The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1122: Are you an angel or a devil?

"Oh, what happened, how did you become this look?"

"What about the Oriental?"

Edward asked for a forehead that he couldn’t believe it.


Arthur jumped up and looked at Edward as a crisp slap in the face, tears in tears: "I was killed by you, you actually let me go against the devil, no, he is a hundred times more poisonous than the devil." , a thousand times!"

Edward was convulsed and didn't understand what was going on.

"You are not going to see him? He is here!"

Arthur pointed coldly at the gate.

Edward looked at the door. I don't know when there was a person there. The blue and slender figure was pulled for a long time, but it was not Qin.

"You, you are still not dead?" Edward understood, Arthur was planted, and the other party actually came to the palace, and today I am afraid that it is not good.

"Let you down, I am still alive."

"However, your good days are coming to an end. I can help you drive away William and you can have your dog life!"

Qin Hao walked over with a step by step, and the strong murder made Edward almost desperate.

"You, what do you want to do, here is the royal family!"

"Guard captain!"

When Edward retreated, he called.

The captain of the guard immediately led the people to come in. When he saw that it was Qin, he all consciously retreated to the corner, pretending not to see.

Just kidding, the Crown Prince can't stand again, but take his own life to fight against this terrible guy, this stupid thing, they can't do it.

"Mr. Qin, I haven't seen anything, you continue to talk."

The captain of the guards bowed and bowed, and led the man to retreat.

"Edward, what do I want?"

Qin Lan asked coldly.

"Mr. Qin, believe me, this is a misunderstanding. I have already prepared for you. It is the ghost of the following people who make their own ideas. I will arrange for people to repackage you."

Edward did not know, and squeezed a smile.

"No, I am looking for the Queen to go!" Qin said.

"She won't give you, such a valuable thing, except me, no one will promise you." Edward prayed.

"He will, but I want to borrow you something!" Qin said.

"What?" Edward has an ominous premonition.

"Your head!"

When Qin Lan waved his hand, Edward only felt that his neck was cold, his consciousness was not completely annihilated, and his handsome human head had already fallen on Qin Lan’s hand.

"Take me to see the Queen!" Qin Lan walked to the front of the guards, cold and cold.

"The Queen except Princess Anne, no one can see!" The guards were trembled and their pants were wet.

"lead the way."

The guardian did not dare to care, and led Qin Yu into the back garden.

Annie was crying in tears. When she saw Qin Lan, who was carrying her brother's head, she was kneeling in the same place. The scroll she had just picked up was scattered. I didn't know that it was sadness.

Qin Lan walked over to her side, picked up the picture, turned it over, and finally smiled and handed it back to her hand.

"You, are you an angel or a devil?"

Annie squinted and asked in a trembling voice.

“Is this important?”

"I am me, take me to see the Queen!"

Qin Yu is a cold and indifferent road.

He is by no means a beautiful and compassionate Virgin. Saving Anne is a little effort, but he is not too interested in the royal princess, and he does not have more entanglements and explanations with her.

Anne read from his indifferent eyes, this is by no means her Prince Charming. Immediately dry the tears, turned around, quietly leading the way ahead.

There was Anne knocking on the door, and the Queen saw Qin Qin in the apse.

The words of the Qin dynasty, Edward's head was thrown at the foot of the Queen, cold channel: "I asked myself about your royal family, but your son, not only do not know grateful, do not believe, but also secretly murder me!"

"So, he can only go to hell, and the debt he owes, you must give me a confession."

The Queen took her son's head, her lips were stretched, and there was a burst of cool air in her throat. However, she experienced countless wind and rain in her life. After all, she calmed down. She just wanted to speak and was interrupted by Qin. .

"Don't take any international public opinion and the means of your politicians to talk to me. It doesn't do anything good for you. I want to kill, you can't stop, your God can't stop it!"

Qin Hao reminded.

"What do you want?" The Queen finally learned the power of the East. She really wanted to take the Huaxia official to suppress Qin, but now she can only dispel this thought.

"I want the British Museum, as well as all the Chinese antiques and artifacts in the royal collection!"

"They are the things of my summer, and now they are the original."

"I know that you have difficulties, but your phase and cabinet will soon know what is happening in Bright Town. They will agree."

"I will give you three hours to ship immediately. After three hours, one less. I don't mind destroying your palace."

"Remember, I never make a joke, Edward is an example!"

Qin Lan sat down on the sand and poured out a glass of fine red wine, shaking it, and smiled.

"Well, I will discuss with the adults and put things on you."

Queen's Road.

The reason why Edward used empty boxes to deal with Qin Yu ~ ~ for a large part of the reason, because of such a funny condition, the cabinet will never agree.

Chinese antiques, that is a powerful testimony of the empire that never fell into the empire, is the glory of the English people!

But now, this godly Eastern boy has completely shattered their last dignity!

The Queen picked up the phone and talked a few words: "There was promised there. The Royal Aircrew has been secretly carrying the box. The cabinet has requested to stop your anger. Mr. Qin, you can get it as you wish."

"Not what you want to pay, it is the original owner!"

Qin Xiao smiled and smiled.

The three hours passed quickly. It is said that the air service is a world-famous special force. It is extremely useful to start things.

All the authentic Chinese antiques held by the official and royal families were transported to the ship, and the counterfeits prepared earlier were placed on the counter to maintain their poor and humble self-esteem.

"Mr. Qin, you are ready, you can go out." The Queen is really unbearable to this demon, reminded.

"it is good!"

Qin Lan stood up and walked to the door. After a few steps, he turned and turned to the tearful eyes of Princess Anne, and smiled and said: "Princess, forget me, good for you, will."

Finish, go quickly.

Looking at the cold back, Anne's tears flowed down again and again, telling herself that humble love is dead, she will never fall in love with a terrible devil.

"Oh, our Western world has already gone, and the East China is terrible."

The Queen went to the map of the world and looked at the kingdom of the dragon in the East. She sighed.

Ps: There is still a supplement later.

(End of this chapter)


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