The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1181: The debt collection is coming

He Dazhong is accompanying his baby daughter with his second son, He Tianyang. He Wenxi has been sulking, and he is extremely angry when he invites Sun Wuji.

From the first day when Sun Wuji came here, He Wenxi saw greed and chaos from his eyes. Although she is a child of the world, she is full of curiosity about the martial arts world, especially for today's famous people. Big and small, that is all the way to know, just like ordinary people chasing stars.

For example, like the first Shaolin in the east of Yuedong, and Bai Shaoyang, who was once Jiangdong, and the Duan brothers, she has visited.

But without exception, these people all let her down, and the so-called martial arts sons, all have the same common problems of the worldly people, such as the section of the family and the lascivious, Bai Shaoyang hypocrisy, likes tout, Liu Zhong character is good, but However, he lacked a heroic hero.

All in all, there is no man who achieves the perfect state of her mind.

Originally thought that this father benefactor, the son of Kunlun Mountain live gods will be different, the result is not as famous as meeting, Sun Wuji is incomparably arrogant, greedy and greedy, always hang his father Sun Tianqi's name, as if afraid of people do not know same.

However, this Sun Da Shao still has no self-knowledge, and he really regards himself as a saint. The faction of that faction makes He Wenxi disgusting.

"Dad, you have to send this **** away, I really can't stand him, you don't know that he has hinted that I have to accompany him to sleep several times."

"I will say it first. I don't feel anything about him. He wants to take advantage of me. I am better off."

He Wenxi grinned and was not happy.

He Dazhong also had a hard time saying that Sun Wuji was indeed recruited by him. He originally thought that his daughter was old, Sun Wuji was famous, and his father was a living god. Thinking about climbing a high branch, it was also a good home for his daughter.

After all, he is mixed with him. Money and power are all common things. Longevity is the right way.

It is expected that Sun Wuji is famous, but the character is really unscrupulous. He Dazhong wants to marry the tree, but he is more distressed by his daughter.

Nowadays, it is easy for God to ask God, and he is not awkward.

"Hey, Wenxi, Sun Wuji is the **** of heaven. We are ants in his eyes. He looks at you. If he doesn't, he is afraid that he can't keep it."

He Dazhong sighed helplessly.

"Sister, don't blame, the second brother promises you, never let the surnamed Sun dye your hair." He Tianyang took a picture of his chest.

"Hey, the second brother knows that the deceit is good, the surname of Sun is so big, what guarantee you have."

"I think about it. I will buy a New Zealand ticket tonight, I can't afford it. Can I still hide?"

He Wenxi shouted.

"Don't, you have to hide. When you look back, he wants someone. The father can't make a man. The surname of Sun will definitely kill."

"How can you lie to you, don't forget, I am with Qinhou, but I have worshipped... I have called him. I recently called him. He will soon come to Australia, just like Sun. When I got a beam, I asked Hou to pick him up."

He Tianyang hardened the scalp.

Of course, he said that he was arrogant, but with his understanding of Qin Yu, this thing happened. Qin Yu could not give up, and estimated that people had already arrived at the island.

If the casino and sister are to choose one, He Tianyang will not hesitate to choose the latter.

"Well, my second brother, I will talk about it. If you don't let me go, I will know how to do it."

When He Wenxi saw his brother's face red, he knew that he must brag about it and he was happy. He immediately bowed his head and said.

She is spoiled, but she is not stupid and savage. Sun Wuji is not the one who is provoked. It is really difficult to hide. For the safety of her father and her family, she only sacrifices her own color and seeks peace.


"This time it is really lifting a rock and licking your own ankle!"

He Dazhong stood up and sighed and sighed.

As he said, Manager Liu hurriedly came in and whispered a few words in the middle of He Dazhong.

"Agui, you take Tianxiang, Wenxi to the West Island to hide, remember, no matter what happens, without my news, you can never bring Wenxi back." He Dazhong told the housekeeper around him Road.

"Father, what happened?" He Tian raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Someone is making trouble at the casino. Your eldest brother invited Feng Shenxian to come. I didn't expect Feng Shenxian to die."

"The year of the flow is unfavorable. The number of robbers of the family is afraid to arrive. Remember that there is no news to come back."

He Dazhong confessed a sentence, not waiting for the Tianyang brothers and sisters to ask more, hurried away.

"Feng Shenxian is dead!" He Tian raised a cold breath.

Who is Feng Shenxian, the first master of the island, the original is also a family of complacency, and Sun Wuji's card, now well, was killed in the casino, what is the other side?

"Young Master, Miss, let's go." The steward urged.

The brothers and sisters knew that the overall situation was serious, and immediately went with the butler from the secret passage to the underground hiding house of West Island.


He Dazhong put on a clean Tang suit, and he did not follow any martial arts or entourage. He came to the casino with Liu. He knows that even a person who is not a phoenix **** is not an opponent. Even if he brings a thousand thugs, he will take his own insults. It is better to be free and easy. It is death and life.

When I arrived at the casino, Qin Hao was waiting for the second floor.

He Tianci respectfully stood on the side of the tea on the forehead oozing a thick sweat, seeing He Dazhong, his look is more and more dignified, knowing that the father and son are afraid today is difficult to escape Dead.

"Father, this is Mr. Fang Xiufang from Bay Island. This is his upper...Mr. Qin!"

"Mr. Qin is very powerful, Feng Shenxian is dead in his hands."

I was afraid that my father would have collided with Qin Yu’s god, and He Tianci understood it.

"Mr. Fang’s name has long been heard, long-awaited."

"Mr. Qin, I met for the first time. If there is anything wrong with us, please bear with me."

After all, He Dazhong was the person who had seen the world and calmly greeted him.

"Don't be nervous, I just want to see you. I want to gamble with you. Now it seems that I don't need it. I have died of a Feng Shenxian. It is enough to make you convinced." Qin Hao looked at He Dazhong, and he was really a bit angry. Field, but not a master, it is not meaningful to gamble with him.

"Mr. apology is mad, He Mou has always admired the strong, what is the command of the gentleman, I promised."

When He Dazhong listened to Qin Hao’s breath, he came to blackmail. If you ask for it, then there is no such thing as He Dazhong can’t afford.

"Well, I am here to collect debts. The Nanjing Casino has been returned to me from now on. Let's make a letter." Qin Hao put down the tea bowl and shook the long gown, and smiled lightly.

"Mr. Qin, this is a bit uncomfortable."

"You said before, you are a reasonable person who makes sense. I don't owe you a penny. The casino is the lifeblood of our family. How can I give it to you?" The casino has always been He Tianshou. The Qin dynasty lion opened his mouth, and he was a little angry when he arrived. The enthusiasm in the family's bones turned to the top.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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