The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1153: This is a trap

In the darkness, Yu Sufang’s cheeks are like a girl who is beginning to open her heart. Who can think of this woman who has never been emotionally tempted, because of such a bizarre ambiguity, she planted the seeds of love in her heart.

Of course, in the simple view of Yu Sufang, she is only very curious about this man, want to know more about his situation, nothing more.

"My name is Qin Yi, Qin of Qin State, and the shackles of Hou Yi!" Qin Yu thought about it, still told her real name.

In order to kill Yan Mu, he can do whatever he can. Once the situation is out of control, Yan Sufang is likely to lose her life. The current day is one second. Jiang Hefeng’s identity is used to deceive the Yan family. Girl, he thinks it is not necessary.

"Qin Hao, um, I remember!"

"Are you still here tonight? I think Ma Jun seems to be suspicious. Will he be you?"

Yan Sufang asked carefully.

"He seems to care about you, but this person is narrow-minded, difficult to become a big device, not worthy of you." Qin said.

"I told him that my grandparents were all in the cloud class. His father had booked a doll with my family when I was a child, but I have never promised him."

"He is a little bit sloppy, but people are still very decent."

Yu Sufang said.

"not necessarily!"

"It's not too late, just go to sleep."

Qin Lan said, sitting cross-legged and continuing to meditate.

With Qin Qin around, Yu Sufang felt more of a patron saint, and his heart was quiet and steady, and he fell asleep after a while.


Yan Mu did not even show his face on the 80th birthday, and did not officially announce the candidates of the world. This is somewhat embarrassing.

During the daytime, Qin Lan practiced meditating in the room. When the afternoon arrived, Yan Yan came and made an invitation to Yu Sufang. He agreed to go to Yanjia Neifu at 7:00 pm for dinner and performance.

Yan Sufang was very refreshed and promised to leave the Yan Yan and close the door. He said to Qin: "Are you sure? There are still two hours left."

Qin Hao shook his head and said: "No!"

"You should prepare well first, I will go out and get back soon."

Qin Hao did not explain too much, took the opportunity to stroll out.

He went to the house of Yan Beiyang, and at the gate of life and death, he needed more precise information to ensure the safety of the operation.

Yan Beiyang was reading in the study room, but he heard a bang on the window sill. Just opened the window door, Qin Yu was like a big bird and jumped in.

"Mr. Jiang, you are here, I am going to Yanyan to find you."

Yan Beiyang was happy, and took out the mobile phone and dialed the number of Yan Xiyang: "Second brother, I have a pot of good wine here, come and accompany me to eliminate it."

After hanging up the phone, Yan Beiyang poured tea and sighed a long voice: "Oh, unfortunately, the old man is in a hurry. He let him escape last night, but he is going to make another plan."

"What do you mean, Yan Mu is really ill?" Qin asked.

"Yes, at noon yesterday, several uncles and big brothers took turns toast, and the old man was in a good mood. He drank two more cups and dyed the cold in the afternoon. Otherwise, the big occasions yesterday can take the world and the eight in life. Ten years of life, how can the father not come?"

Yan Beiyang nodded and confirmed.

Qin Xiao smiled and Yan Beiyang was facing his eyes. He suddenly felt his eyes black and black. When he came back, Qin Hao was drinking tea calmly.

He had just inspected the soul of Yan Beiyang, and he was sure that this kid did not lie, and those memory fragments existed.

As a result, he has relaxed a little. If this is true, he has not been exposed at least, and there is still a chance to assassinate Yan Mu at night.

Of course, he will not come to the conclusion so quickly, Yan Xiyang is coming, he has to listen to the tone there.

After a while, Yan Xiyang came. When I met, I naturally had to complain about it. I told the old man and Yan Dongyang.

"Two less, you have to complain, there is time in the future, I ask you, is Yan Mu at night listening to the drama is true?" Qin asked.

"I can't give you the exact answer. I can only tell you that this news may be true."

"Yan's old house, there are thousands of houses, one ring and one ring, topped up with more than half of the Forbidden City. The father is suspicious, and every night will change to sleep, except for my big brother, four uncles, even the three uncles. I don't know where the old man lives."

"If you want to find a room, even if you are lucky, you have to find at least three days and three nights."

"I got the news from the huts. The old housekeepers in the government wanted fresh vegetables and meat. They are the best. They should be banqueting guests. This shows that the old man invited the Yunmeng class to dinner and listen to the show tonight. It’s not a hole in the wind."

"And the old man is very interested in watching the drama, I heard that he also fell in love with the female class!"

"Integrated analysis, eight things have become true tonight."

"Of course, it is not excluded that the old man has already been hiding in the troupe. This is a banquet."

Yan Xiyang analyzed.

When he said this, he still seemed to have more confidence.

"Great, when Mr. Jiang can meet with the father of the cloud dream classmates face to face This is a great opportunity."

Yan Beiyang is happy.

"Since there is an opportunity of 80%, I always have to fight. You should be alert tonight. Once I lose my hand, I would like to find a way to leave the capital immediately."

Qin Yudao.

"Mr. Jiang Renyi, our future depends on you, I wish you success."

The Yanbei Yangge two used the tea to replace the wine and marched to Qin.

Qin Lan did not drink tea, dressed out from the window, and cut off the road to Yanjia old house to touch.

I was about to sneak in from the corner of the Yan family's old house. A beautiful figure came out from the side of the old phoenix tree and looked at the half face: "Hou Ye, talk here."

When this person met, Hou Ye was commensurate with each other. Qin Lan also stunned the half-length cold sweat. Looking back, it was somewhat familiar.

Qin Hao felt a big headache. Originally, he thought that the camouflage was good. I didn't expect it to be dismantled so quickly. It seems that the Beijing Dragon and the Tiger are really not the general place.

The woman led the Qin dynasty and turned right and left, waiting to enter an alley, pushing a small door and entering a ruined courtyard. This is the way: "Hou Ye does not have to panic, I am not your enemy."

"I know, otherwise you are already a dead man."

"You are the woman next to Yan Baye, called Yan Jiumei?"

Qin Lan is cold and cold.

"Hou Ye is good memory!"

"Tonight is a dead end, Yan Mu arranged the Tianluo network, Yan Xiyang has betrayed you, you go in is a death!"

Yan Jiumei opened the door to see the mountain.

"How to say?"

Qin Hao was shocked and asked coldly.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)


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