The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1151: Temporary shock

"Do you want to live?" Qin asked coldly.

"Yeah!" Yan Sufang nodded nervously.

Qin Lan’s gaze fell on her erect peak. She grabbed the clothes on the bed and threw it to her. Indifferent: “Wear, I have something to talk to you.”

Yan Sufang has slowed down the gods. She is not a city woman. She is also very knowledgeable. At this moment, it is quite surprising to see Qin Qin. She has never seen anyone with such a clear, chilly scorpion, pure Not like a mortal person.

She slowly stretched out the jade hand, elegantly put on her clothes, covered the graceful figure of the peaks and undulations, and got up and poured two cups of tea. This was faintly said: "Please sit down, there is nothing but you can say no."

"I have read your soul, know all your things, tell you the truth, I came here to assassinate Yan Mu old thief, originally wanted to kill you, replace your identity, now I change my mind. ”

"Give me a corner!"

"When you sing a movie tomorrow, it is when the thief is dead."

Qin Yudao.

"Well, I promise you, this is the book to sing, you will come to the show tomorrow night!" After a few seconds of silence, Yu Sufang readily agreed.

"You and I are all people on board now. You better cooperate with me. Otherwise, it will only be you, will you understand?"

"From now on, I will stay in your room until I can go to the stage before going to the stage."

Qin Lan provoked her smooth chin, and joined her door, fascinated by a scent, cold and sturdy.

"You can rest assured that I am not stupid enough to go to that point. You are not a bad person. There is absolutely no need to threaten me." Yan Sufang calmly said.

Her calmness, but stirred up the desire to conquer in Qin Biao's bones, stretched out her hands and wrapped her tight chest tightly, coldly said: "I like smart people, but you listen to me, most Don't show your feet, break my business, you will be like this teacup..."

Qin Hao turned his head and his eyes were murderous, hehe! The teacup was broken.


"I, I know!"

Yan Sufang has never been touched by people. He has been trembled for a long time, his legs are soft, and he quickly put away the arrogance in his bones.

"The class owner, is the class owner?"

At this time, a man’s voice came from outside the door.

"What to do, just do it!"

The Qin dynasty flashed and flew up the beam.

The man walked in and saw Yan Sufang's pretty face blushing, his expression a little flustered, and he was alert to ask: "Su Fang, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Ma Jun, is there something?"

Yan Sufang saw Ma Jun squatting around and looking around, as if he was suspicious, he asked.

"No, nothing, just seeing you on the stage is not in good shape, I am worried about you, so come over and see you!"

When Ma Jun said this, he looked at it with keenness and used internal force to check whether there were suspicious people.

He always likes Yu Sufang. Nowadays, the beauty is expected to enter the market soon. The Yan family is very young and beautiful. Sufang is very beautiful. He is worried that there will be a lot of good and bad things.

"I'm fine, it's a little tired. It's a lot better now. I don't have much time left for us. Let's go to rehearsal."

Yu Sufang said.

I don't know why, because of Qin Biao's feelings, as a woman who is ice-clear and jade, she didn't have any slight annoyance. Instead, she had a kind of mysterious man who seemed to be old, but had a baby with clear eyes. An alternative feeling.

"Well, you are not here, everyone's mentality is not very stable, just go."

Ma Jun regained his gaze. As a master of Liyuan singing, he has more delicate minds and acumen than ordinary people. He has also reached the late stage of internal refining. Although his intuition tells him that Su Fang is not quite right, it does. I could not feel the presence of others.

Time is in Yanjia, this moment seems to be 10,000 times slower.

This is true for Yan Beiyang, especially for Yu Sufang!

Qin Lan was sitting on the bed of Yan Sufang, meditating for a week, and it was a day and night for the hard-working outsiders.

Yan Sufang hugged his knees and sat in the corner of the bed, watching him quietly.

She has seen countless dignitaries and nobles, and is as strong as the Yan family. It is just a "little man" who pursues the name of the dust. Only this person has a sense of sorghum.

Maybe there is only such a person in this world to kill Yan Mu.


It is the confidant of the Yanjia Neifu and the ancient deputy and Ji Zhengmin. They gave Yan Mu a birthday in the hall of Yanjia, and outsiders are not allowed to enter!

At about 7 o'clock in the evening, the Yanjia Square was filled with a table full of red cloth banquets. The guests continued to attend the 66th. At 8 o'clock, the square was full, and the chattering and greetings were heard.

Can sit here, who is the person, it is a well-known figure, sitting together, almost all the rights of all walks of life in China are concentrated together, everyone is staggered, not lively.

The Yan family was responsible for the hospitality. The Yankee was the host of the overall situation. The Yankee guests were almost there. They glanced around and said: "The people who came to the cloud dream class opened up."

Immediately someone was ordered to sing in a slap in the drums and in the sound of the cymbals.

It must be said that the Yunmeng class really has the ability, and the head of the person is open, and the bottom is quiet, and if you understand it, you still know it.

Waiting for a song, no one is applauding and praised.

The three songs were sung, Ma Jun and others sang and sang a song "Five Langshou". According to the rules, the people who lived the life should apologize for the appearance. The profit is over, the guests are wide open, waiting for Yan Mu. The emergence of the world, I want to see the world's first authority.

In the wing room, Yan Sufang has already worn the head lice, and made up the makeup, a white dress, just like the Bai Suzhen reborn under the Qingcheng Mountain, the bones of the charming people are 羿 is a cyan The long-sleeved shirt, wearing a towel on the head, is played by Xu Hanwen.

"Yan Mu wants to listen to "Shui Man Jinshan Temple", Ma Jun worships the life, it is time for us to debut, it is life and death, it is all over you."

"You can rest assured that I will only let the old thief die silently, never to the people who are tired of the troupe."

Qin Hao nodded.

The two were ready, sitting in the room, waiting quietly for the people under the scene.

It is strange to say that after a song is finished, Ma Jun holds the "Xiantao" and calls it several times to congratulate the Shouxinggong Wanshou. No one has responded.

For a time, Ma Jun was on the court, and some of them didn't know why. The people underneath were also talking.

"Yan Siye, where the old man went, you can also call out to let me wait for a congratulatory message, and say hi."

"Yeah, I haven't seen Yan brother for more than 30 years. I have come to come and enjoy the bar with my old brothers."

Qualified in the room, impatient to urge the road.

"Several old uncles, don't be too embarrassed!" Yan Yan politely handed.

"How come no one is coming to debut, is there anything wrong?"

Yan Sufang walked to the window and saw Ma Jun’s dejected and walked down the stage, frowning worried.

Qin Biao was locked and did not speak. This time the plan was extremely dangerous. His opponent was a sinister and incomprehensible than Cao Mengde. It was difficult for him to show his own feet, alarming the old fox, or Yanxi. Yang Ge two betrayed him?

If this is the case, then it is really a bad thing. Yan Mu was cautious. It is rare to have a chance to show up. If it is wrong, I am afraid that it will be hard to find a good opportunity to assassinate him.

(End of this chapter)


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