The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1162: I only talk to qualified people (4)

The black robe led Yu Sufang into a small courtyard in the backyard.

The courtyard looks old and old, but only a few people know that this is where Yan Mu really hides.

In the Yan family, this seemingly abandoned courtyard is no less than three hundred. The simpler the more you can cross the sea, the brilliant house outside is just a trap waiting for the assassin to enter the net.

In general, when there is no special situation, Yan Mu is not always with Yan Ming, especially at this critical time, he must have his own private space.

"Yan Ye, I brought you to you, and thank you for your blessing, Qin Hou, he woke up." Black robe whispered.

"Great, Zhang Butcher didn't make a name for it?" Yan Mu asked quietly.

"Dog hybrids refused to let go, if I had turned over with him, and now I still hung up, maybe I was really dead. I let him stare at it, and the province is also at ease." Black robe .

"Well, you are doing the right thing. After all, Zhang Butcher is Yan Ming's person. He wants to look under the eyelids and let him stare."

"The woman is in our hands, Qin Hou is a smart person, he knows who to tell the truth."

"I will see him tonight!"

Yan Mudao.

"Yan, Zhang butcher looks tight, you have to go see him, Ming know, it will not be very good." Black robe cautious.

"You can rest assured that he will leave."

Yan Mu picked up the brush on the table and filled it with ink. After looking coldly at the window, he quickly wrote a word on the paper.


Zhang Butfu is alive, he is one of the few surnames who can be an important post in the Yan family. One important reason is that he is Yan Ming’s person. To be precise, it is from Kunlun Mountain and Yan Ming. Servant.

Therefore, he is very clear that he is loyal to Yan Ming, not Yan Mu.

What is even more rare is that he is one of the few people who can distinguish the true identity of these two people.

He felt that the action of the black robe was a bit strange. Therefore, he believed that Qin Yu had certain value and must see death.

I sat in the evening and came in a person, but it was a young man. Zhang butou met him and quickly got up and said: "Master Dongyang, how come you?"

"Zhang Shu, I have something to ask you. I caught a man who was a thorn in the Dongfu today. I suspect that this is the same party of Qinhou. I have to ask you personally for questioning!" Yan Dongyang looked at her cross-legged Aside from the Qin dynasty, Sen Ran Dao.

"I have a bad job, or I will let others go to the trial, Ah San, you go!" Zhang butcher to the side of the guard.

"Slow, what, my grandfather can move you, I can't move?"

"Zhang Shu, don't forget, Yan Jia is finally going to pass to me. You are the only one who is a slave, a slave. Does this rule require me to teach you?"

Yan Dongyang has always been arrogant, talking about words and being ruthless. Although Zhang Butcher is not good-looking on his face, he can only accompany his smiling face and say: "Don't be angry with the young master, I will go there, can't you?"

He may dare to be rude to the black robe, but he would never dare to confront Yan Dongyang, because he is the son of Wushen, the successor of the Yan family in the future, and Yan Ming also has to be a pet like a baby.

When Zhang Buto just left, a black **** around Yan Dongyang made a look at him and went straight in.

Yan Dongyang did not go in, just guarded at the door, the original guard should be blocked out of the passage.

The black man was Yan Mu. When he entered, he took off his mask and sat down in front of Qin.

"I am Yan Mu, gossip less, I know that you are from hell, there is a way to live!"

"I can let you live a life, as long as you hand over the longevity practice, and the alchemy recipe!"

Yan Mu opened the door to see the mountain.

"The world has said that there are two Yan Mu, who are you, whether it is true or not, only God knows."

"The law of longevity, the way of alchemy, I naturally have it."

"But I only talk to people who can really talk. Obviously, I will rush to your sneaky behavior, Yan Yan, you still say no."

"Do you think I will put the treasure on you?"

Qin Hao did not lift his head, squinted and sneered.

"Smart people, old people like to deal with people like you."

"If you can talk, you will naturally know."

"At the moment, it is you who need to live. Shouldn't you let me see the law of longevity and Dan?"

"Otherwise, why should I let you go and protect your woman?"

Yan Mu saw the blood in one stroke.

"Good to say!"

Qin Yu took off his clothes and bit his fingertips. He wrote down the Dan Fang of Pei Yuandan slowly. At the same time, he wrote the method of cultivation of the half-Hell Tibetans and threw them to Yan Mu.

The Tibetan Buddhism Buddhism is mainly based on the Qing Dynasty. The practice method has great benefits for self-cultivation. This is just an introduction to ordinary disciples to strengthen the evil spirits, but it is definitely a rare cultivation method for the mortal world.

As for Pei Yuan Dan, it is slightly lower than Huichun Dan, but the benefits are also incomparable to ordinary medicinal herbs. It is enough to hang Yan’s appetite.

"You better pray, this is useful for you. Otherwise, tomorrow night is your death."

Yan Mu rolled up the cloth, and Sen Ran sneered, turned and went out.

"Dongyang, look at Zhang Butcher, I have to go see a person."

Yan Mu confessed to Yan Dongyang.

"Reassured, Grandpa."

Yan Dongyang nodded. He was Yan Mu’s grandson. Grandpa had to see Qin Hao alone. He knew that the uncle who had made his many years of substitutes should have disappeared.


In the next few days, Yan Mu sang a singer in the room every day, listening to Yu Sufang singing, and the laughter of the woman came from time to time in the courtyard.

Yan Ming can't sit still.

He originally wanted to use the Qin Hou thing to test whether his brother has a long-lived heart. After all, he is not a godfather, Yan Dongyang’s father, or grandfather. If you really take over the Yan family’s power, it’s Yan Mu, which makes him I am very unsteady in my heart.

However, it seems that this big brother is still honest, ten days before and after Zhang Buto staring at the dead, Yan Mu has not privately visited Qin Hou.

"Big brother, you are so busy, I am happy to listen to the music here, but my busy legs are broken."

Yan Ming entered the hospital and complained when he met.

"I heard that Qin Hou has the same party, Dongyang has suffered a lot. Thanks to the protection you set up in his house, or the Yan family is dangerous." Yan Mu raised his hand and beat Yu Sufang and others. , sit down and raise your hand.

"But it is not, this time is a mid-master of the tempering, Zhang butou took the hand, and honestly recruited, it is really not Qin Hou." Yan Mingdao.

"Oh, where?"

Yan Mu smiled and asked.

"It’s the person sent by Xie Changgeng’s military. I have killed him.” Yan Ming said.

Speaking of this, he paused again and frowned. "Big brother, I am busy catching the assassin. You are taking the time to interrogate the Qinhou, at least you have to take the Huidan Danzi out?"

"Hey, the bones of the martial arts are hard. I have nothing to say to him. Then he said, if he gave me a fake party, I wouldn’t have been trained and knowledgeable. You might be deceived."

"I have let the black robe take care of him. He can't die if he dies, or you can interrogate."

"Asked something, you taught me, I made a remedy, can you still lose my brother?"

"So, I am still listening to music and games."

"In this way, you can rest assured, isn't it?"

Yan Mu smiled and said.

He said this, Yan Ming actually had a touch of emotion, secretly blaming his own villain, and even blamed the big brother.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)


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