The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1173: Win to close you

When I got outside the door, the scene in front of him made him dumbfounded. All the hundreds of elite disciples in the hall fell on the ground and screamed, and the servant of all this was just a young man who was eye-catching.

The handsome young man is unparalleled, his eyes are cold, and he is watching him coldly.

"You are the head of An Yi Gang?" asked the young Sen.

The teenager just looked at him faintly, and An Yaoyang felt like thousands of knives on his body, uncomfortable, and the guns on his shoulders became extremely heavy!

He has never seen such a terrible look, it is even more terrible than the three-eyed geeks brought by He Dazhong on that day!

"Yes, I am." He had a dry throat and swallowed, whispering.

"My name is Qin Yu, and the martial arts circles all call me Jiangdong Qinhou!"

"Qin...Qin Hou!"

An Yaoyang took a forehead and wanted to die. It really said that Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived, and his coffin had not been shipped home, and the killing star went to the door.

"You are not like someone who can do big things. I am not embarrassing you, talking inside."

Qin Lan was like entering his own home, and went straight into the room with the house repair.

"I still want to go to the hospital, I have to listen to it. Whoever dares to chew on his tongue, I want his head." An Yaoyang sighed and followed.

"Who is tied to my mother, to be honest, you can live." Qin Lan sat down and opened the door to see the mountain.

An Yaoyang did not dare to conceal the fact that He Dazhong had forced him to kidnap Mrs. Song and Song Jie with a strange eye.

"What you mean is that Song Jie stunned Miss He Jiasan and angered his family. So, they kidnapped my mother and increased from 300,000 ransom to 10 billion?" Qin Xiao frowned.

"I listen to what I mean, it seems like this is the case."

"But this is the matter of money, they are all told, I am a message. Hou Ye, it does not contradict, where people are tied, how to tie the law, I do not know."

"I have to have a half-lie, I am going to hit the thunder and hit the car."

An Yaoyang poisoned the oath.

“Would you like to make a big deal?” Qin Hao raised his hand and stopped him, and asked with a smile.

"Big trading, Hou Ye please say." An Yaoyang puzzled.

"Jingjing Grand Casino, lack of a manager and a horse watching the field, what do you want to do this live?" Qin asked.

"Think, one hundred thoughts!" An Yaoyang said with great joy.

The Grand Casino of Nanjing is the world's most oily and most face-to-face place. Whether it is the big names of countries or even some political figures, it often appears on that stage. He and his sons are going to see the world's top security companies. Professional security hired.

Don't look at him as the boss of Anyi Gang. He is a good figure in Ao Island, but if you really want to share a piece of it in that place, there is no such thing.

"Well, borrow your place to rest for one night, and tomorrow you will accompany me to the casino for a turn."

Qin Hao waved his hand and motioned that he could withdraw.


Around 7 o'clock the next night!

The Cascade Grand Casino has long been a crowd of people from all over the world, mixed in the casino!

At this point, the twenty-third table of the dealer's forehead has oozing a thick sweat!

Since the young man entered the casino, he has not lost, and he has less than 10,000 chips when he comes. However, at this time, his desk has at least three million chips.

"When you look at it, shake the plug, his mother's, Mali."

An Yaoyang screamed at the pile of colorful chips on the table and yelled at the dealer.

Then, from the side of the waiter, he personally brought the tea over and gave it to Qin Zhen, who was sitting at the gambling table: "Yeah, you drink tea and drink tea."

Qin Lan took the tea and took a sip. Although he was surrounded by people, he was still calm.

"Buy big, buy small?"

"Buy to leave! Buying is off."

The voice of the dealer was shaking, and in the urging sound of An Yaoyang, the plug was painfully shaken.

He is the sixth-ranked stopper in the world, big or small, all in the hands of the white, but this evening, after the boy came, he never had any experience.

Why, there is a trade in it. After everyone has placed a bet, he will calculate the most cost-effective points based on the table chips in the first time, as a banker.

However, after the young man came, he always put all the time when he was about to open the plug. There was no mistake.

What's even worse is that the Ang, who is next to him, is also a figure on the road. Today he ran here to fill up the crows, and kept screaming around the gamblers.

In this way, the dealer almost lost the loss, and it took less than two hours to lose tens of millions.

To know that the dealer's salary is linked to the income of each table, coupled with the high salary, the annual income is also very impressive, definitely a hard job of gold.

Now that I have lost so much, and that person has not yet meant to go, the dealer is really unable to take it anymore. If he goes on like this, he is afraid that he will not be able to keep his job.

"I buy small!"

Qin Hao once again pushed all the chips on the table.

"Fast, keep up." An Yaoyang shouted.

Other gamblers quickly bought a big one of the big fat guys, and immediately put a big two million chips, the dealer's face is green.

"The dealer buys big, open!"

The dealer decided to fight. If this is to let Qin Qi guess, he can get out of it. Simply ask for a fight and win or lose.

With his incomparable professional technique, he swayed the jar quickly, his ears jerked, his hands were moving more and more, and finally he slammed on the table.

This is his trick, so far no miss!


The lid was a glimpse, but the three plugs were all facing up, the scarlet red dot, like a cockroach, the dealer was shocked and almost fainted.

The one he shakes is obviously three, big!

How could it suddenly become three ones, a decimal?

Today is really bloody, I am afraid that I met the family!

"Three ones, three little ones, and a lieutenant." An Yaoyang shouted excitedly.

"Haha, wealth, little brother, you are really our God of Wealth." Those who have invested money are all gods and gods, and more people next to them taste the side of the table, and they must follow the bet.

The dealer was really unable to take it, and took out the glass cover to seal the plate.

"How, can't you afford it?"

Qin Lan sneered and asked.

"It’s not easy to eat in a mixed meal. I also ask the Supreme to give me a way to live. I will gamble again. I can’t mix in this circle.”

The dealer smiled bitterly.

"You can rest assured that your rice bowl will not be embarrassed, but will rise even higher!" Qin Xiao smiled and immediately said: "When you inform He Dazhong, I want to gamble with him. If I don't come, I will put Every table wins off."

Qin Haosen said.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night friends.

(End of this chapter)


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