The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1079: Snake rat 1 nest

"Hey, you already have the means to deal with them, right?"

Shi Fu sat in the car, with a wretched smile on his fat face.

"Yes, Yan did not ask a group of reporters to squat here? We don't want to catch him, but it doesn't mean that God can accommodate them, let's go." Qin Xiao smiled and sold a pass.

The two men had just left their feet, and Ma Xiaojun raised his hand to a younger brother who was screaming at the side of his eyes. "The horse is a barb, glasses, you said that this grandson is inexplicable."

"If he wants to talk about money, let's make trouble with them. I still have a little bit in my heart. This is not to be robbed. I really can't see it."

Ma Xiaojun thinks that he has a bit of a brain, but this time is really sincere.

The younger brother helped the glasses hanging on the bridge of the nose, and the eyelids turned over. He said: "Big brother, you are wise, you don't know, how can we know?"

"Yes, the military brother is our living Zhuge, it is to fight and kill, you give words, the brothers are charged."

Other younger brothers have followed suit.

"Go to your board, less of a flattering, a bunch of unintentional things."

"I went to see Yan Ye, you all gave me a stare at this, who would dare to take a half step, I want his head."

Although Ma Xiaojun’s heart is beautiful, his mouth is awkward.

"Big brother, that is something to discuss with you." Glasses as a confidant, came together, squinted and smiled.

"There is something wrong, let's talk, I have to go quickly, maybe I can go to Yan Ye that night to eat." Ma Xiaojun looked at his watch, some impatient.

"It is like this. It has cooled down in the past few days. When those **** civilians left, they left a few broken blankets, and there were no thick quilts. Air conditioners and heating were even more difficult. You went with Yan. The lord said hello, and the house where our brothers lived was equipped with air conditioning, and it would be better to have more than a few thick quilts."

Glasses are carefully watched.

"Hey, you have a good time, usually say where you have practiced, blowing the sky, it’s all in March, no snow, no wind, no quilt, you have to find a way, this is I am still looking for Laozi.

Ma Xiaojun didn't have a good airway. After he jumped into the car, he left.

"Mom, dare you have air conditioning in your house, and there is a lady to accompany us, we have to be frozen, what stuff, hehe!"

The glasses screamed and snarled, and the younger brother rushed around and shouted: "What are you doing? Nothing, everyone goes back to their house and they don't have it. If you don't, buy it yourself. Don't be here. It’s time, it’s a horse.”

Ma Xiaojun drove to the eastern suburbs of the city. Yan Jiacai was very rough and lived in a general residence in the eastern suburbs. This mansion was originally the place where the former Shanxi warlords were working. After the founding of the country, it was confiscated.

After Yan Shixiong was in power, he returned the old house built by his ancestors, repaired and expanded it. The whole house was like the Jiafu in the red building. It was a grand gathering of Beijing officials and international friends. The local aunts, whoever came to Jinxi, were proud of the generals who lived in Yan Shixiong.

At this moment, the backyard of Yanfu parked a car with a word oo1, which is the driving force of Zhang Zongxun, the leader of Jinxi.

"Yan Ye, this year's coal industry has signs of rising. I have heard from the Ministry of Commerce that the North Han Dynasty and the Vietnam side are very scarce. Mr. Sun intends to relax the control of this block. You are the coal of our Jinxi. Wang, this piece can be tightened. The tighter you are, the more you collect. When you turn back, Jinxi, who can’t look at your face?”

Zhang Zongxun held the tea bowl of the royal court of the Tang Dynasty, sipping a new tea before the rain, and laughed loudly.

"Well, thanks to Mr. Zhang’s well-informed, recently there were a few people in Beijing who were talking about the coal business. I was quite puzzled at the time. Fortunately, I knew the inside story. Otherwise, this business would be impossible. Done."

Sitting on the road of Yan Shixiong.

Yan Shixiong has sixty-four, fat, shiny Buddha's head, three pendants of jewels hanging on his neck, and his hands are also filled with the top grade jade beads, the whole red light, like Maitreya regeneration.

It’s just that this Buddha is not the Lord of benevolence. The pair of fat eyes that have been squeezed into a slit by the face is a slap in the face, but it is life-saving.

"Cough, Huzi, are you ready for your filial piety this year?" Yan Shixiong gave a look to the son sitting next to him.

Yan Hu is a burly figure with a long face and a long fierce sorrow. But this guy has his own body, but his brain is not so good, the typical rough man, so he can only be in the underground, fight and kill. Killing a business, doing business is not knowing anything.

Upon hearing the filial piety, Yan Hu’s original smile could not help but be a little cold. He took a black card from his pocket and reluctantly handed it over. “Zhang Shu, this is the filial piety this year, and it’s three hundred million. It’s the account of the Swiss bank. Everything is clean, even if it’s checked, it’s not related to you. You can use it with confidence.”

"How is it only three hundred million? Isn't it five million in previous years?" Zhang Zongxun's card did not rush to collect, sliding the cup and lid, not asking.

"This year, the company's losses are relatively large, so Zhang Shu, you are much more understanding." Yan Hu laughed.

"Still call me a bureaucrat, you are a big boss with a lot of money, the first few in Jinxi, be your uncle, I can't be awkward." Zhang Zongxun smiled and ripped his face.

Yan Hu was stunned for a while, and did not know how to answer it.

There is a characteristic of Jinxi's miser in his bones. When he thinks that Zhang Zongxun usually moves his mouth, he has to spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year to raise his mind. He thinks it is worthless, so he detained two hundred million privately.

He knows that there is no such thing as Zhang Zongxun, and they have something to do with Yan’s family.

"Miscellaneous things, Mr. Zhang's money, you dare less, more losses, even if it is selling iron, you can not lose Mr. Zhang's share, shameful things, not to find money for me."

"Roll, roll!"

Yan Shixiong suddenly took a table and rushed to his son, who was not a weapon.

Who is Zhang Zongxun? The top leader of Jinxi, that is the Yan family’s **** of wealth, just like the coal mine. He has a mouth, and the whole Jinxi coal business is in the palm of his hand. He said that it is five hundred million, that is, one billion, which is also worth it.

"Yes, yes!" Yan Hu was shocked and quickly stood up and squatted to prepare the money.

"Mr. Zhang, my second son is a useless waste, you should never go to your heart."

"I thought about it. If the shantytown is taken down, I will give you a bonus of 10 billion yuan in advance. After the rest of the building is open, I will give you 30% of the dry goods. How do you feel?"

Yan Shixiong hit a stupid son and quickly told the tea to speak good things.

(End of this chapter)


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