The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1090: Miserable

Fang Hao had not entered the shanty town, and the bulldozer rumbling opened up a road. Qin and Shi Fu, several people, came out from inside.

"Yan Jia invited two masters, how is the contract signed inside?" Fang Wei asked anxiously.

If this time, Shijia can top up the Yan family, Fang Hao is likely to take advantage of Zhang Zongxun to take the first position, so this time is not just a struggle between the two big families.

"The contracts have been signed, and the news, evidence, materials, etc. are basically complete, and this last play is worse." Shi Fu is full of confidence.

"I listen to what they mean, it seems to be hard, Mr. Qin, are you sure?" Fang asked as he walked.

"No matter who is coming, for me, it is a generation to be killed." Qin Hao proudly smiled and strode forward. It is quite funny that Longze also sat along with Qin Lan. .

Qin Lan and Shi Fuyi entered the stadium. They were originally supported by the boss. They were all dumb. Everyone saw the Qin dynasty’s skills. But now Yan Jia also moved two backers. No one dares to stand up anyway until there is no clear situation.

"Longze, are you in the wrong place?" Yan Shixiong asked coldly.

Longze came back to this moment and quickly walked over. When he saw the presence, there was Tuohonghong who immediately bowed his hand and said: "Mr. Tuoyu is here, and he is disrespectful and disrespectful."

Takuya’s roots were not to look down on Longze, especially when he heard that he had lost his life, and he did not even see him. He just nodded slightly.

Longze sat down uninterestingly and saw that the flames of hatred against Qin Yu were even more prosperous. He must challenge the Qin dynasty in front of everyone and find his own reputation, otherwise he would not be able to mix in the north.

"Hey, stone boss, Mr. Qin is coming."

"Rong Yanmou introduces you, this is..."

Yan Shixiong intends to show off the strength of his family and his son. He wants to scare Qin Qin and immediately raise his hand.

"Who are they, I am not interested, go away!"

Qin Hao pushed him like a garbage. From the beginning to the end, he did not see Tuohonghong and Yan Long, as if they were no different from ordinary businessmen.

Then, in the eyes of Tuohong and others killing people, they went to the upper position and sat down in peace.

"A wicked madman, I will definitely discount his bones and bones, and tear him away in an inch, and dig his dog eyes that don't look at people." Tuo Hong was a master of the generation, in the eyes of the public, was The Qin dynasty is so neglected that the qi of the seven smoldering smoke, if not Yan Long stopped, on the spot will do it.

"Taishan adults, do not hurry to start, you are honorable, if it is with him a small generation of fire, is not lifting him?"

Yan Long smiled and advised.

When Tuohong was angry and angry, he also looked at the Qin dynasty in secret. The Qin dynasty was only twenty. The momentum was shocked as a celestial being, but there was no strong martial arts, and he was taking the path of Taoism. Can't think of this madman, what qualifications are arrogant.

It is Yan Long. The general sense of Qin Yu is somewhat familiar, but I can't say where I have seen it.

The two calmed down and waited for the big event to be a good one.

"Everyone, everyone is here, and there is only half an hour left before the 12 o'clock agreement. Let's follow the rules of the day."

"Who can win the shantytown and smoothly demolish, who will be awarded this land."

Zhang Zongxun said according to the book, and said the rules.

"Well, let's take it, Ma Xiaojun and others have just signed the contract, Mr. Zhang looked carefully."

Shi Fu grabbed a thick stack of contracts and squatted on Zhang Zongxun’s desk.

He knows that Yan Jia will be defeated tonight, and Zhang Zongxun’s good days are coming to an end. Naturally, he does not have to look at his face as usual.

Zhang Zongxun turned over, and Fang Fang also looked at the routine and looked at it. He nodded: "Mr. Zhang, the contract is okay, and the residents have signed and printed the fingerprints."

Zhang Zongxun knew that on the bright side, he was really ruthless, and he could not help but give Yan Shixiong a look.

"Oh, who will not sign the contract, how do I know if you forced them to sign?" Yan Shixiong sneered.

"Cheng, do you want Ma Xiaojun to confront the quality on the spot, are they willing, or are they forced to see it at a glance?" Shi Fu shrugged his shoulders, and his face did not matter.

"They said that it doesn't matter. The key is me. I said that they are forced, and that is forced."

"I said that in this day of Jinxi, he still can't turn a surname stone!"

"At least tonight, I have the final say!"

Yan Shixiong stood up and walked to the stage, grabbed the contract on the table, tore a crush, and sprinkled a sky.

Shi Fu did not fight, holding a cigarette and smiling at him.

"You have the final say? Have you ever asked me?" Qin Hao stroked the lid and asked.

"Ask you? You are old, don't think that you have defeated Longze, and you have a little trick. It's a shame."

"The surname Qin, today's today, is your sacrifice day!"

Yan Hu didn't scream out loud.

On the side of the Longze black face, once again suffered a blow, the soul suffered a lot.

"Okay, then see if you have this ability."

The tea in the hands of Qin Lan was splashed and turned into a green water arrow to Yan Hu. Yan Long, who was on the side, quickly screamed and shouted: "The younger brother is careful."


The water arrow came close, and burst like a Yan Long was shaken back a few steps to stabilize his body shape, poor Yan Hu, fell to the ground, ghosts and wolves, and he was beaten into a stopper. It became a blood man in an instant.

"Awesome control!"

Yan Long was shocked. He knew that Qin Hao was deliberately offering a low, really want to start, his brother directly met the prince.

"It's amazing, tiger, tiger, family, you think about it." Yan Shixiong raised his son, no one.

"Don't panic, flashy, at best, count his talents, it's just a big man!"

"The old man can kill!"

Tuohong Hong light road.


Yan Long patted the slap, cold and cold: "You, non-martial arts people, please back fifty feet, so as not to hurt the innocent! Next is our own business."

"Everyone is going back, the lights I have already played, come, move the table."

Shi Fuda shouted.

Immediately someone stepped forward and moved the table away, letting Zhang Zongxun and everyone yell, and retired to fifty feet to sit outside, so as not to hurt the innocent.

In the field, only Yan Long, Qin Yu, Tuo Hong, and Longze were left.

"Kid, I am Tuohong, the younger brother of the wolf god, one of the three masters of Mobei. If you know each other, immediately kneel down and roll out Jinxi, I can spare you not to die." Tuoyu Hongduan sat in a chair. Visually Qin Qin, cold ice and ice.

"If your brother is coming, maybe you can talk to me. You are not qualified enough."

Qin Hao raised his brows lazily.

"Oh, you don't want to face your face, Taishan, I will deal with him first."

Yan Long’s anger is unstoppable.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)


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