The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1106: Angry Knights

Blywen and others watched Qin Qin enter the temple, and they were speechless and speechless. They did not put Qin Yu in their eyes. I did not expect that Lei Deng would personally hold the imperial cane to welcome it. This is in the Guangming Guild nearly thirty. In the years, it has been rare.

To know that the Vatican's mortal Pope was here, the Emperor only sent a few elders to meet, and on the last day, he took the time to see the bit.

"Elder Kaylon, not Kiran is incompetent, but Qin Hou has the ability to pass the sky, believe me, any small look will pay the price."

Kieran raised his hand.

"Oh, it will be the witchcraft of the East. I really want to fight. I don't think he is my opponent." Blywen is still dissatisfied.

He just didn't do it because the statue was held by Qin, and at the headquarters of the Guangming Guild, unless it was a trial or a duel, the open fight would be severely punished.

Kailong apparently thought so too, and he snorted: "Kilan's younger brother, you are less here to have other people's ambitions, to destroy your own family's prestige, don't forget, he is a Chinese who has no faith and is disrespectful to God. ""

"He is not important to him. The key is that we have to ask for help at the moment. Brother, you are useless with me, let's go!" Kelan smiled.

A group of people entered the temple shrine.

The walls of the main hall are engraved with the creation of the Seven Days of God and the sacred picture in the Bible. The picture is flowing with brilliance and splendour, with solemnity.

The people sat down in the crystal long table in the hall. The Qin dynasty was accompanied by Ryden. The position on the front was empty and should be reserved for the Emperor.

"Mr. Qin, I have always been responsible for the specific matters. After the princess has finished praying, I will see you separately. Since the current situation is urgent, let me tell you about the action tonight. Do you see it?" "Ryden asked respectfully.

In his position, he can almost despise the sixty-sevenths of the West, but just the hand of Qin Yulu, let Ryden respect the Eastern Savior, who was hand-picked by the Emperor, and his words are respectful and addictive.

"Guest with the Lord, talk about business." Qin Hao took the tea cup on the table, took a sip, and felt the fragrance was fragrant, the entrance was sweet and beautiful, and it was refreshing and refreshing, compared to the best tea of ​​the East.

“This is the Nordic cold tea, collected from the Alps, the gods of the Alps, the year-round aura, pure snow and ice, is one of the most aura of the world, this tea belongs to the Tenjin guild monk, it is the European The royal family is hard to find, this is the president of the Tenjin Association, Arthur tribute to my grandfather, and his old man knows that you are coming, specially prepared for me."

Shenyue squatted and did not talk about business, quietly explored and sneaked in the ears of Qin Hao.

"Well, it's good, I have to give it back." Qin Xiao smiled.

"Reassure, wait for the things here to be done, and you will be indispensable." Shen Yue smiled.

Looking at the warm smile on her daughter's face, Ryden's performance is very calm. He is a person with great wisdom and has a deep understanding of God's will. He does not mind what skin color and beliefs are, but he only knows. According to the instructions from God, this youth club is the great benefactor of the Guangming Guild.

As for the **** month, there is a red dust edge, who she is with, that is the purpose of heaven, and Rayden has no objection.

Ryden didn't mind, Blywen and Kailong were not happy. The gods and the moon all day were all cold with a veil. They didn't expect to talk to an oriental person, they were so close, obviously two There is an insider between people.

"Cough, the saint, the enemy, the archbishop has to arrange the task, there are rumors, you can not talk privately." Brian's heart overturned the vinegar jar, squatting the table, not good.

Shenyue immediately sat down, calm and speechless, but did not look at Blywen.

She is not disgusted with Blywen, but everyone grew up together in the guild, learning magical skills together, like the brothers and sisters, Bleven and others, she did not know, but it is very sensational.

"Over the past year, since Tang De took control of the Dark Guild, Western Europe has been poisoned, and my guild has been repeatedly provoked! The guild has suffered heavy losses, including the death of Elder Arroyo. After several months of confrontation, now God Both the world and the devil have opened the enchantment and intervened in the war."

"The emperor and the pope mean that they must not let God and the devil participate in this infighting and explode the battle of the gods."

"Be sure to kill this war in the bud, and then you can't extend it, or the consequences will be unimaginable."

"I don't think you want to see the waters of Baltic flood the entire Western Europe 6?"

Ryden dangled.

"What did God say?" Kairon asked.

"The Emperor has asked for God. The angelic battle group with Michael is ready. You can fight with the Hells of the Lucifers at any time. The Angels will be dispatched in advance, and the Nordic gods such as Poseidon will also wait and see. Neutral, it’s hard to say who is going down."

"I will go back to meet Arthur and discuss it separately."

"No matter what, the Emperor's meaning is to force the Angels to join the war. The Emperor has already communicated with God and God. The other party is willing to talk about It will be tonight, the location is "Ghost Town". The Tianshen Guild and Mr. Qin act as intermediaries. Each side has five representatives and 50 followers, face-to-face talks!"

"So, the outcome of the talks tonight will determine the choice of the world, we must win the negotiations and reach a settlement."

Ryden again.

"Bishop, you mean, through negotiations, you can let the Dark Guild stop doing evil. In the past millennium, when did the devil become so good?" asked a priest frowning.

"Of course, we will give them some conditions, and fight is the last choice. The overall gas transport in Western Europe is now declining. It is necessary to make another pass. It may be the Third World War. When the gods and the mortal worlds are there, It’s too expensive to reshuffle."

Rayden Road.

"My father's great hatred has not been reported. Isn't the Archbishop and the Emperor thinking about revenge, but is he bowing his knees to the enemy?"

"When did my bright forces become so weak and incompetent, isn’t it just playing? Who is afraid of who!"

A strong knight with a beard and a beard strode in, and the helmet in his hand was thrown on the crystal table, and he screamed.

His name is Holly, the head of the Knights Templar. He is in charge of the five knights. He is the "regular army" of the Guangming Association. According to the ancient system, the Knights are responsible for fighting, but because there is no mortal In the war, some were the monks who fought between the guilds, and the regular army of the two major guilds did not appear.

Therefore, the Knights of Horley were stationed in the Vatican and were responsible for the affairs of the Pope.

This time, the deputy judge, Arroyo, who was killed by the Dark Guild, was his father. The father’s vengeance was not shared. When Rendon was to negotiate, could Holly be angry?

(End of this chapter)


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