The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1113: Black Thieves League


Taylor and others responded.

More or less, the top masters of both guilds are penetrated by venom.


Taylor made a scream, only to feel that half of his face and water were hot, and he was naturally aware of the poison. He couldn’t talk about it at the moment, and he repaired it. He directly cut off his arm and at the same time, his face was cut. Bloody, terrible.

The tears of Rakshasa, this is the poison of the Eastern Hell. There is a little bit of the invincible Raksha Gate. Even he himself died under this poison. It can be said that he saw the blood seal.

Taylor responded quickly, and others were not so lucky.

But see the representatives of the Dark Guild, and several representatives of the Tenjin Association are all powerful and powerful evil masters. They are immersed in a blazing blue flame, and they are turned into ashes in the screams.

"How could this be?"

Anthony was not spared, half of the body burned up and shouted unwillingly.


"If you want to know the answer, just ask Satan."

Taylor kicked his leg and kicked it on Anthony's back. When Anthony slammed into the Qin dynasty, people ran into the door like lightning and escaped.

"Wind and clouds!"

Qin Hao did not catch up, his wrist waved, countless wind blades appeared out of thin air, such as meat grinders generally rolled from the hall, the guards in the hall and Anthony and others were cut into two.

All of this was too fast, and Chen Desen and others had not yet stepped out of the gate. Qin Lan had already killed the hall.

He glanced around, but Elizabeth and Nikolay were gone, and it was a pity that they left the two dog thieves.

"Mr. Qin, what the **** is going on!" The picture is very thick, and I haven’t seen the situation yet.

"This is a dead end here. Negotiations will not have results. The Tianshen Guild is just for the sake of death. I suspect they have a bigger conspiracy!"


Qin Hao had no time to explain and greeted him to go to the back door.

John had already waited at the back door, and met a few people anxiously: "Hou, come with me!"

John led the crowd to the west. Tang De was fortified in the ghost town. His subordinates and mercenaries had more than a thousand people. Anthony brought three hundred people to guard the west side of the road.

"The west side is the road to the nameless path. If it is not good, it will be a dead end. We have to go from the front," Blywen suggested.

"Yes, this person's guild guild, the ghost knows if he is coming to frame us." At the same time as Holly's reconciliation, he took out a crystal stone from his arms and took out the tall swords hidden in it. Shoulder, it is necessary to rush out.

"The front is no way to live, such as killing things to guard, and, he is my friend, brother, I believe him, do not want to go with me, please." Qin Hao faceless, while let John continue to lead the way .

"Let's shut up, listen to the messenger." Chanderson's rare anger, screaming at all.


There was a rush of bells in the town.

Taylor was full of anger and roared: "The people of the Guangming Guild are not honest, and openly attacked. The two presidents of Anthony and Zach have been killed. Everyone listens to orders, search and kill the bright thief!"

Followed by the dense footsteps, the quirks of unknown creatures, filled the town.

Seeing a fierce mercenary mercenary and the killer of the Dark Guild surged, Blywen and others were scalp numbs, knowing that Qin Qin said it was not bad, the other party really had an ambush, deliberately want them Life.

"Thomson, don't let him run, they killed Zach, Anthony!" Taylor rushed to the front, yelling.

"Thomson, this is a trap, we are all played by Taylor, let me go." John shouted the guard of the Heavenly Guild.

"John, you traitor, take your life."

Thomson has been guarding the periphery, where to know Taylor's small abacus, sipping a group of people to kill Qin Qin.

"Haha, come well!"

Holly and Turi had long been unable to bear it, and the two men became armed with a big sword.

"Take me off!"

"Jiu Ding Dafa!"

Qin Zhen’s infuriating spit, a big tripod smashed down from the void, hehe!

Dozens of ecs of the Tenjin guild became meat on the spot, and the Qin dynasty was not old, and the right and left index fingers swept across the eyes, "Heavenly Fire!"

A purple fire wall, extending over ten feet, came out in parallel.

The opposite person, but the touch of the person turned into a powder on the spot, the original three hundred people, a trip to the fire, has been removed half.

Over there, Holly and Turi slashed for half a day before they killed two swordsmen. After returning to God, the eyes of the shock were straight: "God, is this guy still a human?"

"John, you are a traitor, Arthur will not let you go."

Thomson sees the Qin dynasty if the **** Odin goes down, where dare to block, leading the dingy to the west to swarm a bee.

"Want to run, there are no doors, give me aside!"

"Qin Hou, I want to know, how do you see that the tea is poisonous? As far as I know, you have always been trusting people." Taylor came up and asked not to be willing.

"It's very simple. From the moment I entered the venue, I knew that the two beasts were out of control. They gave me a blind eye, and I smiled. Everyone is a smart person. If they are not violating the vow, you will Pretend to turn a blind eye?" Qin Xiao smiled ~ ~ understand, your smile, not for them to see, but for me to see. ”

"Sure enough, it is an oriental, treacherous, but even if this is the case, you are too difficult to fly today, and you want to leave this alive."

"Everything is heard, killing the Qin thief, sending you a crystal mine, living a holy woman plus a billion pounds, Bishop Chandsen 500 million, the rest killing innocent!"

Taylor screamed.

The killers were instantly put into a circle, and they were surrounded by a leak.

"Mom, why should he be worth a mine, Lao Tzu's head is worthless?" Blywen has always been used to arrogance, and when he listens to Taylor's swearing, he feels incomparably shameful and suddenly jumps.

"If your grandfather is here, I might open a price of 500 million. As for you, it is really worthless." Taylor smiled proudly.


Blywen was furious and took off the space crystal of his waist and sacrificed his weapons.

His weapon is a cross spear, a bit similar to the Eastern rifle, but longer, the sharp edge of the cross is like a moon, and it is a high-grade weapon made of superior materials.

"Get it!"

Taylor gestured to a bald head with a headscarf on his head and a tattoo on his face.

"Bright flag!"

The man shouted.

I saw a banner rising from the sky. At the same time, the mercenaries were at the same time a shuttle, spinning around the circle, and the sharp spurs.

"No, they are the Black Thieves League in the Baltic Sea."

Chanderson's rare brows were locked, and a trace of tension appeared on his face.

Holly and Turi two militants are also very intimate, such as the enemy.

(End of this chapter)


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