The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1164: Only the dead are the most reliable

Yan Mingxing went to the other hospital and found the big brother Yan Mu.

As soon as they met, Yan Ming opened the singers and gave them back. Yan Mu would like to, and the two came to the Chamber of Secrets.

"Look at your look and look, there must be good news." Yan Mu poured tea, and smiled and asked.

"Big brother, our chances have come, Qinhou opened the conditions!" Yan Ming said with great joy.

"What conditions?" Yan Mu curiously asked, "I don't say the conditions first, he gave me two things, you have a quick look." Yan Ming said.

He spread the paper. As soon as he saw the Dan Fang and the cultivation method above, Yan Mu’s heart was half-cooled. He knew that Qin Hou would not choose to believe him alone. Sure enough, he also gave Yan Ming The same conditions were born. In this way, the two of them, the two brothers, can only get something, only one person, only to go to see Qin Hou with the head of another person, in exchange for complete trust.

"What? What looks like a doorway to cultivation, too complicated, I can't understand." Yan Mu did not know.

"Big brother, we can really catch a big fat sheep this time. This is the best way to practice from hell. This Danfang is even more valuable. We Yanjia will rely on this recipe, and the children and grandchildren will be inexhaustible. The wealth." Yan Ming proudly shared.

"It seems that this person is really like you said, from hell!"

"He gave us such a big advantage, what conditions are they open?"

Yan Mu asked quietly.

"It’s the people who put the troupe, and the CEO, these people don’t have much value. This is a good deal.”

"Of course, he proposed that Beiyang should personally supervise!"

Yan Mingdao.

"There is no problem with the boss, and the East War is a ruling. He is a flat-headed person. I can't look down on any storms. Other people in the troupe can go, but the class owner..." Yan Mu is incomparable.

Seeing that the older brother is still thinking about a woman, Yan Ming is more practical in his heart. He thinks that he is a layman after all, and he does not know the value of these things. So, by virtue of the cultivation method, he can firmly control him in the future. .

"This woman can put it first, and then go back to the big brother to catch it. Under the celestial world, you are not afraid of flying." Yan Ming frowned.

"Oh, when I meet a beautiful woman, this brain can't turn around, then you let people put the unfilial son, look at the arrangement." Yan Mu patted his forehead and smiled.

"Cheng, I will do it." Yan Ming is happy to get up.

When he walked to the door, Yan Mu shouted at him, and asked coldly: "Mingdi, there is an old saying that is good, the brothers are clear, and you will not fall back to me?"

Yan Ming was shocked and turned around. He raised his hand and said: "You and I are the same with the same blood. If you are a big brother, I will not believe in you. I will not share the law of longevity with you. ”

"I will make a joke with you, we are brothers, have been together for so many years, I still have any letter to you." Yan Mu faint.

Yan Ming did not scream again, and walked quickly.

Changsheng Avenue is already in sight, and it is normal for Big Brother to have concerns. He is not too concerned.

When Yan Ming left, Yan Mu clap his hands and told the guard: "Come, come to see me in black robe, remember to ask him to bring something."

For a moment, the black robe walked in from the back door, holding a scorpion in his arms, and placed it respectfully on the table: "Yan, what you want, I found it for you, this is the wolf God personally gave. It is said to be the first poison in Mobei. The name is quite strange. It is called the poisonous tooth of the wolf. It can be compared with the poison of Rakshamon and the holy water of Dujia of the ghost city."

"Wolf God, is his old man physically okay?"

"This time I sent the millennial old ginseng, did he still like it?"

Yan Mu opened the scorpion, which was a transparent jade pot with a little scarlet poisonous water.

"Very good, he also said that this time something happened, failed to participate in your 80th birthday, when you are over 90, you must make up."

The black robe smiled.


"Black robe, how many years have you followed me?"

Yan Mu asked.

"Twenty-three years, nine months and eighteen days!" Black robe is extremely loyal.

"Oh, that year is long enough. Your errands are good, I have something to reward you."

Yan Mu untied his own jade and handed it to the black robe.

"Yan, this is what Wu Shen gave you self-defense, how can the villain be worthy." Black robe is sincere and fearful, afraid to accept.

"I will let you hold, you will take it!" Yan Mu said harshly.

"Thank you, Yan Ye." The black robe was red and grateful. Just as he took over Yupei, the dragon-shaped eyes on Yupei suddenly spewed out a black gas, and the black robes suddenly felt floating, and the whole figure flew up.

"Yan, you, you..."

"I am loyal to you, why do you want to kill me?"

The black robe took a step and fell to the ground, not asking with reconciliation.

"The road to longevity is destined to be lonely. Black robe, you have been following me for many years. Similarly, there are too many things to know. In order to ensure that I can get the law of longevity, I can only kill you, because only the dead can keep secrets forever. !"

"Resident my good slave!"

Yan Mu waved his hand, and the carved dragon in Yu Pei spit out a white waterdrop and dripped on the black robe. The black robe suddenly burst into a blazing white flame, and even the screams did not come out, and it turned into ashes.

The black robe was solved, and Yan Mu was another person. He secretly handled the guard who had just called the black robe. As a result, no one knew about his plans to murder his brother.

Yan Ming’s work was very efficient. First, Yan Beiyang was placed. At the same time, the car was prepared. Gu Hongwei and Yan Sufang were transported out of Yanjing City. They went to the junction of Weibei and Ludong, and the Jiangdong Theater came to pick up. Gu Hongwei and others will return.

"Before Master Beiyang, wait!"

Yan Sufang shouted Yan Beiyang, who was about to get on the bus.

"The class owner, are you still having something?"

Yan Beiyang frowned and asked.

"I want to go back, I want to go back with him." Yu Sufang asked.

"Su Fang, are you crazy? Let's escape the **** place. Are you going back to the tiger?"

Ma Jun shouted.

"Jun brother, I have always treated you as a brother, my heart has been left to the people in Beijing!"

"Sorry, no matter life or death, I must be with him."

Ruan Sufang decidedly.

"Yan Shao, you and I know very well, Qin Hou may not be able to come back alive, let me send him the last trip, collect a corpse, beg you." Yu Sufang pleaded.

"it is good!"

"However, before Hou Ye has not confirmed the death, you can only wait in the outer city, I really have something to do, I will fulfill your wish to collect the body."

Yan Beiyang thought about it and finally nodded.

(End of this chapter)


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