The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1177: Who is remorseful?


The door opens!

Two lines of Dafa practitioners preached the road and entered the hall to the left and right. Then the flower girl shook the lotus petals, and the sedan chair came in. The ones who played the fairy music were full of gangsters, and they were full of strength and trouble. It was a loud noise to welcome the arrival of Feng Shenxian.

Seeing this faction, Qin Lan and Fang Xiu looked at each other and smiled. They knew that He Tianci was playing tricks. It seemed to be a real thing.

However, if a person pays so much attention to hypocrisy, even if the cultivation is higher and the mood is unclear, it is difficult to become a battle of life and death.

The flowers have been sown, and the music is not lost.

Feng Shenxian through the drapes of the sedan chair, the eyes of the eyes, the Qin dynasty gas field is not obvious, it is expected to be a son. However, there is a fairy airflow on the house repairing body. Obviously, it has already broken through the peak of the law, and stepped into the realm of fairy tales.

He secretly confessed that he would really find something, and who wouldn’t be irritated, even the sage-level masters would come to the door, wouldn’t it add to his own?

However, since he came, he still has some grasp.

Immediately sit upright, clearing a cough!

He Tianci and Sun’s manager hurriedly greeted him and rushed the red carpet that had already been prepared from the sedan chair to the hall. Then he respectfully bowed in front of the sedan chair and shouted: “Welcome to the clouds and watch the gods and honor the gods!”

"Feng Shenxian?" Room repair brow slightly wrinkled.

"Do you know him?" Qin asked indifferently.

"I know that in the three islands of Australia, Xiang and Wan, the island of Hong Kong, the island of Wanhua is me, the island of Australia is the Feng Shenxian. It is rumored that he has entered the realm of fairy tales 20 years ago. It’s awesome to have the wind and rain, the strange and unpredictable magical power.”

"Unless I make a curse, I will simply be on the battle with me, he is afraid of being above me!"

"And he has some friendship with my master. According to the seniors, I should call him a teacher..."

Fang Xiu explained.

"That's good, I will come to him in this battle."

"I don't kill this god, He Jiatie is reluctant to spit out the fat meat of the casino!"

Qin Xiao smiled.

He Tianci two people piously worship, Feng Shenxian opened the curtain slowly came out, but see him He Tongyan, clear bone long body, surrounded by a scent of fragrance, the end is a bit of a living fairy.

The clothes, shoes and socks are the same as his silk, without the slightest dust, white and snow, obviously a person who is extremely instrumental.

"He Tianci, is this why you are big and big? I don't look very much like you."

Qin Hao Lang channel.

"Mr. Qin, let me introduce you to you. This is the first master of the island, the **** of the gods."

"If you are interested, give Feng Daozun a few heads, and repent, you will not step into my casino, or you can't die."

He Tianci has Feng Shenxian support, and the bottom is full, and he is proud of his voice.

"Oh, I don't want to die, is he worthy?"

Qin Xiao sneered.

"Kids, the tone is arrogant enough. In the past 30 years, there have been countless people who have said the same thing to you, and they think that I am not in control of their life and death."

"But in the end, the old man became a god, they all became... ghosts!"

Feng Shenxian slowly walked back to the front, overlooking the Qin dynasty, arrogant.

"Dry, I am afraid that you have changed this rule. Your fairy law is useful in others. In this case, you can save it." An Yaoyang first worshipped Feng Shenxian, and then sincerely said.

He didn't speak well, and when he opened his mouth, Feng Shenxian suddenly remembered that there was such a dry son. There was no way for his dry son to have hundreds of them. An Yaoyang, a little An Yibang, was hanging up at him. Name, but really did not pay much attention.

"I am not doing what you are doing, he is what you are doing."

Feng Shenxian pointed to Qin Lan, smiled and said, the gloomy smile hidden in endless murder, apparently to remove An Yaoyang out of the roster.

"Dry, I, I am sincerely thinking for you!" An Yaoyang did not expect that good intentions were treated as a liver and lungs.

"Boy, are you so arrogant because of him?"

Feng Shenxian lazy to look at An Yaoyang, but went to Fang Xiu, and looked directly at him: "Small house, when I talked to your Master Nebula, when you talked about the mysterious way, you are just a yellow mouth, how is it? Bay Island mixed up with a name, got the inheritance of the nebula, ran to my site to scatter wild?"

"Have your master taught you the number of gifts before you were alive? Or, how can the old man teach you?"

Feng Shenxian’s body was suddenly exploded, and it turned out to be the master of Taoism in the middle of Xianxian.

The repair of the house repair is indeed lower than him, and because he is a predecessor, it really does not take any advantage.

"Uncle Shi, Mr. An said right, people have to judge the situation, in your opinion, Mr. Qin is borrowing my power, but you are wrong, I am like a lottery than Mr. Qin, it is not worth a mention."

"When I came, I watched the sky, and the uncle of the division was dark, and it was a bad sign."

"If you trust the master of my division, please leave now, I can ask you for Mr. Qin on your behalf, to protect you."

The house is faint.


"It’s ridiculous, when your master is at the time, I will respect me a bit, a yellow-haired boy, Guanghua is not obvious, what can I do?"

"You are less pretentious in this Since you are not remorseful, I will punish you on behalf of the Sanqing Dao."

"If you don't roll away, don't blame me."

Feng Shenxian burst into a blast, and there was no wind. The hall was even more like a joe, and the shocked eardrum was sore.

"Feng Daozun, don't be polite, I have sent people to the top craftsmen to rebuild the project, but I am trying to dispel the two arrogant people."

He Tianci is rushing to the side and igniting the wind. As long as he can keep the name of the casino and his father, it will have a steady stream of wealth. What do you think of building a Taoist temple?

"Room repair, let go!"

Qin Lan took the robe and stood up and walked straight to Feng Shenxian.

A few steps away, every time he took a step, his body's momentum would have to be enhanced by a few points. When Feng Shenxian was in front of him, the original Huanghua boy, who was not obvious in Guanghua, actually let Feng Shenxian feel the tension like Taishan.

This is unprecedented before, Feng Shenxian screams badly, he originally thought that the Qin dynasty is young, even if the Emperor of the Son of Heaven, the resurrection of the Valkyrie, also cultivated as the master of the Grand Master.

But now the gas field actually pressed him, this is really terrible.

"watch out!"

"Wind and lightning sword!"

After all, Feng Shenxian is a top expert. He knows that the temporary market is a big taboo. At the moment, he disregards distracting thoughts, hands and seals, and the two laws of wind and thunder are screaming.

In the time hall, the wind is loud, the wind is a blade, and the thunder is a knife. Wherever you go, the volume is three inches, and it is a mess. It is the master of mastery of the method of warfare.

Ps: New Year is coming, I wish you all good fortune, Fuwang, good luck! Want Want!

(End of this chapter)


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