The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1156: 4 phase disk dragon lock fairy

"Yan Lao said with a smile, Su Fang would never dare to compare the ancestors. Since you want to listen, I can sing now."

Yan Sufang can't stand the general eye of Yan Muye, it is life and death, just want to have a break.

"Okay, then you sing, I listen." Yan Muhaha smiled.

"Then go to Huangquan and find the prince to listen to it!"

"Tianwu Boxing Method, Broken Dragon Stone!"

Qin Lan smiled coldly, without the slightest tricks, the infuriating one, condensed into a fist to the Yan Mu.


The extreme strength of the explosion suddenly exploded, but Yan Mu did not expect that he originally thought that Qin Yu would at least install a dress, wait until the time is ripe and then assassinate, which is expected to be up to the Qin.


This is going too fast. Yan Yan and others have not even had time to react. Qin Yu’s iron fist is in the middle of Yan’s chest.

This substitute is not too shallow, but compared with the top players such as Qin Hao, it is still a big gap.

Despite all the efforts to resist, it is still inevitable that the internal organs are broken, people are like kites, vomiting blood flies, heavy squatting on the wall, slipping down, pointing at the face of Qin dynasty, but even saying a word Come out, obviously it has not survived.

This is exactly what Qin Yu wants. If the person is really fake, how many substitutes Yanu has, he kills one, and is closer to the real old thief.


"What are you doing, hurry up!"

Yan Yan couldn't take care of this substitute, and confessed that he flew to the side of the corridor to run.

Did not run a few steps, Qin Hao a silk hand wrapped around his neck, hard to give back.

"Dog things, where is the Yan Mu old thief?"

Qin Lan asked.

"Qin Hou is forgiving, don't kill me, I will take you there!"

Yan Yan shouted his neck.

"lead the way!"

Qin Hao kicked him a foot, the original four-family, now like a pug, honestly ahead of the road.

"what's the situation."

"How did the little six son suddenly become a master of martial arts?"

"Well, it's over, he killed Yan Ye, are we all buried?"

Ma Jun stood in the same place and stunned, waiting to return to the gods, pulling the battle of Yu Sufang, is already scared faceless.

"He is not a small six son, but Jiangdong Qinhou!"

"Ma Jun, we have no way back."

"You are waiting here, I want to live with him and die together!"

Yu Sufang opened Ma Jun’s hand, and his face was firm and he quickly chased it in.

Qin Lan is Jiangdong Qinhou. This layer of identity is what she did not expect. Beauty loves heroes. She has already heard of Qin Hou’s name. She has never had a chance to see it. Today, there is a good opportunity to fight side by side. How can I miss it?

Yan Yan led Qin Lan through the promenade, but behind it was a deserted courtyard. Several people just walked into the courtyard and began to have a bad wind.

Yan Sufang has never seen such a madness, such a big wind, the garden leaves and flying sand, the soil is shouting, the eyes of the blowing people can not open.

Then, countless double-blooded pupils appeared in the darkness.


Hundreds of people armed with sharp long knives, covered in the armor of the dead, covered in a gloomy dead air, came from all directions.

These people are the real "dead" of Yan family's secret refining. Every year, there are countless masters who come to Yanjia, and Yanjia secretly kills these masters and seals their souls with secret law, making them only listen to the orders. machine.

This will ensure the loyalty to the owner, at the same time, not afraid of the sword, as long as the soul is not extinguished, you can fight to the last breath.

"Is there a way?" Qin asked Yan Yan.

"No, no, they only listened to the instructions of Yan Ming and the old man, and I didn't know what to do."

Yan Yan burst into a savage scream, and yelled at the scorpion: "Father, I am the fourth, you are calling them to stop, or else my life will be gone."


In response to his only a few sneers in the dark.

"Father, Yan Tong collar, I am going to die, my eldest brother will definitely anger you, save me."

Yan Yan is still not screaming, but there is no echo.

"You think that you think too much. In order to let his son inherit the position of the homeowner, Yan Jiutian, like you, can hold the real power, can you stay?"

"Let’s accept it."

Qin Lan smiled coldly. In the desperation of Yan Yan, a belt that buckled him was lifted up, and a burst of bang was thrown at the killer.



The swallow was instantly like a bomb, bursting open and turning into countless purple fireballs.

The slain, who had not been able to enter the gun, was all wrapped in a fireball in an instant.

The Qin dynasty moves are not old. If the ten fingers are like a string, the flames of a road are popping up. Hundreds of dead soldiers, and the ones are not close, they have already turned into ashes.

"Hey, Jiangdong Qinhou, it really has a bit of skill!"

"However, the Yan family is not the place where you are wild, the four-phase Pan locks the fairy squad!"

In the darkness, the cold voice rang again.


With four crisp sounds, the huge roofs of several small houses around the courtyard skyrocketed, and the whole earth shook violently, like an earthquake.

Rockery and pavilions fell silently.


A few weird calls, passed over, noisy!

The ground is also like a large hole that has been chiseled, and the yellow and chilly yellow spring water is spurting out, as if the end of the world is coming.

"Four Phases of the Dragon Locks!"

"The lord, my robbery is coming, this robbery will not break, the danger will die, the middle will be disabled, the next will be hurt, it is difficult to complete!"

"Do you regret coming with me?"

Qin Hao's face is still calm, this battle, he did not intend to win Accurately speaking, he is coming to die, to lose!

I just didn't think that Yan Jia could see him so much, and put on a line of dreams he dreamed of.

"Some people say that if life is first seen, it is the most beautiful. Qin Hou is my first sight. You must be able to pass. Su Fang will only sing for you for life. If you can’t pass, I will send you a song of Huang Quan, and You are traveling."

"How are all the fragrances of Hou Fang, and what regrets."

Yu Sufang calmly said.

"The class owner can see Qin, so it is my blessing."

"Well, we must be able to live alive and continue to know what we are."

Qin Lan took her hand and smiled calmly.


A large red bird was drilled out of one of the big holes and spread its wings.

But see this bird is covered with red flames, the spirit is pure, the eyes are like electricity, the wings are two feet long, the whistling sound, full of murderous.

"This is a three-thousand-year-old Suzaku bird. It was specially made by the Central Asian ancient Bosmin cult leader at the 40th birthday of the Valkyrie. There was originally a female bird that had been killed by the lord. This bird sang for the world, that is, There is no second four-phase Pan lock in the mortal world."

The man in the dark introduced.

Qin Yu secretly claimed that he also had a four-phase array, but the flamingo on the Raksha Island was far worse than the Suzaku bird, both in terms of grade and aura. It was not a grade at all.


See also a tiger whistle.

I saw a black hole in the west, and jumped out of a white-eyed big tiger. Like a small hill, it was a big double-eyed, spit out the white scent of the ice, and it was so horrible.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)


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