices of the people and was very touched.

Yan XIII quietly sneaked into the exhibition building opposite. There are more than 20 floors in this building. There are military and police guards in the dark, and outsiders are forbidden to enter.

However, this is nothing to him. Yan XIII quickly got the guards, dragged their bodies to the shelter, and then ran to the roof with the rocket launcher as soon as possible. Yan XIII aimed at Sun Ziwen's car.

At this time, Sun Ziwen's team has already reached his sight. Through the lens, he can even clearly see Sun Ziwen's friendly face, and his mouth is filled with a cold smile.

"Don't take Yanqiao's shot, I will send you to see the prince."

Yan XIII aimed at Sun Ziwen's car, he was about to pull the button, but he hadn't had time to play it. A rope suddenly came from behind and lingered around his neck.


Yan XIII can't take care of killing Sun Ziwen, his hands want to unravel, but the opponent behind him is more and more tight, Yan 13 struggles desperately, and does not know what is tied around his neck, flexible Very incomparable, he did his best, and he did not solve it.

"You, you are... who?" Yan XIII looked up desperately to see the person's looks.

However, the man was looking up, no matter how he struggled, he never saw the man's face.

"Who is who I am not important, I am specifically cleaning up your junk."

The man made a strange smile and made a few more points on his hand. He broke the throat of Yan XIII and took his life.

Come here is Song Wei!

The red rope used in his hand is not simple. He is the snake scorpion that Qin Zhen killed when he went to Ganzhou. It is extremely flexible. Although Yan XIII is powerful, it can stand up to Song Yu and take a look at his legs. On the spot, killing.

"It is too naive for you to want to assassinate Sun."

Song Yu received the red rope, and sighed, even the body was lazy.

Yan XIII has no guns here. Yanqiao and others who are hiding in the corner look at Sun Ziwen’s team and will drive out of this street. I can’t help but feel anxious.

"Bridge brother, what to do, no longer can't get it." Another person looked at Yanqiao.

"It's too late, old rules, I am attacking, you are waiting for action." Yanqiao Road.

After Yanqiao finished, his fingers were placed on the long sword at the waist, and his long sword was about to be squirted. When he smashed and stabbed, one hand reached over and pressed his hand.

"Yanqiao, it's time to stop." The owner of the hand, the voice is friendly, but it is very familiar.

Looking back at Yanqiao, it turned out to be the famous Yanliu of Yanjiahuo.

"Liu Ge, you, are you not dead?"

"They all said that you had a dead battle in Jiangdong and Qinhou, and you lost your suicide."

"You, you are fine, it's great, we have the backbone."

Yanqiao is a big joy.

"The suicide is nothing but a rumor. I am now an official without a bureau, Yanqiao, Sun Zheng, you should not make up your mind."

"Take the man back!"

Yan Liu advised Ge, not the idea that I want to hit him. This is the death order of Yan Gong. If I don't do it, the grandson will kill my family. I am also forced to help. what. ”

Yanqiao Road.

"The money is good to say, I will give you a sum of money back. The situation in Nanguang is hard to stabilize, so don't mess up."


"This is also the meaning of Hou Ye. If you don't do it, I may handle you personally."

Yan Liu again.

Yanqiao fell into silence. Qin did not kill him. It was already enough to kill him. It was easy to kill him. Yanqiao was not stupid. In the end, he only sighed: "Oh, let alone, Yan Shuai came in person. What else can I say?"

"Brothers, plan to cancel."

Yanqiao Road.

The dying man who was desperately prepared to squat at the same time, the sword that had been pulled out, had no choice but to send Sun Ziwen’s team away.

"It’s definitely not going back. If you kill the assassination, Yan Mu will definitely not let you down."

"Yanqiao, stay and do something!" Yan Liu knew that the thirteen people of Yanqiao were so powerful and determined that they appreciated it, so they spoke directly.

Everyone is naturally happy!

After Sun Ziwen returned to Beijing, the southern part of the stall was finally cleared.

The squally evil caused by the rebellion in Xizhou and Yuedong also gradually subsided.

Today, there are Yun Jinsong and Liu Zhong in the east of Guangdong, and the South is really controlled by Qin Yu.

After returning to Yu Xuan, Qin Hao only explored the ancient runes on the sword in Danfang. After half a month, Lin Mengyu called and said that the company in the north was established. Jinxi province talks about business and hopes that he can be there.

(End of this chapter)


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