The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1159: 9-pin broken soul

There are two ways in Yanjia, the soft one is to directly inject into the power, and to give people a whole skin. The hard ones are forcibly blocking the repair of the inmates through cruel hooks, special golden needles and other cruel ancient methods.

"Yan's words, give this kid a hard point, but don't underestimate him, but he stabbed Yan Baiya, the invincible master, pure one-on-one, you and I may not be his opponent." The black robe reminded me.

"Hey, anyone who arrives in the hands of my butcher, is not dead, but also has to lick the layer of skin, he still wants to swear, the door is not." The thin old man is very self-channel.

As the invader of Yanjia’s house, there are countless people who have abolished this life. I don’t know how many heroes have died in his hands. The people in Yan’s house are very awesome to him. Butcher.

"Qin Hou, let you have the ability to go to the sky in the south, dare to come to Yanjing to slay wilderness, but also to find a way out, and enjoy Zhang Buto's big meal."

"Serve him well. As for this woman, I will stay in a cell with him and wait for Yan Ye to fall."

"Everyone listens, who wants to move her a hair, who I want."

The black robes rushed around the guards and screamed, and quickly left the horrible, **** land.

"Come on, pull out his clothes!" Zhang butcher shouted.

"No, I will come by myself!" Qin Hao wiped off the blood stains at the corners of his mouth, faint.

After that, I took off my clothes and showed a slim but delicate body!

"I really can't see it, young, repaired, light, and after the **** of war, Zhang still saw the first one."

"It's a man!"

"I have to wait for you!"

"Come, come hook to lock his bones!"

Zhang butcher sat down on the chair, glared at the hookah and sneered with his eyes.

Immediately, there were several tiger-wolf-like cockroaches carrying two chains of hooks and hooks into the inner room. The iron ropes had thick arms of women and were built by Kunlun Mountain cold iron. The hooks were made by Kunlun Mountain craftsmen, sharp and incomparable. The black lock symbol is attached to it. Once the person's shoulders are buckled, the gods are also eager to break free.

"He has been seriously injured and will not run away. Don't be so cruel, don't you do this?"

When Yu Sufang was shocked and trembled, tears burst out. She couldn’t imagine how sharp the hooks were, embedded in the back of the person.

"Reassured, I can't die!"

“Can you bring the class leader first? This **** scene makes it difficult for women to see it.”

Qin Lan turned and stretched out her tears and smiled.

"Well, take her to the No. 1 Dungeon!"

Zhang butcher raised his hand and drank it.

Immediately someone dragged Yu Sufang down, and Qin Hao said with a hand on his back: "Don't rub it, come on."

"Good man, I admire you, Lao Tzu personally gives you a blank!"

Zhang butcher's wrist moved, thousands of pounds of iron rope hook into the palm of the hand, lightning from the bottom to the top, back into the Qin Qin's flesh, deep and lungs, firmly locked the cheekbones.

The iron hook pierced the bones and the squeaking sound of the bones was clear and audible. The flesh was turned out, and the blood was like a note. It was a guard on the side. They all looked shocked and could not look straight.

The two hooks went down, and the bones supported by the bones were a few thousand pounds of hooks. The Qin dynasty stood like a mountain, and even the brows did not blink. The cold face did not have a slight wave!

Although he was injured by the four-phase Panlong array, but the body strength loss is not much, this time if you want to force rebellion, you can kill the scum of Zhang butcher and kill the Yan family.

But then, the whole plan was completely lost.

Being arrested, dying for survival, and winning, this is the danger of this mission.

In order to kill Yan Mu, Qin Lan came with a determination to die, and now hope is in front of him, he will immediately see the real Yan Mu, he will never miss it.

On the contrary, if he ran, Yan Mu would know more about his foundation. The four-phase Panlongs could not stand the Qin dynasty, and he would definitely increase the defense. It is harder for Qin Hao to assassinate the old thief in the future.

Physically painful, compared to the perennial bitterness and torture in hell, nothing can be said!

The worse the Zhang Butcher’s torture, the greater his chance of seeing Yan Mu’s true body.

"Good man!"

Zhang butcher wiped the blood from his hand and praised him again: "I have been in the Yan family for decades, and the bones are hard to see, but you are so calm, it is rare."

"You just heard the words of the man. You are invincible, Yu Huayu, Ning Zhonghua, etc. are all in my hands. I advise you to be a point of insurance. What other tricks are coming out."

Qin Hao smiled lightly.

"The younger brother understands people, come, take my gold needle!" Zhang butcher shouted.

When I heard that I had to take the needle, the man around Zhang Butcher screamed and asked: "Zhang Ye, really, really?"

"What's wrong, you are the ear smashed, or the wings are hard, can't understand the human words?" Zhang Butcher asked with a wink.

The man glanced at Qin Qin with sympathy, and quickly said no, quickly bowed down and took it. For a moment, holding a rosewood box in both hands. Zhang butcher opened, inside is a large and small nine gold needles, each needle is half a foot long, as thin as hair, scattered with the cold light.

Others saw him use needles, one by one, pouting, as if they were tied, fearing anxiety.

"Sharp, flexible, good needle!" Qin Yu praised good eyesight, my needle is called the broken soul nine needles, nine needles go down, let you live Bodhisattva, also have three souls stable, seven 魄It’s hard to move, let alone, your kid can eat the old man’s needle today, it’s also made! ”

"A needle to the governor!"

"Two needles set the pulse!"

"Three needles lock the sea!"

"Four needles seal Dan Tian!"


Zhang butcher pinches the needle, and the needle is broken with a strange trick. Each needle is just right, and it is set at the big point!

The acupuncture method is really different. When you enter the body, it is like a giant gate. It seals the flow of infuriating gas in the body, and it is accompanied by the pain of human imagination!

Qin Yan oozes cold sweat on his forehead, and the whole body is blocked by the meridians. The blood beads are revealed through the pores, and they become blood people.

"Good boy, it’s really awful. It’s still a good match. It’s still the first one since we’ve played this place.”

"Not at all, the last time Chu Jiayu, who was the most capable, was only three times in the past."

"It's amazing!"

The guards were amazed.

"Good needle method, I haven’t been so happy for a long time." Qin Hao’s body trembled, but his face still had a provocative smile.

"Good bones!"

"Nine-needle broken soul!"

Zhang butcher pulled out the last long needle and plunged into the Qinling spirit.

Qin Yu snorted and could no longer support it, and fell heavily on the ground.


"The old man is really old."

Seeing that Qin Qin was smashed, Zhang Butfu was relieved, and finally recovered a little face. "You a few, sent him to the dungeon to lock it. No one can move him before Yan You has no further instructions." ""

(End of this chapter)


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