The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1168: Destruction

Looking at Yan Mu, who was pleading on the ground, Yan Beiyang’s heart was vomiting. Is this his own high-ranking grandfather?

He is the king of the world, how can he be so unrelenting.

Look at Qin Hou, facing the same color of torture, in order to assassinate, not hesitate to suffer, just to wait for the moment of opportunity.

Compared with the two phases, Yan Beiyang was disappointed, and he was glad that he did not change temporarily like the second brother. Otherwise, it must be a dead end.


Qin Lan Yang Tian laughed.

This is the king of the Yan family. In the last life, they only covered their hands and persecuted the old Qin family. They forced the nightmare to jump off the building and ended up with hatred.

Wannian Hedong, Wannian Hexi!

Today, this **** old thief finally stepped on the foot, Qin Xiao smiled tears DC, suffered in hell, braved the reincarnation of the reincarnation of broken bones, after all, was not in vain.

"The surname Qin, let me go, I can give you all the Yan family!"

"You can give it to you!"

Yan Mu heard a strong murder from the arrogant laughter, slammed up, clenched his fists, and looked at Qin Hao and roared.

Qin Lansen sneered a sneer and walked slowly around Yan Mu: "Yan Mu, do you know the best way to practice the **** of hell? What is the best way?"

Some Yan Mu did not understand, and did not ask: "What? What?"

"Under the hell, you naturally understand!" Qin said.

"Get out of hell, you, do you think that I am dead?"

"Qin Hou, I am innocent with you in the past, there is no hatred in the past, I am not disarmed, and I am willing to do my best to compensate you, isn't it enough?" Yan Mu pains to the extreme.

In his view, there is no money, right, or woman who can't beat a woman in this world. However, this person in front of him seems to be a little different. He really has nothing to lose.

"Beiyang, you have a good relationship with him, but I am your grandfather, you ask me for love."

"Beiyang, as long as you can ask him to let me go, I will pass you the position of the Yan family, so can't you?"

Yan Mu only cast his hopes on his grandson.

"Grandpa, this is my last call to you, you taught me, ‘people are not for themselves, and they are destroyed!’ In your heart, except my father, brothers, sons, grandchildren, are tools.”

"When the uncle is dead, you are playing a woman, the four uncles are dead, and you have no tears! The second brother was handed over to you, since you have done everything, as your grandson, I have to put You sold it."

Yan Beiyang’s disappointment and heartache are endless contempt.

"Everyone can live, but you can't!" Qin Xiao sneered, his hands on the Yan Mu Tian Ling.

Yan Mu did have some repairs. Although he was not as good as Yan Ming, he also stepped into the realm of the master. However, in front of Qin Lan, he could not afford the distraction of resistance.

The Qin dynasty's palms moved, and the majestic instinct instantly poured into Yan Mu's spirit. Yan Mu's entire head instantly became a mass of paste, lying on the ground, and his mouth trembled and spit out three ambiguous words: "Why !"

"Because your surname is Yan!"

Qin Hao whispered, the wrist moved, Yan Mu's head flies, and fell in the next scorpion!


Yan Beiyang rubbed his face with his hands and looked at the headless body on the ground, soaring in pain.

He is a family member, and there are only a few people who are affectionate and righteous. At this time, they cry, not for Yan Mu’s death, but because they have seen this cruel reality, but they have to continue to work with this group. People without lungs continue to go round.

"Well, habit is good, he is your grandfather is not fake, but also the public enemy of the whole world, the death is not enough."

Qin Lan put away the scorpion, cold and indifferent.

"Controlling your Rays has been ruined by me. You are willing to go with me, or go to hell, think clearly."

Qin Lan turned his head and looked at the four-phase beast standing on the side.

"I am willing to follow Hou Ye!"

After the four beasts looked at each other, Yan Wei finally lowered the proud head, kneeling on one knee and respectfully worshipping.

The other three beasts are looking forward to him.

The reason why Yan Wei is willing to follow the Qin dynasty, in addition to being shocked by his shocking sword, fearing the slaughter, is even more cold to the Yan family.

Originally thought to guard the Yan family for so many years, but also the noble body of the four beasts, Yan Mu must be grateful, I did not expect this old thing to treat them as slaves.

Even if Qin Hao does not kill Yan Mu today, Yan Wei will never let go of this old beast who insults them.


"You follow me, and you will be able to go down to the sky in the future, and you will enter the sky, and you will be sanctified and holy!"

Qin Hao raised his hand and said proudly.


If this is said from someone else's mouth, it is a fart. But who is Qin Qi, that is from the people in hell, there are such opportunities at this moment, the four beasts are great.

After accepting the four beasts, Qin Yu’s heart was dark and happy, and this one was really a big treasure.

The four beasts are the power of Yanjia, but if he adjusts his teachings and sets up a large array, it is the peak of Wuwu Zun, and Qin Yu is sure to kill him in one fell swoop.

"Open the door."

Yan Beiyang rushed outside the door and shouted.

Immediately there were several Lux, and they opened the door. "Yanye..." Zhang Tufu greeted him with joy. When he saw Qin Hao, he couldn’t help but stay: "Yan Ye?"

"He has already gone to the prince to drink tea." Qin Hao calmly said.

After saying opened the dice and showed the two heads inside.

"Come on, take him!"

Zhang Butcher trembled and returned, shouting.

"is it?"

When Qin Lan sneered, the sound of the phantom has already bullied Zhang butcher.

Zhang Butcher is also a well-known goodman. He has been trained to reach the middle of the refining period, only one step away from the Grand Master!

In Yanfu, in addition to Yan Baye, Yan Liu and other peerless masters, he is definitely ranked number one.

However, he only felt black in front of his eyes, his chest was stuffy, and he was flying on the stone pillars. When he fell down, his body seemed to be scattered, and his body’s suffocation could not be lifted. He knew that his heart had been shattered. , unable to return to heaven.

"How could this be?"

"You, are you not in the middle of my nine needles?"

"Impossible, no one in the world can get my nine needles, the cheekbones are pierced, and the two guards are sealed, and there is such a thing."

Zhang butcher shouted.

"Idiot, your nine-pin article is not worth it. It’s three melons and two dates. It’s okay to deal with ordinary people. It’s not enough to show off in front of me.”

Qin Lan smiled coldly, and the root of the golden needle was pulled out and went to Zhang Butcher.

"You, what are you doing?!"

Zhang Butcher’s mouth is big and his face is incredible.

"You don't really want to know the taste of being pinned? Let's try it now!"

Qin 羿 指 疾 疾 , , , , , , 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九After two rounds, he has already died.

"Dog slaves, self-sufficiency." Yan Beiyang rushed to the body.

(End of this chapter)


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