The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1186: You are not his opponent

"I understand it, Huang Laoge, if I am not mistaken, is this Mrs. Lou?" He Tianyang asked with a cold smile.

"Yes, it’s my family’s daughter-in-law, oh, my Huang family has been repairing Germany for the rest of my life. Xiaofang has such a godsend and waits for the Holy Spirit."

Huang Zhiren has no face anymore. In order to please Sun Wuji, he is completely out of the box.

It’s not just that he’s going to vomit, but his son Huang Shiji’s face is greener than the mink, and it’s not a taste.

"Yes, my father has to stay in the holy place for a while, so that I can do my filial piety." Li Fang looked at Sun Wuji with affection.

"If you are there, I will leave if I leave." Sun Wuji is obviously satisfied with Li Fang’s service.

"Haha, interesting, interesting!"

He Tiansheng couldn’t help but laughed.

He has seen shameless, but it’s rare to be like a singer of the Yellow Family. It’s really ridiculous.

Speaking of this, He Tianyang screamed and said: "St. Shaohao, my wife is getting more and more beautiful!"

"Are you laughing at me?" Sun Wuji heard the sound of the strings outside his words and asked with a slap in the face.

He Tianyang quickly put away a smile and said: "I really don't dare, you are a famous Saint, I dare to laugh at you."

"Hey, forgive you for not doing this!" Sun Wuji snorted and turned his eyes and asked arrogantly: "What are you doing here?"

"St. Shao, don't you want to fight about Qinhou? He has already come to the door. He will make a gamble with you at the Aosheng Plaza tomorrow. I don't know if you have the courage to go to the meeting." Respect and respect.

"It’s good to come, this is the one he is looking for! The surname Qin’s recent limelight is very arrogant. I don’t want to pack him up. His dog’s tail is afraid to go up the sky.” Sun Wuji’s eyebrows sank and yelled.

"Yeah, what is the character of the Holy One, what is the Jiangdong Qinhou, there is a virtual name, and Saint Shaoyi shot, he is afraid to scare the fart." Huang Zhiren was flattering.

"Hopefully!" He Tian raised his hands and blurted out.

"Hey, I said, do you want to die, listen to such a sting?"

"Don't forget, you have a light that is stained with my own sects today. I can give you wealth, and can make you become illusory, understand?"

How does Sun Wuji feel that He Tianyang is not quite right today, and frowning threatens again.

"Yes Yes!"

"Saint Shao, Mrs. Song, you see..."

He Tianyang reminded.

"This does not require you to worry about it, Qin Hou's mother I will naturally have arrangements, nothing, quickly roll it, the province's obstacles to the law." Sun Wuji is not pleased.

He Tianyang didn't want to stay here too much. After saying hello, he quickly rushed.

"St. Shao, Xiaofang is still satisfied with the service, then, the law of longevity..." Huang Zhiren asked quickly and cautiously.

"Dad, you can rest assured that the Holy Spirit has taught me, I will tell you back." Li Fangxi smiled and opened the door.

"Huang Boss, there are few things that you need to do immediately. You immediately give me all the famous celebrities in the name of the Australian Island Chamber of Commerce. I want everyone to witness, this is less. Defeat the feat of the Qin thief." Sun Wuji Hong channel.

"Well, Saint less assured, I promise that after an hour, your appointment with Qinhou will spread throughout the island. No, it is the whole world. I will invite world-class media to broadcast live. You win the Qin thief in the wind and the scenery." Huang Zhiren said.

"Well, let's do it, the better the scenery!"

Sun Wuji has a well-being in his chest.

The most powerful thing about the Taoist sect is a road. There are thousands of ways to do it. Sun Wuji on the gambling table can change countless possibilities. It is simply overkill. If Qin Qin asked him to do a life and death battle, he may still have two points to scold the other side is Wu Xiu, but now, hey, no doubt is looking for a face.

Sun Wuji can't take advantage of this opportunity to hype himself, increase his name, and keep a good name in the world.

There is another important reason why he did this. Since the way down the south, all localities have known Jiangdong Qinhou, but little is known about the Kunlun Mountain Sansheng. Sun Wuji intends to create momentum for the Taoist patriarchs.

There is no better bird than Qinhou. If you gamble, he will win.

In order to fight, Sun Wuji also made a complete preparation, and Song Rujun and Song Jie were the most powerful chips in his hand. They pinched the card. Qin Hou even had a natural ability to admit defeat.

Thinking of this, Sun Wuji hurriedly left the Huang family and applied his body to the ghost island to go to a desert island in the east of the island.

In the deserted island, there is an abandoned private house, three eyes and a few strong men wearing black exercise clothes are at the door, see Sun Wuji come over, and several people respectfully say hello.

"How is the person?"

Sun Wuji asked.

"That kid has eaten something, that woman, life and death, not even mouth, not even drinking, the bones are hard."

Three eyes are sinister.

He has never been able to deal with people, but from the first day of the arrest of Song Rujun ~ ~ this woman has not opened his mouth.

"Oh, the bones are quite hard. If I didn't dare to be interested in the old lady who was old, I will clean up her now."

Sun Wuji sneaked a sigh, pushed the door and went inside.

Song Rujun closed her eyes and looked calm. She was not the first time she was in danger. After knowing that her son is Qin Hou, she knew that this kind of thing would always be born to her, and her heart was already dull.

"Hey, you, you let us go, or my cousin will not let you go." Song Jie struggled and shouted.

"Tell you a happy thing, Qinhou has already found it, and I have an appointment with him to gamble in front of the world in Australia."

"Hey, there are you, the surname Qin has lost."

Sun Wuji went to Song Rujun and smiled.

"No, you have lost."

Song Rujun smiled.

"I lost?" Sun Wuji sneered.

"If you are like a man, you have to die with him, maybe there is a win."

"But you are shameless to take us as a chip, which means that you are guilty, just rush to this point, you are definitely not my son's opponent."

Song Rujun calmly said.

"Haha, I am not his opponent."

"Smelly woman, you have listened to me. I want you to see it tomorrow. How did I step on your son and ask him to beg for a dog?"

Sun Wuji was stabbed in self-esteem and couldn't help but scream and yell.

Song Rujun smiled and stopped speaking.

"Three eyes, from now on, you must keep an eye on this woman, she has to lose half of the hair, I will kill you."

Sun Wuji screamed and screamed, and went away.

(End of this chapter)


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