The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1108: The helplessness of the Emperor

Ryden showed the token, the light and the crystal on the palace shined, and the swordsman automatically let go.

A few people walked in, but there was a pure white world inside.

The whole palace is actually made of crystal. The sculptures on the surrounding walls are the angels of the heavens. All kinds of little angels are flapping their wings, sometimes into the clouds, sometimes from the spring, sometimes a few small The angel will fly out of the wall and write and paint on a book without a word on the wall.

Qin Yu guessed that these should be the messengers of heaven and hell. The emperor relied on these angels to communicate with the heavens and get news of hell.

In the middle of the main hall is a diamond-shaped huge crystal stone. The crystal stone blooms with milky white light. The whole hall is bright and white, but it is not glaring. Instead, there is a kind of tranquility that relieves suffering and escapes from the red dust.

"Father, Mr. Qin is here!"

Ryden respectfully bowed to the crystal stone.

But seeing a white light burst out, an old man wearing a white robe and wearing a crown of law slowly came out from the light curtain.

The old man was ruddy, tall, slightly thin, wearing a white robe, wearing a crown, squatting, and wearing a calm, compassionate light, without the slightest authority of the king, but instead giving people an infinite affinity. sense.

"The light messenger is coming!" the emperor smiled.

Qin Hao slightly stunned, with his strength can not see the first master of the Western light industry, it is said that the emperor's cultivation is above him, even a lot, and may even reach the amazing seven wings, eight wings.

Inferred from the strength, the six wings are considered to be the middle of the gods, and the seven wings should be the peak of the great martial arts.

In China, because of the law of heaven and earth and the restriction of the aura, it has been cultivated to the extreme, and it has stayed in the realm of the Great Wu Zun, and it is infinitely extended, but it is difficult to break through.

However, because of the power of the people of the West, and the fact that the Emperor and the Dark Emperor can directly communicate with the gods and hell, they can have no such restrictions.

The overall strength of the Emperor’s strength is in the vast land of China, and it is also the supreme existence of the realm of the gods.

This is also the case with Ryden’s use of his cane to break the Qin Long’s Five Dragons. In the final analysis, he has just stepped into the middle of Jindan, and Dawu Zun in the late stage of Shen Lian, not to mention the present, is to reach the peak realm, and only I am afraid that it is difficult for the opponent of the Emperor.

Of course, this is simply a comparison of the high and low ratios. It is really necessary to kill. Qin Yu estimates that the weakness of the Western light technique may not be the opponent of Yan Jiu Tian’s top master. .

"Mr. Qin broke the road to the West, and Xiaoyue has told me that in the past few days I have received information from the angels. Lucifer has damaged a soul core and repaired it as a great loss. The gods of the heavens are also very excited. Because of this, they gave me the final deadline. If Mr. Qin can't turn the tide, he will fight the war."

"Mr. Qin, I am sorry, the safety of our entire Western world is all on your shoulders. You are our savior."

The Emperor said this, respectful hand-to-hand, and respect the Eastern ceremony.

"So, I am under a lot of pressure." Qin Hao shrugged and curiously asked: "Your cultivation is far above me. Why don't you personally fight with Tang De? Anything else is Lei. The Archbishop with the staff, may not be under me, pinning your hopes on such an outsider, is it too risky?"

After the Emperor and Ryden looked at each other, they were all smiles.

"Mr. Qin does not know, Tang De is not a Westerner. Strictly speaking, he is your Chinese. The laws of the East and the West are completely different. Many of the bright arts in the West do not work for him, and Mr. Qin comes from Hell, and Mi. Like the fighting angels like Caleb, it is a god. It is more noble than us. You can deal with Tang De."

"And we got the news that Tang De is likely to have the power from the East Hell, so Mr. Qin, this savior is none other than you."

Ryden explained.

"I can only say that I try, Tang De would like to give me this face, it may not be easy to say."

"And, I don't trust you very much in the West. Last time in the country, you also said that you would join me and kill me afterwards. How should this account be counted?"

Qin Hao eyes a sigh, asked coldly.

"This is a mistake made by the guild. We are willing to accept any conditions of Mr. Qin, but please help us through this catastrophe."

"This is the western fire crystal. How do you look at it? As a gift, we are willing to provide 10,000 pieces of water, fire, wind and thunder."

"In addition, the conditions that you raised with God last time, Christmas baptism, we can also answer one by one."

"Mr. Qin, please."

The emperor almost pleaded.

"Well, I promise you, I will definitely talk to you about this."

"If Tang De is from, you should discuss your own conditions. If you don't, I will kill!"

Qin Yudao.

What he lacks at the moment is spar. In addition, if Dongqi Company can obtain mining rights here, a steady stream of spar will be transported to China, and he will sweep the entire earth in the future.

"Thank you, Mr.!"

"Before I go, I have to say one more thing. Tang De is different from the dark emperor of the upper bound. He has you oriental people... He is very embarrassed, he is sinister, he is good at conspiracy, and once the negotiations break down, Mr. Qin will keep it. It is heavy."

"There is work!"

The Emperor took a few words and gave him a green crystal ball: "Once there is can push the crystal ball, I will personally pick you up near the ghost town."

"Grandpa rest assured that we will not have something, we will definitely reach peace." God received the crystal ball, respectfully.


Only a few hours away from the negotiations.

In an unknown mountain valley in Yingli, the strong black fog hovered all the year round, and it looked as far and dark as the endless abyss.

In the depths of the canyon, there is an old castle, like a beastly crouching, and the thunder slid through the sky, faintly visible its horns.

Several pure white unicorns stopped in front of the castle. The people at the moment were all golden and tall. They were wearing various kinds of bright weapons. The leader was a middle-aged man in a black robe. The back is a golden shield with a golden sword on the waist, demonstrating its glory.

The few people behind him are also very incomparable. Among them, there is a handsome man with a waist-hanging thunder hammer. The thunder hammer jumps from time to time with purple electric light. It is the old acquaintance of the Qin dynasty, "Raytheon" John.

"Who?" There was a gloomy guard at the door and shouted.

"Zach, vice president of the Tenjin Association, asked to see the dark Emperor Tangde." The middle-aged man leaned sideways and proudly said.

"It turned out that President Zach is here, please come in."

A black robe sorcerer greeted and asked a few people to enter.

A few people entered the fort, but saw the dead in the fortress, and the guards stood in the darkness. If the pair of red eyes were shining with fierce light, everyone would regard them as statues.

The witch led several people into the middle, engraving the hall of the Lord of Satan.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night friends.

(End of this chapter)


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