The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1134: The teapot was cooked

"God wood!"

When Qin Hao recruited, Mo Na did not dare to care about it. He took all the strength of his body. After exploding, he was filled with a layer of green light. He bent his arms to the sky and squatted down, and he resisted the shock. one strike.

"Master Cai, can Master Mona stand up to this surname Qin?"

Chen Baiwei asked cautiously.

"The master of Mona is really strong, I don't think Qinhou may break."

"After all, he has a senior who has been cultivated for more than 100 years. Qin Hou is young, the previous strength is fierce, and the extreme is inevitable, I am still optimistic about the Master of Mona."

Cai Song caressed.

As a famous master of the Bay Island, he commented on this, and others have also joined.


"Then I will be relieved. I knew that the surname Qin was so overbearing. I wouldn’t look for it, hehe."

Chen Baiwei wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and relaxed a little.

"Now I am afraid,

"With your body, can you compare with the dragon stone?"


The Qin dynasty shouted, the white light suddenly left, and the rotation and strength suddenly doubled.

Tianwu Shenquan is one of the first martial arts masters of the Tianwu ancestors of the Tianwu martial arts. The Tianwu Shenquan is just fierce and fierce, and as the name suggests, it can break a million pounds in a punch. Longshi, in Tianwuzong, the outside disciple wants to advance into the inner door, breaking the dragon stone is the most basic assessment!

This fist can't be counted in the realm of cultivation, but in the mortal world, it is very powerful!

When Monaton suddenly felt that the abdomen had been pierced by the knife, he was exhausted, and then he was destroyed by the giant force. The meridians were damaged, the five internal organs were damaged, and the blood was vomited on the spot.

"Do you still have to be in his head?"

Qin Lan asked coldly.

Mona stood up and wiped the blood of his mouth. He looked at Chen Baiwei and bowed his hand: "Mr. Chen, I can't do anything about it. The repair of Mr. Qin Hou is far above me. You should treasure it."

"Master Mona, don't leave, if you leave, he will kill me!"

Chen Baiwei shouted in fear.

Moana shook his head and sighed. He turned to Qin Hao and squinted.

He knows that he is not the opponent of the young king. It doesn't make any sense to stay, and Qin Hao is very arrogant, not a good talker. If he doesn't leave, he is not interested.

As for Chen Baiwei, I am afraid that it is difficult to leave the Wangyue Building alive!

When Moana left, Chen Baiwei was stupid!

The gang of his men followed the ghosts and threw away the Chen Kai who was carrying them. He fled down the stairs and was afraid of being named by Qin Hao and asked for a dog.

Chen Baiwei, who was originally arrogant, became a loner in the end. He could only turn his eyes to Kong Caishen.

Kong Caishen hates to die, and leans over, only to see it!

"I will ask you again, where is the cloud?"

Qin Lan walked to Chen Bowei and killed his way.

"I really don't know, Axiong only gave this person to me, and then never contacted me again!"

"Hou, I am wrong, I am really wrong!"

"I beg you to give me a way to live. You want my hand. I want my feet to recognize me. Please don't kill me."

Chen Bowei screamed on the ground and pleaded.

"I didn't mean to kill, this is what you are looking for."

"People will receive it!"

Qin Lan glanced at the body of Yundong, his eyes were cold, and he grabbed Chen Bowei’s head and dragged it to the hot teapot in front of the hall.

"Hou, I don't want to die, I can give you money, what you want, I can give it to you!"

"Zuzong, give me a way to live, hehe!"

Burning red teapot, steaming hot air, let Chen Baiwei desperate, scared the urine and flowed a pair of pants, crying and crying.


Qin Lan smiled coldly and slammed Chen Baiwei's shiny head into a hot teapot!


Chen Baiwei struggled desperately. With the shackles of tea, he didn’t make a few slams. It was a life-threatening moment. Finally, the skull was stuck in the teapot, and there was no movement!

The people in the hall finally saw the overbearing and sinister nature of the Jiangdong Lord, and all of them were stunned and shivering.

"Hou, you, you can rest assured, I am going to find Miss Yun and the little beast now, Miss Yun has to lose a little, not to let you shoot, I will kill my head."

Kong Caishen's face was cold and sweaty, stuttering.

"There are still a few hours away from the dawn. I don't want to go back to Miss Yun. You and your dog and son have to pay for it!"

When Qin Lan picked up the body of Yundong, he would leave.

As he passed the entrance of the corridor, he stopped and looked at a middle-aged man wearing a black gown: "It is not easy to practice, you are a little bit, but it is not my opponent. Where to go, it is good for you." ""

The man smiled calmly and shouted: "Thank you, Houye, pointing, there is a number in the heart of the room." Until the eyes of Qin Hao went down the corridor, the smile on his face was dignified and stagnant.


"The surname Qin is terrible. I have warned again that Bowei should not make trouble. This is good, and I lost my life."

"What are you doing, you quickly get rid of people."

Kong Caishen had a lingering feeling of rubbing a handkerchief and rubbing a cold sweat, yelling at several bodyguards impatiently.

Chen Bowei’s body was fished out, and the whole head was already hot and rotten, and the flesh was turned out, and the white flower was a piece of it.

"Dad, you are so badly dead."

Chen Kai turned down from the wicker chair and yelled at the body.

"Hey, it’s not that you have a stomach and a bowel. This is good. We both have been played by your two animals."

"Take the body back to Chen Jia ~ ~ and so on, sent Qinhou, and then mourned!"

Kong Caishen’s angry order.

After that, I walked to the middle of the long-sleeved shirt at the door, and respectfully asked: "Fang Xianren, what should I do?"

"Go back and talk, find someone first!"

The house is faint.

When I returned to Kongjia, it was already more than 11 o'clock in the evening. When Kong Caishen just entered the door, he saw that Kong Xiong was uneasy in the hall.

"Dad, Dad, I, I am not an accident!"

Kong Xiong trembled and asked.


Kong Caishen raised his hand and slap, and turned over Kong Xiong. He was so sad that he was cooked and half-baked his head. Do you want to go to Chen’s house?

"I am so tens of thousands, let you not provoke this surname Qin, you have to die, now it is alright, we will have to finish playing."

"I, I did not expect the surname Qin to be so powerful. My uncle said that he invited a peerless master to keep him. So, I, I... Hey, anyway, the disaster has already collapsed. You are killing me and it is useless. Think about how to break it."

Kong Xiong climbed up and shouted.

"Where is Miss Yun?" asked Kong Caishen.

"She, she escaped from the hotel, our people only found her bodyguard, Yunxiao has no news yet, but you can rest assured, I am letting the brothers search the city, she is unfamiliar, certainly can not run Far."

Kong Xiongdao.

"Hey, you, you really want to mad at me."

Kong Caishen rubbed his chest and heart disease came out quickly. When he was slowed down, he looked at the time and said, "Why are you still doing something, immediately add people, be sure to find someone before dawn."

Ps: There are updates later.

(End of this chapter)


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