The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1149: Non-gambling

Yan Beiyang and so on are the answer. Before the bar, the words of the mysterious man have been haunting him. He had a hint of luck before, until this moment, when he saw the grief and tears of the oldest brother, he knew The words of that person are not false.

"Second brother, things have not come to a dead end, I am coming to see you today, there is another thing!" The chill in Yan Beiyang's eyes suddenly started, cold and sensational.

"What?" Yan Xiyang wiped his tears and asked.

"Since Grandpa and Big Brother don't give us a way to live, why don't we fight for it?"

Yanbei Yangdao.

"You, what do you mean?" Yan Xiyang heard his voice outside the string, asked frowning.

"I want to ask, if Grandpa and Big Brother are gone, who is the Yan family?" asked Beiyang.

"That, that naturally got me!" Yan Xiyang hesitated.

"In the past, Emperor Taizong Li Shimin changed the Xuanwumen, and he won the world. Grandpa is ruthless. Big brother is not righteous. It is better for us to go against it. I have taken the palm of my hand." Yan Beiyang took out the cold from the teeth. sound.

"Are you crazy?"

Yan Xiyang looked around and shook his voice.

"I am not crazy, they can drive you away, they will kill me, I don't want to accept my life."

"I mean to get rid of Grandpa, Big Brother, you come to sit down!"

Yanbei Yangshuo nailed the railway.

"Beiyang, grandfather, big brother is surrounded by the best guards in the world, we don't even have a single person in your hands, how can you remove them?"

"Don't say this nonsense in the future, I haven't heard anything today, so go quickly."

Yan Xiyangjue’s own younger brother must have drunk more, and he will say this kind of nonsense, and quickly deducted the wine glass and ordered the order.

"Second brother, how do you know if you don't have a fight?"

"I don't care. I came to you and listened to the advice of others. Now someone is willing to help us. This is an opportunity!"

"The 9:00 big world bar tomorrow night, I will wait for you with that person, chances are you, don't follow yours."

Yan Beiyang stood up and left a sentence to go.

Looking at the four brothers who were far away, Yan Xiyang was chilling. He suddenly felt that his four brothers were the most terrible people. The gentle and refined scholars were becoming a ambition for the world.

But at the same time, his heart also knows that this is indeed the only way out. Once he is beaten back to Mobei, his death will come, and he will die with his horizontal and vertical, why not fight.

In front of the big man, what grandfather, big brother, is just an old ghost, a hegemony, no family, nothing to do?

"Since you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unjust!

Yan Xiyang clenched his fists and looked at the brightly-lit Dongfu in the distance.

9 o'clock the next night!

Two days left from Yan Mu's longevity, the best Liyuan team Yunmeng class has already arrived in Beijing, setting up a stage rehearsal in the Yanjia old house. The invitation from Yanjia has flew to the whole country like snow flakes. The military and police inspections on the street are more rigorous. In addition to holding Yanjia’s invitations, foreigners will conduct strict checks.

At the same time, the major hotels in the capital are also full, guests from all over the country, except for the significant identity of such as Qiu Changsheng, or hundreds of years old Wang Jili, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Fu Ning Zihua and other famous businessmen, As well as Yin Zhuoran, the top leaders in other provinces can directly stay at the Neifu House, which is arranged by Yanjia. The rest can only live in the hotel.

Yan Xiyang walked back and forth in the courtyard, and he looked uneasy. When he arrived at nine o'clock, he suddenly bit his teeth: "Old Li, preparing for the car, I have to go out and remember, go back."

"Young master, now it is messing up outside. On this big night, I will call you a few guards?" Lao Li was worried.

"Confused, let them stare at me, give the boss an eyeliner? Prepare the car!" Yan Xiyang impatiently.

Lao Li prepared the car, Yan Xiyang personally drove to the big world bar.

As soon as I entered the bar, the colorful neon lights shook his head, and Yan Xiyang felt an inexplicable disgust.

He has rarely entered such a place, because the Yan family and the people of this capital city live together at the foot of the emperor, but in reality they are two people from completely different worlds. Yan Xiyang is disdainful to deal with these boring people in the bar. .

He suddenly felt that he was stupid, a bubble bar gadget, can have any talents in the sky, flipping the overall situation of the Yan family, he actually believed in the fourth.

Thinking of this, he took back the toes that had already stepped in, shook his head, and planned to return home.

At this time, a two-meter-tall tower big man, holding his shoulders, this person with a low-cut hat, face is very ugly, a pair of big eyes actually bloom green!

"Is it Yan Xiyang? Since it is here, let's go in, someone is waiting for you."

Dahan Leng Sensen Road.

Although this person is terrible, but Xiyang’s heart has a little more joy, it seems that the other party is still a bit of a head, this is good, it is not empty talk.

Yan Xiyang walked in. Beiyang was chatting with a middle-aged man sitting inside, and it was noisy outside, but this table was extremely quiet. Except for the voices of the two people, there was no more noise. Obviously, some kind of shielding array method is used to isolate the noise.

"Second brother, you are here, I will introduce you, this is Mr. Jiang!"

Yan Beiyang Station got up and introduced.


"Less gossip, why can you kill the father?"

"Why do I have to take my life and bet on someone who is irrelevant to you?"

Yan Xiyang has always been savvy, just sitting down and asking for directions.

"Good question!"

"Why can I kill him? Because I am Jiang Hefeng! The only one who almost killed Yan Mu!"

"As for why it is more difficult to block it on me, because you are not gambling, there is still a chance to gamble, isn't it?"

Qin Xiao sneered.


Yan Xiyang and the two brothers were shocked at the same time. They did not expect that this Mr. Jiang turned out to be the number one assassin of Yanjiatong for many years. To discuss the experience of assassination, this person is undoubtedly the most authoritative.

"Twenty years have passed, and the Yan thief may have died for me, but I don't know that Jiang has been waiting for this day!"

"You have to do very simple give me a chance to approach him!"

"I must take the head of others!"

"Of course, before that, you must make sure that you can win Yan Dongyang in the shortest possible time, so that the position of the Yan family is your bag."

Qin Hao Lang channel.

"If you want to hold Yan Dongyang, you only need to buy the inner door guard who is on duty that day. You will be close to the chance of the father. The cloud dream class will be rehearsed tomorrow. The father likes to listen to the drama. I can take you into the play garden. You can look for opportunities. Start."

Yan Xiyang thought for a moment.

"Mr. Jiang, don't worry, my second brother is the second deputy leader of the inner door. He has real power in his hand. These things can still be done."

"The key is that you must not miss, even if you miss it, you can never involve our brother."


Yan Beiyang reminded.

"If it doesn't work, I will take care of myself. I will not bother you."

"Furthermore, I will never miss."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"But there is something, I hope that you can tell me truthfully, do you have any information about Yan Ming?" Qin asked again.

The biggest enemy of his trip is undoubtedly Yan Ming. If you can't touch the bottom of this person, it is not good to plant a head.

"I am afraid I can't help you. Except for my grandfather and father, no one in the world has ever seen Yan Ming's true face. He is like the shadow of a father. It is like a shadow, and it is always unpredictable!" Yan Xiyang sighed. .

"Okay, go back and arrange!"

"Tomorrow I will go to your house and wait."

Qin Lan saw these two people readily agreed, and got up.

Ps: There are updates later.

(End of this chapter)


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