The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1175: 3 big town bureau magic

"Who can take them, I will reward 10 million!"

He Tianci ironed his face and rushed to the same martial arts road.

He Jia has three major township magic weapons, the first layer is the top security, the second layer is the master of martial arts, the third is the first master of the island, Feng Yunxian!

The last spoiler used to be a famous master of the Chinese mainland, but under the three locks of Hejia, he eventually lost the casino.

No one has ever been able to scatter in the Grand Casino of Nanjing, which is the bottom line of He Tianci.

Today, it is to reproduce the scene of killing spoilers ten years ago!

"Yes, why not!"

Wu Xiu masters opened a gas field, a total of 36, standing in accordance with the circular orientation, surrounded by two people.

Leading the way is an old man in a black shirt, skinny, and the temples are high and high. Every step, the floor of the casino is full of shocks, and it is very good.

"Old man Joe Tieshan, the elder of Luohantang in the former Nanlin Temple, this brother, please give the old man a face, big things, small things, and take the money, isn't it good for everyone?" The old man came up with a hand.

"Joe Tieshan? Six are not clean. I ran here to give people a watchdog. Lost you have a face to mention Nanlin Temple?"

"How are you more than mysterious?"

Qin Lan sneered and asked.

"Xuankong abbot... I, I am naturally more than him."

The old man screamed.

"Then you will go down and change to play." Qin Hao waved.

"Mr. Qin is so arrogant, then don't blame the old man for being polite!"


Qiao Tieshan screamed, and a golden Sanskrit Golden Bell enveloped him. The original skinny figure was like steel, and it was squeaky. Obviously, the foreign masters were hard and unconventional, and they have already cultivated to a certain level.

"Strong gold palm!"

Qiao Tieshan smashed into the Qin dynasty, mixed with Buddha light, the power is amazing, wherever the palms go, the tables and chairs around are all shattered.

This palm has about 50,000 kilograms of strength, apparently stepping into the mid-term master, a mid-master of the masters of the town, it is also a must, it is no wonder that he is full of enthusiasm.

However, for Qin Qin, even the fur is not counted.

He now has a limit of three million pounds. The master of the master is in front of him. It is like a six-year-old child who is a prostitute, that is, a punch.

"Breaking the military!"

These vulgars, of course, do not need him to shoot, Fang Xiu right hand index finger a bend, sharp, overbearing force to break the star, through the fingers, heavy poke in the hands of Qiao Tieshan.

Fang Xiu is the first master of the Bay Island. In the Bay Island, it is a fairy-like figure. It is not a purple MSI curse. It is also a Taoist master. Although he is not good at frontal hard fighting, it is not a small medium term. The master can compare.

Qiao Tieshan flashed a faint blood red starlight in front of him, and a sharp and overbearing force has penetrated into the palm of his hand. The defensive strong golden bell shrouded his voice and has not slowed down. The broken star has penetrated his right hand. From the side of the shoulder clavicle, he went out and hit the opposite wall, leaving a star pattern.

"Good eccentric exercises!"

Nanlin Temple is the martial art of the world, and Qiao Tieshan is considered to be well-informed. However, the routines for house repairs are completely invisible.

When I was surprised, I saw the face of He Tianshou’s face, and for the sake of the rice bowl, I was still unaware of the scream: "Flocking, help me!"

Other martial arts masters, while walking a large array, hand to hand, forming a long word, while the repair into the internal strength penetrated the back of Qiao Tieshan.

This kind of formation method, when Qin Hao just debuted, he saw it in Wujiazhuang! Qiao Tieshan's formation is stronger than the Wujiazhuang gang, and these martial arts martial artists are also higher, and the power of dozens of people must have at least a dozen tens of kilograms of force, which is equivalent to a great master. It is.


But see the seven holes in Qiao Tieshan out of the blood, bursting out of the clothes and smashed clothes, showing the body of the corpse, the Buddha's light on the body is more urgent, forcibly incorporated into such a huge internal strength, and still from different sects, different ways There are sinister streams of sin and evil, and he can’t afford it.

But there is no way to eat at any place, only lose and win.

If they lose, they can only get out.

Win, even if it is embarrassing, the family will also make huge sums of money to make them worry free.

Qiao Tieshan had to endure the pain of Dantian tearing and fight for it.


“Nothing to fight!”

After Dan Tian and the body's strength reached the limit, Qiao Tieshan, like an angry lion, made a shock.

This fist gathers all the strength, almost reaching the limit of 200,000 pounds of the peak of the Grand Master.

At the same time as the boxing, Qiao Tieshan could even hear the sound of his meridians and broken bones, but it is worth it. He believes that this strange guy is even more powerful and can't stop the big master's limit punch.

After all, counting the mainland China, there are only a handful of masters.

Fang Xiu's complexion is dignified. He is a Taoist repairer. He is not a martial artist. He is the first-hand player in the past, or he is a mainstream play in the back. Face-to-face, Taoist repair does not occupy any winning face.

This is also the reason why many Taoist masters often smash the ship in the gutters and are killed by the lower-level warriors. In the final analysis, their physical strength and smashing ability cannot be compared with the hard-working warriors.

Qin Hao did not take the shot, he still trusted the house repair.

Sure enough, the house repaired the hands quickly, and the left and right hands held up two sturdy stars, one by one, and the two stars were guarded in front of the wall like a wall!

God fists squatted on the starlight wall, a huge blasting sound starlight smashed, everyone's eyes are hard to find, the ear is more like a thousand bees creaking.

He Tianci was directly attacked by this kind of low-rise, fell to the ground, almost fainted.


For a moment, He Tianshen shook his head and spit out a **** foam. He struggled to climb up and blurred his eyes. It took a while to see the scene.

Good guy, a good casino and a bomb thrown, it was a deep pit, and the gambling tables, chairs and cups around it were shattered.

More than 30 martial artists all fell to the ground, vomiting blood!

Qiao Tieshan still stands on the ground, and it is like being smashed by thousands of knives.

The room was a little pale and the cuffs were broken, but it didn't seem to matter!

"How could this be!"

"I have done my best, and the power of the great master of nearly two hundred thousand kilograms, how can you even break your body protection?"

Qiao Tieshan asked.

"What about the power of the Grand Master?"

"God has a good life, I don't want to kill people. Before I broke the power of the army, it is a kindness to break your arm. I didn't expect you to be stubborn. The killing of the family is too heavy. This Nandou, the two stars of the cellar, you must take your life. ""

The house repairs the road.


In the Qiao Tieshan Pass, I breathe a few mouthfuls of gas, the chaotic gas in the body, and the power of the stars. At this time, it is like tens of thousands of wild horses running wild, and it is difficult to suppress.


After Qiao Tieshan screamed, like a balloon, it burst on the spot, turned into a **** rain, and sprinkled a heavenly gift.

Ps: Today is a big night, I wish you all a happy family, a round and happy life!

(End of this chapter)


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