The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1081: The true evil door of this snow

"Little rich, you said Hou Ye, what are you doing?" Stone did not whisper to ask his son.

"Hou's heart is like the sea, I can't guess it, but he said that he wants to rule the grandson, there will be a way, we are optimistic about the show." Shi Fu was careful.

“Do you like to watch snow?”

The cold wind whistling, blowing the black and the cloak of Qin Yu, he held his hand and stood up, like a real fairy, far away from the sky, and asked.

"Like, just now it is March, and it’s hard to think about snowing."

Lin Mengyu squatted on the side of Qin Lan, with a sweet face.

"If you have the heart, you can fly in June!"

Qin Yu mysterious smile, his eyes fell in the direction of the shantytown, erected **** standing on the eyebrows, the mouth meditation of the **** of summoning snow!

He seldom exports his chanting, and his mind can be a curse, but this time he can't, because he is using the technique of long-range summoning.

In Hell, every handsome man will be equipped with several Taoist masters of Heaven or Hell to form a mysterious squad, which can summon the wind and thunder, the rain and the snow with the war, and once attacked the southern hell, the Qin dynasty With the masters of the Xuan squad, the squadrons of the squadrons made the sky fly, and the southern part of the thousands of miles became a land of ice and snow. In the end, the northern sergeants defeated the southern ghosts and became the masters of the conquest of the seven domains.

The current revision of Qin Lan is that if it is a close fight with people, the ice and snow and the wind blade will come from the mouth, but it will take some effort to change the sky in a large area.

However, seeing the meditation of the law, the ghosts and big seals skyrocketed, and Qin Yu extracted the enchanting gas into a nine-day ice and snow charm, and the gods are full, now there are more than a dozen feet, engraved with ancient runes, purple The sky is so powerful that it is amazing.

"Hurry as a law, hehe!"

Qin Hao's domineering sword pointed, the ice and snow charms turned into a purple light into the sky!

During the time, the world suddenly trembled, and the void seemed to tear open a hole. The originally chilling wind formed a tornado, hovering over the shantytown!

Numerous silver-white snowflakes have been sprinkled from the void, forming a sharp contrast with the quiet darkness around them, extremely glaring.

"God, it’s really snowing."

Lin Meng glared at his chest and couldn't believe the sky in the distance, surprised and shouted.

"Little rich, you told me last time that Changbai Mountain witnessed how magical Qinhou is. To be honest, I don't really believe that I saw it today."

"Hou is God."

Stone does not return to the rounded eyes, sincerely exclaimed.

"Father, Hou Ye, this is to freeze the gang of the eight-night turtle, oh, now, in March, the heating south of the Great Wall has long stopped, and the shantytown is poor, the grandson has an air conditioner. They are reluctant to install, I see how they smashed."

Shi Fu calculated that he had come over and sincerely raised his thumb.

In the shantytown, Ma Xiaojun squatted in a air-conditioned room with a little girl, and fell asleep warmly.

Suddenly, the threshold rang.

"Marathon, who, live impatient, want to die?" Ma Xiaojun got up from the bed and shouted at the scorpion.

"Military brother, something went wrong, something went wrong." The shouts of the glasses came from outside the door.

Ma Xiaojun put on his trousers and didn't open the door.

As soon as the door opened, a strange cold mixed with the cold wind blew in, and he snored.

"My grass, what the hell, how suddenly is so cold?" Ma Xiaojun quickly closed the door.

The lips of the glasses were black and blue, and the squats were swaying on the body. They went to the house and smothered the heat of the air conditioner. The tongue turned around and turned: "Jun brother, but not, March is actually snowing, the temperature has dropped to zero. Eight degrees, the toilet is frozen."

"What's going on, there are still a few degrees in front, this weather can still snow, really evil." Ma Xiaojun cursed.

"No, it was still good before twelve o'clock. Suddenly it was cold, and the temperature was still falling!"

"What's even worse is that everything else is fine, so let's snow."

"Brothers are covered with the thin quilt that was brought from the entertainment city last time. Military brother, we really can’t hold back. Several brothers are clamoring to leave."

"The reporters can't hold on, and all of them have a high fever. They are waiting for your words to go to the hospital."

The glasses are painful.

It’s no wonder that they are all from all corners of the country. They are all in the bustling entertainment city. They live in the best rooms. They are spicy and spicy. They are air-conditioned and heated every day. Knowing that this messenger was received, it would be so difficult.

"Who dares?"

"Let's go, Shi Fu's grandson can immediately take this apart. This is Yan's billion-dollar business. You can't turn your head back."

"You don't worry, I will call the tiger brother."

Ma Xiaojun opened the curtains and glanced out, but it was a thick layer of hail. He couldn't help but lick a few mouths and called and told Yan Hu.

After receiving the phone call, Yan’s father and son rushed to the top of their own house to see it. It really saw a sinister wind blowing to the shanty town, where there was a lot of snow and snow, and the evil door was so powerful that it was not good.

"Tiger, you told them to give up to Laozi, that is, die and die in the shantytown. Whoever dares to go one step, Laozi interrupts his leg."

"In addition, you immediately organize the staff to send quilts, install air conditioners, and let them hold them for three days."

Yan Shixiong ordered.

"Yes, father!"

Yan Hu immediately organized the team to find the team, carrying quilts and air conditioners to the shanty town.

When I saw the team coming in, there were hundreds of miscellaneous children, glasses, and reporters in the glasses. One by one, they became frozen, and even the tears could not flow.

"I oh, really, he is a ghost." Yan Hugang pulled the door open, and the cold outside was like a knife. He hurried back and put on a thick down jacket, which led to the car.

"Tiger brother, you finally came, and then you don’t have to come to the brethren to survive." Glasses and others complained.

"Don't have a few nonsense, I quickly got the quilt, Ma Xiaojun? This grandson, Laozi gave him 100,000 pieces. Didn't he even buy it for you?" Yan Hu said In the air-conditioned house, the sister, it’s cool to be daring, let us suffer here. "The glasses are understood and screamed."

"Damn grandson!"

Yan Hu kicked off the air-conditioned room and smashed Ma Xiaojun's big ear scrapers on the spot.

"Tiger brother, I, I don't know, I suddenly got off the snow, I promise you that I must hold my position, and the tiger brother begged you to be beaten."

Ma Xiaojun squatted on the ground and cried.

"Mom, you listened to me, can't stare, Lao Tzu licked your dog paws."

Yan Hu said.

"Damn, it's too cold." Yan Hu's hands and feet are frozen, because he still has to count on Ma Xiaojun to control the gang, 100,000 is not a small number, he is lazy to care about himself.

At the same time, Yan Shixiong dialed a number and chatted.

When Yan Hu returned to the government, Yan Shixiong just hung up the phone and said coldly: "It goes without saying that it is definitely Shijia’s hands and feet. I just called the family. He will bring the most famous shaman in the north tomorrow. When the Dafa thing came over, it was really the hands and feet of the Shi family, and they couldn’t spare them."

"Haha, you mean that one of my brother's old men, the one of the three masters of the wolf door, is the one of the top three masters of the wolf door. It’s great, and the grandfather of Tuoba is coming. The stone family is asking the king to come, and I want to jump out of ours. Wuzhishan." Yan Hu said.

"Well, Mr. Zhang will hold a meeting tomorrow. At that time, he will sign a contract with Shi Fu and other competitors. Only the last three days will be left. In any case, we can't lose."

Yan Shixiong smashed the railroad.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)


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